Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sign the Petition for School Area Improvements

 BQ: Why is there no bus service to PEC?

 From the inbox:

A petition to improve safety and the traffic conditions surrounding Paul Ecke Central (PEC) during drop off and pick up (d/o and p/u) periods including providing Safe Routes to School for Pedestrians and Bicyclists.

Improving the efficiency of the d/o and p/u process

The highest priority for improving the efficiency of the congestion on Union Street in front of the school is to improve the efficiency of the intersection of Union and Vulcan Avenue. The queuing for cars on west bound Union Avenue causes gridlock near the intersection. To address the inefficiency the following improvements could be made and are in the order of the greatest benefits received to address the issue:

Roundabout: Construct a modern day roundabout at the intersection of Union Street and Vulcan Avenue. Issues include cost and time of implementation.

Costs: The costs for a modern day roundabout range from $100,000 to $300,000.

Time of Implementation: At best, it would take the City two to three years to implement a roundabout.

All-way stop. A all-way stop would improve the frequency for turns onto Vulcan Avenue for the queued traffic on Union Street. Other advantages include improved cross-walks at the intersection with continental style delineation, which is preferable to middle-block crosswalks. A all-way stop could be approved by the traffic commission and City Council within three months and is a good interim measure until a permanent roundabout can be constructed.

Turn restrictions at Union Street and Vulcan Avenue. If the City will not implement a three-way stop at Union and Vulcan, they should consider left hand turn restrictions on westbound traffic approaching Vulcan Avenue. The time restrictions could be from 7:45 AM to 8:10 AM. This restriction would also improve the efficiency of the drop off area for the school. Similar signing and restrictions have proven to be effective in the City of San Clemente.

Preferred Alternative: Regarding the three alternatives for addressing the efficiency of the intersection, I recommended installing an all-way stop as described above as an interim measure until a roundabout can be constructed. The measure should be installed as soon as possible with a realistic time schedule of three to six months.

Improving safety and convenience for pedestrians and bicyclist accessing PEC

To improve the safety and convenience for pedestrians and bicyclists accessing PEC, suggestions for addressing the remaining existing conditions listed above include:

Speeding on Vulcan Avenue - Constructing a roundabout or implementing a three-way stop will help address the speeding on Vulcan Avenue. Another traffic-calming measure used in other parts of Encinitas near elementary schools is the raised crosswalk. An example of one may be seen on Montgomery Avenue and Westminister Drive adjacent to a Cardiff School District School.

Large puddle at the intersection of Union Avenue and Vulcan Avenue - Construct new cross-gutter across Union Avenue and Vulcan Avenue which will also help dissuade speeding.

Intersection at Leucadia Blvd. and Hygeia should be improved to encourage more bicycling and pedestrians use for children crossing Leucadia Blvd. on their way to PEC. Unfinished streetscape (bicycle and pedestrian) improvements between Hermes Avenue and Hymettus.

The City Council approved roundabout should be installed at Hygeia Avenue and the Phase II Leucadia Blvd. Streetscape Improvements should be constructed to make a safe and more convenient pedestrian and bicycle experience for children crossing Leucadia Blvd. on their way to school. The Phase II improvements were promised following the completion of the successful Phase I, and were supposed to be constructed in 2012. The District should send a letter to City Council requesting the City fund the Phase II improvements in the next fiscal year.

No bike lanes on Hygeia Avenue, Cereus Street, Union, or Hermes Avenue- While implementing bike lanes on the streets would likely require significant restrictions on parking, the City should install Sharrows and associated signing on the noted streets. Sharrows are pavement legends that help notify the vehicle drivers that bicyclist have equal rights to the roadway. They also help make bicyclists aware of the proper position in the roadway for maximum safety and to avoid hazards such as “dooring.” Dooring is when a driver opens their door in front of bicyclist and the bicyclist doesn’t have time to react and hits the door.

There is no efficient way for pedestrians or bicyclists who live west of Vulcan Avenue to cross over the railroad-No crossing from Encinitas Blvd. to Leucadia Blvd. No crosswalk on the south side of Leucadia Blvd.
Crossing from the west side of Hwy 101 to AC walkway along Vulcan Avenue can take over 10 minutes; this lengthy wait dissuades pedestrians and bicyclists living west of Hwy 101.

