Wednesday, March 11, 2009

City Council Meeting Wed 3-11-2009

Wednesday's agenda has two items of interest. Beach Shuttle Bus and Orpheus Park tree removal report.

view agenda, click me


  1. Thank you Shelia, Russell, Rachelle, Drew, Lynn, Mark, Kathleen, et al, (I'm sorry if I forgot the rest of your names), and to all of you who donated time... to all who spoke about the trees that were cut down at Orpheus Park.

    I'm sorry I could not stay, but I was really there to support Keith S., who spoke at the Oral Communications part of the meeting, and who was brief, to the point, and magnificent, and totally honored Bob.

    All of you said exactly what I wanted to say and could not.

    Again, I thank you so ever so much.

  2. I tried to watch on the webcast, but it kept locking up. I had to restart the page many times. I managed to see most of the public testimony.

    Many thanks to all who took the trouble to attend and speak. Only the "guy from Vista," as Rachelle described him, spoiled the evening. He had served on the San Marcos Planning Commission. I think Dan and Jerome called him in to have at least one person on their side. He seemed like a plant.

    Also Marco Gonsalez spoke very well about the possible Brown Act violations and the loss of public trust. I thought he was spot on.

    I gave up watching after the break, so I didn't hear the council's response.

  3. I'll watch the video that will be posted 24 hours from now. Sounds like a good meeting.

  4. Mary, I saw you there, early on, and I'm glad for your support and encouragement.

    I was also so glad to hear Keith S. during Oral Communications.

    So many have become discouraged, but I know that we are planting seeds of change.

    I hope that Dan Dalager's dishonesty, arrogance and control freakishness will be remembered at the election in November of 2010.

  5. Let's recall him now! Does Encinitas code have a recall provision?

  6. I personally like the idea of Dr. Lorri's term limits.

    This will be the best thing for a better future for Encinitas.

    Thanks Dr. Lorri. While I don't always agree with you on Socialistic principals, I do agree with you on this great cause to better Encinitas's future.

    Thanks again.


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