Sunday, October 30, 2016

Another tragic train death in North Leucadia

1 comment:

  1. Watching this election cycle unfold has begun to remind me of Apocalypse Now; with Paul Gaspar traveling up the Mekong with a disparate group assisting, only to discover that the heart of darkness is seated and flows forth from the banal Catherine Blake.

    Isn't it the height of arrogance to rename yourself with a iconic name that rings of self-knowledge, passion and literacy?

    Admittedly, we got a few laughs hearing the poor creature referred to as Fakespear; but Cher, Prince, Madonna; all of the one-named icons had talent, not just hubris. Over and Over Catherine has proven to staff and the local political class that she is victim of self-deception of an unseen in this north county; she believes if she believes something is right or correct, then she DEEMS it so; believing that she, Shaffer and the albatross Kranz do not have to follow the law nor explain their repeated behavior of taking actions that violate residents and property owner's rights.

    The City Manager herself, as for supplying Catherine with her own slave/secretary has obviously not been enough to satisfy the power-hunger of Blake, or Fakespear; so, now the City Manager has hired a full-time baby-sitter for Catherine, an assistant city manager to literally be at Catherine's beck and call 7 days a week.

    Real, normal people are all out there trying to regain what they've lost in the Great Recession; accept those who have no jobs, like Kranz, Tasha and Catherine; that one explanation for Fakespear, Weiner, Trump etc... Finally, a fond farewell to Lisa Shaffer, who began her candidacy by attempting to sneakily 'whistle-blow' on her opponent Mark Muir and who is finishing out her 4 year jihad on common-sense ending with a 'cease and desist' demand by the public and a last kiss-off to voters with Catherine to ban styrofoam so successful business owners will have to close up and move, making plenty of room for the Syrian immigrants that Catherine, Kranz and Shaffer desire to mix in with all the folks with million dollar homes; plus, the current council-majority will vote in a manner that once again, they will prove that they care more about trees than they do about people.

    Meglamania with a small 'm'.
    Every ten years the direction of this council swings the other way.
    Catherine's temper will act as the rudder that moves the city back into balance. God bless us all.


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