The City should pursue a pedestrian/bike crossing at or near Union Street. Considering the costs of grade-separated crossings, focus on implementing an at-grade crossing with a wayside horn system. Wayside horns are significantly quieter than train horns. A video of the warning system may be viewed at Additionally, the City should be pursuing a quiet zone similar to that being implemented by the City of San Diego and the City of San Clemente throughout the entire city limits.

The City should construct a crosswalk on the south side of Leucadia Blvd. between Vulcan Avenue and the west side of N. Coast Hwy 101. The new crosswalk would reduce pedestrian delays by over 50% from the current conditions. The proposed new crosswalk is consistent with all the other intersection cross-walk configurations implemented in downtown Encinitas and downtown Leucadia deserves no less. The new crosswalk would need to be coordinated and permitted with NCTD.

The AC pathway on Vulcan Avenue has SDGE transformers that block the effective use of pathway. Relocate or underground the SDGE infrastructure. Construct an ADA and pathway up to public works standards. Constructing the Rail Trail would address this issue.

The existing AC pathway on the west side of Vulcan Avenue and adjacent to the east side of the NCTD right-of-way is full of goat head thorns. The goat heads are responsible for minimizing bicycle travel on the AC pathway. The City needs to coordinate with and put NCTD on notice that they need to address the goat head problem to comply with their own mission. People are dissuaded from walking and biking to NCTD stops and our local school because of the goat head problem. Create a task force to address the problem. It’s not that difficult and only requires accountability from the agency’s involved. The solution is to kill the weeds with an herbacide and repeat the process following regermination until the goat heads are eradicated. This method is proven for all the City parks, golf course, and other landscaped areas and should be implemented for the NCTD right of way.
Until landscaping/hardscaping is established, STOP hoeing dirt to remove weeds by work crews. The hoeing loosens top soil and promotes more air pollution and soil erosion when trains pass over 70 times per day.

Schedule Rail Trail improvements.

The current mid-block crosswalk on the west side of Vulcan Avenue should be moved to the intersection of Union Street. Studies have shown that mid-block crosswalks are more dangerous that crosswalks at intersections.-
Move the crosswalk as a part of the new intersection improvements proposed.

Hygeia Avenue and Hermes Avenue sidewalks are narrow and have many restrictions and obstacles for users. The City should address the restrictions and obstacles, and delineation.

Install the City Council approved stop sign at Vulcan and Union, and Hygiea and Cereus. Address ADA Improvements.
Install Sharrows on all the streets leading to PEC.
Construct the modern day roundabout at Hygeia Avenue and Leucadia Blvd.
Traffic congestion at the intersection of Cereus Street and Hygiea Avenue.
Install the stop sign that was approved by the Traffic Commission and City Council in approximately 2005 to 2006 time frame. The all-way stop would improve the efficiency of eastbound traffic on Cereus Street and would improve the safety for pedestrians on Hygeia Avenue crossing Cereus Street.

There is a section of rolled curb on the south side of Union Avenue between the eastern most school driveway and the exit of the school that should be replaced with 6 inch standard curb to dissuade cars from driving up on the sidewalk.

Many kids are being dropped of by parents driving one or two children to school. It doesn’t appear that most are utilizing car pooling. Implement a highly publicized Car Pooling Campaign as further explained below. The school only has one bike rack with limited capacity. Install a free-standing, fenced bike rack with increased capacity. It can be locked and unlocked by designated PEC staff. Increase the capacity to hold 100 to 200 bikes.

Reducing the number of car trips to the school during the peak drop off period

If not already established, PTA may consider creating a subcommittee to address the safety concerns of children walking and bicycling to school as well as maximizing carpooling. The reduction in the number of vehicles dropping off children has a direct impact in the congestion and safety of the area.

