Tuesday, May 19, 2015

L101 Annual Meeting TONIGHT

Leucadia 101 Main Street Annual Meeting on May 19th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Poinsettia Room of Encinitas City Hall (505 S. Vulcan Ave).
L101 invites you to meet their volunteer Board of Directors, learn about programs and activities in Leucadia and find out about new and existing businesses. This meeting will include a 2014 year-end Leucadia 101 Main Street program review, membership information, community partnership awards and our Main Street goals for 2015. The evening will conclude with a presentation from Senior Engineer Ed Dean and Project Manager, Christy Villa regarding the status of the N. Coast Hwy 101 Streetscape project. We will leave time for questions and answers at the end. 

This event is open to the public and all are invited to attend.  Come get involved in your community! 

Hope to see you there, for more information call (760) 436-2320 or visit www.Leucadia101.com


  1. So what happened??

  2. " The evening will conclude"...they should have started the evening with the info on the streetscape. No one cares that they painted some SDGE boxes....

  3. 2:51, Join their board and call the shots. But I like the painted SDGE boxes and other improvements I'm seeing that they encourage.


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Have at it!!!