Monday, November 09, 2009

Dalager to address small tribe Tues 7pm

SWAMIS MEETING - Regarding the Proposed Contest At Swamis - This Tuesday Night (tomorrow) Nov 10th 7pm above Pillbox. Solana Beach Rec Center. Encinitas city councilman Dan Dalager and contest organizer Linda Benson will be there to pitch their case for the privatization of a public resource to the Swamis Surfing Association.

“We’re talking about public resources,” Dalager said. “Are we going to have a system of law, or are we going to have little local tribes that decide what everybody can do?”

Leucadia Blog: Holy Moly


  1. We call ourselves "The Tribe of Active & Involved Voters."

  2. Why does it matter what the Swamis Surfing Assoc. thinks? It's basically a social club and most members have no connection to Swamis the place at all. It's devolved into a group who try to gain credibility or "local" status by association with the name Swamis. Much like Linda is trying to get credibility for her contest by association with the name.

    The opinions that really matter here are the residents of Encinitas. And the residents don't want ANY contests or events held there ever.

  3. One of the little peopleNovember 09, 2009 11:10 AM

    Is Dalager speaking on behalf of the city?

    Since when did one councilmember have the right to set city policy?

    What about the rule of law, Dan!

    Oh I get it you make up the law as you go.

    What a jerk.

  4. Why is he doing it in Solana Beach. Is he afraid of what Encinitans might do to him?

  5. Is it illegal for Dan Dalager, a city councilman, to speak for a group that wants a special favor? Isn't Dalager, the city councilman, acting as the liaison for the group? Is that illegal by state standards?

  6. Why the hell is a councilmember pimping out our beaches and waves?

    I thought Councilmembers were supposed to represent their citizens?

    I didn't even know that Council gave Dan permission to speak on the issues?

    Is Dan going to get the City in yet another law suite?

  7. You people are going off the deep end.
    If some group wanted to reserve a city maintained park throurgh the Park and Rec. dept. for an event, they can apply, like this group did. This is not 'above the law', 'selling out' or ' privatizing the park'. It is just like reserving a field. If local citizens objected to a permit issued according to established procedures because they do not want others to use it, they are not going to win.
    Dan really is only abiding by existing established guidelines. His backing the Legal right to utilize city maintained park area and is nothing dramatic or uncalled for.
    I can see how a promoter would rather pay $100 to $300 per day verses $7 to $8 grand for seaside or the reef.
    Maybe the process could be changed, but this is how it works, now. I see there is a park and rec commissioner who doesn't even know if a permit is necessary and seems to think something underhanded is going on. You might be able to change the policy at some point, but
    I can't see the territorial tribe winning this one.
    It is not the end of the world.

  8. You people are going off the deep end.
    If some group wanted to reserve a city maintained park throurgh the Park and Rec. dept. for an event, they can apply, like this group did. This is not 'above the law', 'selling out' or ' privatizing the park'. It is just like reserving a field. If local citizens objected to a permit issued according to established procedures because they do not want others to use it, they are not going to win.
    Dan really is only abiding by existing established guidelines. His backing the Legal right to utilize city maintained park area and is nothing dramatic or uncalled for.
    I can see how a promoter would rather pay $100 to $300 per day verses $7 to $8 grand for seaside or the reef.
    Maybe the process could be changed, but this is how it works, now. I see there is a park and rec commissioner who doesn't even know if a permit is necessary and seems to think something underhanded is going on. You might be able to change the policy at some point, but
    I can't see the territorial tribe winning this one.
    It is not the end of the world.

  9. New Sculpture in townNovember 09, 2009 4:00 PM

    The new sculpture in front of Leucadia Plaza is very nice, more please.

  10. Anon:3:18-I am the Parks and Rec. Commissioner you refer to and I did not say ANYTHING about anything being underhanded. I do wish you would read before posting. I did say I thought it was odd, (I am paraphrasing) , as I had read the Parks and Rec. Commission was going to look into this. At the time I am writing this, the direction to look into it, which comes from the City Council, has not been given to us. That is ALL that I meant. Do I think that there is some nefarious ploy going on at City Hall. NO!

  11. Egos Running AmuckNovember 09, 2009 4:25 PM

    For an event designed to "bring the community together", just the mention of a contest at Swamis is doing the exact opposite.

    For anyone in city government or the Chamber who thinks women's longboarding competition is a big draw - dream on! More like a big yawn. You can already see the same caliber and better at Swamis on any given swell.

