Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The Encinitas Council Candidate List Grows

According to the Leucadia Blog sources, these people are circling city hall:

Bryan Ziegler, 
Loves the Occupy-Tea Party

Kevin Forrester, 
Loves Jerome Stocks

Mark Muir, 
Loves getting huge pension checks for being an under-qualified former fire chief, who was good buds with the council before getting promoted to chief.

Tony Kranz,
Loves open government and beer 

Lisa Shaffer, 
Loves being green and sunset walks on the beach

Barbara Yost, 
Loves dogs

and Shoja Naimi,
Loves falafel burgers

Dare you to share this list without citing the infamous Leucadia Blog. Remember don't believe anything you read on a blog. Do your own research. Do a public records request.


  1. You forgot the king:

    Jerome Stocks, loves himself and everybody that sides with him. Hates "haters" and lack of decorum.

  2. Jerome Stocks:

    Love Doritos and Jabba the Hut. Hates honesty and transparency.


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!