Tuesday, May 12, 2015

You totally can't cross the train tracks in Leucadia Bro

You can't do this. NO NO NO
San Clemente has two pedestrian only crossings.

READ the Encinitas Advocate story: Citations on rise for pedestrians crossing tracks illegally in Encinitas

*this post has been updated with photos on 5-19-15


  1. The second photo is from what city?

    1. Not sure, random Google image search.

  2. In an email exchange about the tracks that I had with Lisa Shaffer a couple years ago, she explained that "the Public Utilities Commission does not approve of 'at-grade' crossings because of safety and they also would require train horns to blow almost the entire way many times/day." I don't know how San Clemente got away with it... I suppose that the at-grade crossing near the San Clemente Pier station is grandfathered in.

    Regardless, Encinitas should save every red cent they're paying those cops and put it toward trenching the tracks instead. Citing pedestrians that are patronizing our businesses and beaches is a travesty.

  3. So dumb. Ticketing people who are safely crossing (looking both ways multiple times and not going when a train is in sight) should be left alone. I get ticketing people who aren't doing it safely. With such a high fine I'm sure it will still act as a deterrent, but at least it won't financially abuse residents who just want to grab a sandwich or a coffee.

  4. The 2nd image is from a train platform, similair to the one in downtown Encinitas. At grade crossings are never going to happen in Leucadia....


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