Thursday, August 16, 2012

Huge Tree down on Eolus Ave

Chris Lowry sends us these photos of this massive tree that fell over today, completely blocking Eolus Ave. Apparently an Edco garbage truck backed into it.


  1. Didn't it hear the truck beeping?

  2. What type of tree? details please.

  3. looks pretty high up on the slope for a trash truck to hit it.... lets guess another theory.

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  6. One is prone think the trunk must have been hit. I thought the same thing at first, but I've seen trees twist for their limbs being too low when a big truck is about. Look at the other tree in the foreground for example.

  7. Off topic, but..... why hasn't anyone posted the latest info on the Pacific View School site sale? The "art group" that bought the land appears to be a Trojan Horse - they are in league with a developer who wants to construct "6 or 7" houses on the west end. This site is only 2.8 acres - sounds like the art studio will be a token storage shed. They go for a zoning ordinance change before the city council very soon - $tock$, Bond, Gaspar and Muir will be voting for the interests of their developer patrons.

  8. Good point.... but the fix is in.... no changing this one 7 to 8 houses on the lot. Plus Art. Which is what they were purposing from the beginning, It all works out in the end. The money talks.

  9. Rode by what's left of the tree this weekend. Always a tragedy to lose a mature tree like that. That tree stretched out at a low angle over the road. I can see this being the result of a legitimate accident rather than egregious neglect/carelessness on the driver's part.

    Oddly enough, the place looks better with just the one tree there.


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