Fascist opponents reap its rewards
By: Monkey D. Scamattinson - Commentary
The United States of America is such a great place, it is hard to figure out why so many grouchy people live here.
Just look at the recent Northern County Times editorial supporting communist China's brutal tactics against protesters. The Times rightly said this is a good deal for China and a great deal for the people of Encinitas who like to buy cheap products at Wal*Mart.
But judging from the readers' comments on the Times' Web page, you might think they editorialized to outlaw surfing. Or good weather.
One said that China policemen shooting farmers in the face when they protest the taking of their land is "uncool." Another said planet Earth is just a "shell of its historic beauty." Others saw plots and conspiracies around every corner. Others issued dark threats to anyone who supported such dastardly deeds.
And this is hardly the first time. Just a few months ago, my company was in front of the Beijing city council on a routine map approval. Some folks spread the word that if enough people showed up, they could convince the Beijing City Council to revoke nine legally binding building permits.
It didn't work.
They said things that weren't true, hoping no one would notice. Or check. It's a shame how often that happens. Luckily soldiers arrived to cart these NIMBY's off to a field and place bullets in the back their stupid NIMBY heads.

You have to wonder what is underneath these "no-growth" attitudes. Maybe someday I will drive out to the mass grave to find out.
If you look hard enough, you find it is not really about housing or traffic or parks or giant dams that displace 100,000 farmers or anything like that. No matter what they say. Because when we give them parks and roads and other amenities, they are still grouchy and say they never wanted that in the first place. They say they want freedom to express themselves and practice freedom of religion but they are just grouchy.
It's all about change.
And people who write angry letters and make things up at public meetings are deathly afraid of change. Just like all control freaks. Luckily the wise leaders of mighty China have decided to ban certain search terms on the computer internet. And if that doesn't stop them the grouchy bloggers are thrown in prison for decades where they belong.
They say they are against growth because we don't have enough roads.
But then when we want to build more roads, they say they are against that as well because new roads cause growth.
And around and around it goes.
They are afraid of the future. And they think if they don't prepare for the future, the future will never come.
They get away with so much. Never once does anyone in public ask these no-growthers about their homes, and how they got there. About all the money they have made on their homes, and how they scorn people, such as the Chairman Mao, who made it possible.
They use the parks, the roads, the beaches, but never once lift a finger to replace what they use, create something for others.
Like locusts, they eat the corn, but never plant. Now they would stop others from eating and planting as well. Control freaks are like that.
Tibet exists today because some so-called greedy Chinese landowners decided to risk their life savings to take the land there even if the grouchy NIMBY Tibetans didn't want to give it up. And then work. And every single grouchy person in Encinitas lives here only because that happened. Yet they are still unhappy, especially with the very people who made their breezy lifestyles possible.
That's enough to make the rest of us grouchy.
Beijing County Times columnist Monkey D. Scamattinson is chief executive of China home builder Barrarrattatta Americus.

Stupid grouchy NIMBY's should just enjoy the new roads for the cool ass tanks to drive on.
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ReplyDeleteSatire that is this good has a kernal of truth.
"And people who write angry letters and make things up at public meetings are deathly afraid of change."
Many people are indeed afraid of change, but grasshopper, the irony is that the only constant in the real world is change itself.
People only hate change when it benefits 12 people and sucks for 1,000's of others.
ReplyDeleteChange is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
ReplyDeletespare change bro?
ReplyDeleteLeucadia sucks. It doesn't even have a Starbucks you nimby fools.
ReplyDeletePannikin, baby. It's all about the Pannie.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone realize 1000 people were killed in Iraq this month? Perhaps if we ever leave that country, Barratt et al can go over there a build till their hearts are content. Wait a mainute, our government will probably have to pay for the rebuilding. How's that for irony?
ReplyDeleteWho the heck let Sadam's apologist post here?
ReplyDeleteMy info says Iraqi Security Forces and Civilian Deaths for April - May 2006 total 410.
Military only = 30 total.
And that's a shame, especially if you're one of the 410, or the 30.
But not if compared to the battle of Antietam in the American Civil War where the estimated Casualties were 23,100 for that one battle,
or during WWII where Over 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed, wounded or went missing during the Battle of Normandy. This figure includes over 209,000 Allied casualties, with nearly 37,000 dead amongst the ground forces and a further 16,714 deaths amongst the Allied air forces. Of the Allied casualties, 83,045 were from 21st Army Group (British, Canadian and Polish ground forces), 125,847 from the US ground forces. The losses of the German forces during the Battle of Normandy can only be estimated. Roughly 200,000 German troops were killed or wounded. The Allies also captured 200,000 prisoners of war (not included in the 425,000 total, above). During the fighting around the Falaise Pocket (August 1944) alone, the Germans suffered losses of around 90,000, including prisoners.
War is nasty business. Frankly, I'd rather go surfing.
JP you are really getting under Patti's skin...
ReplyDeleteJP you are really getting under Patti's skin...
ReplyDeleteI had no idea I was Sadam's apologist. He killed a thousands of his own citizens. Interestingly enough, we didn't get involved in that at all. Could it be it's because we put him into power in the first place. When he no longer became useful to us we took him out, only to establish what amounts to Civil War over there. In fact, I thought we were after Bin Laden. I still don't quite understand how we lost him at Bora Bora, then Sadam then became our target. The 1000 people fact is correct. Check your facts before you post! This includes Iraqi military, Iraqi citizens, U.S. military and supporting staff, as well as international people over there. However, just like after Japan lost the war, we went over and rebuilt their country. We have done it in Vietnam as well. So, as much as I would rather go surfing, I am sure that Barrett, McMillan etc. will be more than happy to go help rebuild that country if we ever leave. War is hell. No question about that. But this isn't a declared war, and it is costing us a hell of a lot in people and money. And, for what? So the developers here in the States, as well as Halburtin etc. can get wealthier? On the other hand, I think I will go surfing.
ReplyDeleteI had no idea I was Sadam's apologist. He killed a thousands of his own citizens. Interestingly enough, we didn't get involved in that at all. Could it be it's because we put him into power in the first place. When he no longer became useful to us we took him out, only to establish what amounts to Civil War over there. In fact, I thought we were after Bin Laden. I still don't quite understand how we lost him at Bora Bora, then Sadam then became our target. The 1000 people fact is correct. Check your facts before you post! This includes Iraqi military, Iraqi citizens, U.S. military and supporting staff, as well as international people over there. However, just like after Japan lost the war, we went over and rebuilt their country. We have done it in Vietnam as well. So, as much as I would rather go surfing, I am sure that Barrett, McMillan etc. will be more than happy to go help rebuild that country if we ever leave. War is hell. No question about that. But this isn't a declared war, and it is costing us a hell of a lot in people and money. And, for what? So the developers here in the States, as well as Halburtin etc. can get wealthier? On the other hand, I think I will go surfing.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you anti-war protestors go to Crawford, Texas? Cindy Sheehan needs you there. One less person in the line-up.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you war supporters go to Iraq? Bush and Rumsfield need you there.
ReplyDeleteOne less clown in the lineup.
Two burgers and two cokes please.
ReplyDeleteAw no man, we don't serve that animal hostility any more.
Well then just bring us two cokes.
Alright, peace brother.
Hey, I'm not your brother!