Benefits from walking and bicycling:
Environmental benefits including less pollution and greenhouse emissions.
Reduced use of fossil fuels, which helps our nation become less dependent on foreign countries.
Directly addresses the congestion issue. The more children that bike and walk to school the fewer vehicles causing congestion.
Creates positive habits in children’s lives.
Increase exercise for children before school, helping address the national obesity issue and providing children the opportunity to breath fresh air and maximize their alertness before starting school.

Benefits from carpooling: Items 1 through 3 above.

Many of these solutions can be implemented within a few months. I believe a realistic goal would be to have 40% of the students walking, bicycling, or carpooling to school. A reduction in trips caused by meeting this goal coupled with the improvements listed would greatly improve the congestion currently experienced.

Sign here.


  1. These improvements would also help with safe access to our farmers market and are desperately needed.

    City Council member needs to go out and look at the caios and unsafe conditions some Sunday morning. Some one is going to get killed.

    I hope its not a child.

  2. The roundabout is a terrible idea for a few reasons. First, it won't fit. The road can't go closer to the tracks, so they would have to take land from the school parking lot (maybe doable) and the trailer park (I am not a fan of imminent domain for a roundabout). Second, most people here see the Yield sign at a roundabout as a Stop sign, so they will still stop and get blocked out and traffic will be just as bad as it is now.

    I like the idea of left turn restrictions for heavy traffic periods. That doesn't add a fuel-wasting 3-way stop for the other 23 hours of the day when it isn't needed and it will move traffic through much more quickly.

    Even suggesting carpooling ruins credibility on other suggestions. Of course it is the best solution, but people aren't willing to go 30 seconds out of their way to give someone else a ride. So they can sit at a stop sign for 5 minutes instead.

  3. Bart, it shows you don't have a brain

  4. anon - please enlighten me. I simply stated a fact (not enough space for a roundabout), my opinion (people in Leucadia will not learn how to correctly use a roundabout in my lifetime), and accepted one of the alternative solutions. If you want to convince me that there is a better way, please feel free. I can be swayed by a good argument.

    Doo Doo Head.

  5. IF one has no common sense, one can not be enlightened.

    There is no need to take land away from the parking lot or the trailer park. Its a wide intersection. There is plenty of right of way.

  6. I am not a civil engineer, so correct me where I am wrong.
    Vulcan can't be pushed into the railroad right of way, so the southbound lane will stay where it is. That means that the median (raised center) of the roundabout will need to sit where the northbound lane currently is. However, the lanes of Vulcan there are only about 11' wide. The medians of the roundabouts on Leucadia are about 35' in circumference. Let's say you can make a tighter roundabout than the ones on Leucadia and this one is only 20'. That still puts the center of that circle at the spot where the center of Union currently intersects the eastern-most point of Vulcan. So at that point, the street will need to be 20' wider than it currently is with a radius of 20' from that spot (10' median radius + 10' wide lane). That will push the northbound lane of Vulcan through the landscaping in the school parking lot and right next to the pool in the trailer park. I would neither park my car in one of those spaces, not swim in that pool with a roundabout there. Go to Google Earth and draw it up - it only takes a few minutes.

    It will probably need to be bigger than that too. Walk past the roundabouts on Leucadia as I do every day and you will see that people regularly miss the turn and drive through the landscaping. I wouldn't want a roundabout without at least another 5' of landscape/sidewalk around it.

    So, to me, it looks like an enormous pain and expense for something that can be better solved with left-turn restrictions at peak times.

    1. Good comments, Bart. Thanks for being honest and for providing us with some facts. Roundabouts may be a good idea, somewhere, but not on Vulcan or North 101. The road is too narrow, and the U.S. Dept. of transportation recommends that roundabouts have wider diameters which allows for more safety features, and also recommends that roundabouts NOT be situated alongside a railroad corridor.

      Roundabouts are only recommended when the cross street traffic is approximately equal to that of the main thoroughfare. Otherwise, they are impractical and cause more traffic choking than they resolve. You can attack Bart and me, but I am simply trying to share with you, Anon, what the U.S. Dept. of Transportation recommends, with many good reasons.

