Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Make a park happen


  1. make the debt sky rocket and the City pay out over $1,000,000 in maintenance cost per year at a minimum. If the park is built expect less money for decent roads and any other projects for the City. the money will go to first the pensions, and second the park maintenance - bottom line.

  2. Come down and watch your SuperMajority council dictate how the new mayoral elections wil be structured, pull seven million dollars from existing projects, take 1.9 million from beacons bluff improvements, improve Moonlight and built a bigole sports park for visitors and organized leagues.
    Your input will be tolerated, if not acknowledged.

    1. And maybe a dog and skate park.

  3. Build it now. It is an embarrassment that we do not have a decent sports park for our kids. Look at PoinsettianPark, or Aviara Park in Carlsbad to see what is possible. But nooooooo, we need to engage in this mindless, and mind-numbing, generational debate over Cardiff Glen residents' selfishness, pathetic lawsuit after lawsuit, endless debate over lights adjacent to a FREEWAY, and other drivel. Ten years later, we still have an empty lot and two piles of dirt. The voters have spoken and they want this yesterday. Stop the madness and start already!

  4. San Bernadino is the 4th City lately to file Bankruptcy. Many more to come. So far Vallejo, Stockon, and Mammoth Lakes. Soon - San Diego... and then Encinitas. Our Employees get over 30% higher pensions then most Cities in Southern California all because of a single vote in 2005 by Jerome Stocks and other flunkies that have since been kicked off the City Council. Jerome Stocks is the Union's best friend and the tax payers worse enemy. Jerome Stocks has sunk Encinitas financial future and the Voters are too stupid to even know that their City will need to increase there taxes and fees on other services to make up for the huge pensions and healthcare benefits given to Staff and Council. Its a crime and another Inside Job! I'm glad I live in Carlsbad. Build the fields. You pay, We Play!!!

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  6. Nick says "Cardiff Glen residents' selfishness, pathetic lawsuit after lawsuit, endless debate over lights adjacent to a FREEWAY, and other drivel."

    There were only two lawsuits. One the city lost when citizens wanted an EIR on greenhouse land when toxic contaminated soil was to be moved. Pathetic? And you address the endless debates of selfish. Adjacent to the freeway also are a hillside of homes of Citizens that want to keep their ocean views they always had. Look at Leo Mullens and and all the selfish citizens that stopped 90' lights in a commercial area. Should you not damn them, too.
    Poinsetta Park and Aviara park have and infrastructure that can support those two smaller parks. Putting a regional sports park in Cardiff is like putting it in Olivenhain. And those selfish citizens woud not want it.

    For ten years, most all decisions on the park have been determined by one vote difference from council.

  7. nickname,

    How many of those 10 years can be blamed on the lawsuits?

    After 10 years and issuing two bonds has the city ever had the money in hand to build this park?

  8. Nick probably will not respond, but to assist, I'd the city had done the original EIR , responsibly, citizens would not have been forced to sue. Maybe a year and a half million in lawyer fees and bond payments.
    Holding the EIR in 'draft form' for two years by the city for political purposes cost more than that. And the suit that citizens lost when they contested the Coastal Commission ruling, that the city paid a political lobbyist $20,000 to influence the decision, did not hold up the process at all.
    So the delay from the first suit should have been avoided if the city had acted Responsibly.

  9. Comments from Coast Law Group.

    Clients largely support park improvements, but advise against the use of general funds for this purpose. It would be more responsible for the City to fund these projects through general obligation bonds.


  10. the fisk is in... only only thing left to do to protect the public is sew the b)(*&)startds.

  11. I forget how many years those great pyramids of dirt have been standing still on the Hall property, but driving by them one day this Spring they were alive with green sprouts. If it hadn't all baked off 48 hours later I would have made a new Cardiff postcard: "Welcome to Chia Park". There's always next year. And the year after that....

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  14. The City should have sold some of the land to pay for a few ball fields. The aquatic center and teen center are not needed and are better serviced by the YMCA. If they are needed, a private company would provide the service better. Its the way America works best. Gooberment always screws it up.

  15. http://encinitascommunitypark.blogspot.com/


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