    Next we'll be hearing about all the jobs the contest will create. The only thing being created is animosity.

  12. Ground Control To Major TomNovember 09, 2009 5:36 PM

    The winner of an unsanctioned event is not a world champion of anything.

    There is nothing "grassroots" about the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce.

    Your "garden event" sounds like another tired street fair - crap spread out on asphalt.

  13. I agree with anon 320,

    Some of the comments are over the top. Dalager is a Council Member and can and should speak for himself on issues like this. He was quoted that people didn't know all the facts so it is great that he is going to tell everyone stuff that might change their minds.

  14. anon 302,

    This issue is not the end of the world and not that important. That is true. Your point about pulling permits is interesting. Some people don't know this, but if Swamis can be rented I plan on pulling permits to run a 100% charity event at Swamis. I already have people with experience running contests ready to help and I will have no problem pulling in serious funding for this open to all event.

    I would guess that you would think there will be a serious issue if staff blocks my legal right to utilize city maintained park area, when our event will have a smaller footprint and bring in way more overnight tourists who have a lot of money to spend at local restaurants and shops.

    There is a reason why the system is the way it is. The council majority wants it htat way. I would rather the council decide how many slots should be allocated to contests and then require competitive proposals or at least lotteries or something in the allocation of the slots.

    There is a big difference between doing it legally and doing it fairly and openly. Dan's history is to move the city toward more backroom and greater discretionary guidelines, at least among the decisions made in the building department. That has been his record. Why should we think he would do thinks differently with parks and rec issues?

  15. "I am on the Commission and I have not heard a thing. What gives?"

  16. If you don't surf or have only lived here 15 minutes then you probable think a contest at Swami's is just peachy. If you are a surfer and lived here a few decades you understand why so many are up in arms regarding whoring out our surf break. Enduring Encinitas going from a population of a few thousand people in the
    60's to around eighty thousand today makes you want to keep some things the same. Let us have one vestige of the old days. Is it too much to ask, Linda?
    If you don't surf, don't try to analyze why any event here is wrong. Most of those wanting a contest here don't surf, swim or even walk on the beach.
    A lot of contestants enter just to surf great breaks with only two or three other persons in the water. With any swell Swami's has thirty to forty surfers vying for waves. Take the contest and crowds to any of the other three venues in Encinitas that are much better equipped to manage such.
    The poor reef at Swami's already has lost 90% of the sea life that was there in the 60's. Trampling it with crowds of tourists and bystanders will surely degrade it further, as will successive events.

  17. 753-how can bystanders trample a reef that is 10-15 under water??

    your comment is worthless.

  18. Anon 8:20 I'm guessing that you are not a frequent visitor of Swami's or maybe even an ocean in general. Low tide...

  19. 753 -- Like you, I thought this was going to be a surfer specific issue. But I've been really surprised at the negative reaction from non-surfers to the idea of closing Swamis for 4 days for a private commercial event. This is an issue for all residents, not just surfers.

    The value of Swamis to Encinitas is the fact that it doesn't allow any commercial ventures to take over the beach. People come here to enjoy the unspoiled natural beauty and small town charm that this unofficial prohibition helps foster.

    I know on the surface it may seem to the powers that be that having a contest at Swamis will look like "progress" for the city. But they'll actually be shooting themselves in the foot by relegating Swamis, and thereby Encinitas, to the ranks of just another sellout beach town.

  20. 753- 90% is the sea life has been destroyed since the 60's by surfers and locals?? Then the answer is clear---BAN SURFING AT SWAMI'S and BAN LOCALS.

    Where is bay keeper?/ Where is the California Coastal commission?? If you surfers are killing Swami's then you got to go!!

  21. 7:01, I guess you haven't been one of the hundreds of inlanders on low tide afternoons upturning rocks and poking around looking for sea life.
    Again, if you don't surf or haven't lived here some time you have no idea the negative impact a contest will have on Swami's.
    How much do you want to bet the spectators will be climbing the rip rap all the way around the point. This rip rap is not secure and has a tendency to move around during high tide and big surf. I'd hate to think if one of these boulders shifted or fell and someone got hurt or killed.
    Where does the judges tent go? On the rip rap also?
    What about emergency vehicles at high tide if needed?
    The solution is to have the contest at Cardiff Reef, Seaside, or Moonlight.

  22. OK, did Dalager address a small tribe Tuesday 7PM?

    What happened?


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