      The left hand turn lane alternative offered by Bart, sounds good to me. People should also demand the sidewalks and landscaping which were PROMISED with installation of the Leucadia Blvd. roundabouts should be completed, at long last. That money was diverted, I was told, to the N 101 Streetscape process, which so far has included well over $800,000 mostly spent on over-priced consultants who are roundabout lobbyists in thin disguise, and workshops which were marketing opportunities where public input was manipulated when it didn't "pan out" as expected when the survey was taken at City Hall, where nearly two thirds of those answering said no to roundabouts and lane elimination for motorists on Highway 101, just as the voters of the City of Del Mar did at the last General Election!

      Solana Beach also said no to roundabouts, and now has opened up the temporarily closed lane, going south. Peltz and Associates could not come up with one single instance of roundabouts along a railway corridor, ANYWHERE, when asked.

      Safety is paramount. The City of South Pasadena, where I used to live, pays for a part time crossing guard through the school district's budget. Superintendent Tim Baird now gets $215,000 per year. He should get a minimum of a 20% pay cut, and then they could afford to hire a cross-walk guard! Don't blame it on a lack of volunteers!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wrong on all calculations. Over 40,000 cars make the roundabouts perfectly everyday. If you can't, you should quit driving and go to an assisted living home or go back to school. Your logic and math suck.

  9. Here's what needs to be done at PEC.

    1. Fix the flooding issue with proper drainage.

    2. Sidewalk Vulcan on both sides of the street.

    3. Crosswalks at the intersection and better signage to restrict left hand turns on to Union.

    4. More volunteer crossing guards and a flag system at the intersection.

    5. The real issue is the majority of parents have to pick up their kids by car and Union is too narrow for two way traffic and parking on the north side. Bring back the bus system!

  10. Not bad. OK-first duty. go rally up volunteer crossing guards that will show up everyday. Second- go convince the school district to bring back busing. Other than that your idea is solid. What about bike lanes?

  11. JP,

    It appears that the wing nuts have left your blog in mass. They are now happy to rage against the machine while being Undercover.

    Anon 9:52,

    Thanks for sticking around and yes, more bike lanes along the rail corridor. I'm tired of fixing flat tires!

    1. It's more fun posting anonymous and it makes makes blogging more exciting when you get 120 comments.

      WC Varones and Encinitas Undercover is the hero of the hour, but they will turn on him by the end of summer as he revels more of his opinions which are not in line with the group think.

      It's going to be fun to watch.

  12. Your welcome! Keep on thinking and lovin Leucadia!

  13. At grade crossings and wayside horns for Leucadia would be helpful too.

    There is also the issue of inadequate parking along Vulcan and Union for all the Farmers market crowd on Sundays. PEC does not provide enough either.

    The little trailer park would lose those trees most likely if they were to sidewalk the east side for parking on Vulcan.

    I'm glad that I'm done with that insane routine at PEC, but now I find that Oak Crest is no joy either to pick up or drop off your kid, even though have a bus system that some how does not have a route that goes to my neighborhood in Leucadia. Go figure.

  14. Only suggestion to parents at this point is drop off your kids 10 minutes earlier to avoid the rush.

  15. Kids in fourth, fifth and sixath grade should be walking or riding their bikes to school. Their are plenty of safe routes, just avoid Vulcan.

  16. The Railroad will not give up even an inch of the right of way, and don't look for at grade crossing anytime soon. The Safety Department at NCTD will never go for that one either.

  17. You have it wrong 6:13- They give easements and at grade crossings all through San Diego County- You just have to know how to get the answer you want before you ask the question. In Encinitas we have at grade crossing at Leucadia Boulevard, D Street and E street and Manchester Avenue. they also gave easements for the parking lots in downtown, and the recent crossing at Swamis.

  18. Yes, the 50 foot rule that is inconsistent all along the corridor.

    NCTD sucks! They won't even give us decent bus stops on their blighted piece of scorched earth! They cut down good trees but will not cut the dead oleanders down along 101.

    As far as at grade crossings and way side horns... If San Clemente and Del Mar can get them and O-side and C-bad have them, then why not Leucadia?

    Two spaced out equally on each side of the Blvd's would be way cheaper than tunnels.


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