Tuesday, May 19, 2015

No more Moms drinking white wine in Encinitas parks?

This is bad, mmmmmkay
FULL copy and paste from the Coast News story by Aaron Burgin: 

 ENCINITAS — Alcohol could be banned at all Encinitas Parks in the near future, as the City Council will consider drafting a ban at Wednesday’s Council meeting.

Staff is recommending the city prohibit beer and wine except for permits for moderate or large-scale events. If the council votes in favor of the recommendation, the city manager could return with code for the council’s consideration in a few weeks.

Currently, Encinitas prohibits beer and wine at four of the city’s 19 parks — Viewpoint, Glen Park, Ecke Sports Park and Cardiff-by-the-Sea Sports Park — public city beaches and beach overlooks unless they have a permit. Hard liquor is prohibited at all locations.

According to a city staff report, staff revisited its current code in the wake of the opening of the Encinitas Community Park, which is not specifically mentioned in the current ordinance.
City parks staff said they have received special-event permit requests to hold events at the park that would include alcohol sales.

City staff researched the ordinances of 11 other cities and found that 10 of them banned alcohol at all parks except if a party applied for a special events permit. The eleventh city banned alcohol outright.

Leucadia Blog reaction:

Soooooooo, in a city where the hot button issue has been drinking and partying along the now trending coast highway Encinitas district, the city is considering banning alcohol in our parks. That means all the cute yoga moms of Encinitas can no longer drink box white wine at their little kid's birthday parties.

No more mimosas in red cups!

The message from the city: drinking in parks is bad unless we are selling the drinks to you (the street fair, Art Walk, Taste of restaurant tours, Summer Fun, etc).  

Don't worry though, creepy dudes will still shoot heroin in the parks at night.

What a town!

1 comment:

  1. I guess I didn't know drinking WAS allowed in the park...but now I want to put on my yoga pants and have a picnic!


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