Thursday, March 05, 2009

Random Reason Why I Love Leucadia: Geese and Horses


  1. Keep it up boys.

    These are the reasons why I decided to raise my family here.

    Long live a free Leucadia!

    Leucadia= freedom with goodness at its essence.

    Love you all!!!!

  2. Back in the day (ie, early 80s) there was a family that lived on the round lot on the top of the hill on Hymettus (just up from Sheridan road) that had a butt load of geese. Those geese were MEAN too. My family had two ducks (for pets, not for eating). After about two months, we didn't have any more snails in our (big-size, old-style Leucadia) yard and the snails didn't make a comeback for years. Of course, we had to watch out for massive duck turds. It was a wash in the end. Wish I had some chickens now; eggs are so expensive.

  3. Two of our neighbors have chickens. The eggs are great. The dogs roling in chickenshit is not as great.

  4. I want a mini horse too.

  5. What is the code for chickens? Anyone have them in Leucadia?

  6. Chickens would be great. Our composter and garden could use the poop and the snail control sounds good too. The eggs would be the frosting on the sustainable cake.

  7. My back up plan in life is to be a pygmy goat farmer.

  8. For an 8000sf lot, 10 chickens allowed. No roosters.

  9. I say we should form our own government and quit letting the rest of Encinitas feed off our tax base!

  10. no kidding. Leucadia never gets any community improvement money from council. I heard they were going to spend some money planting trees on Hwy101, but now it might not happen. Does any one know whats happening with the streetscape plan that was being designed last year and was supposed to construct the first phase this year?

  11. Back to why I love Leucadia:

    I love the big TREES. This is why I moved here. Every time I see a nice old tree get cut down because it has a dead branch breaks my heart.

    Keep planting trees Leucadia. Trees are the breath of life along with Mother Ocean.

  12. Stay tuned to the next council meeting - let's find out what the council ready knew about cutting down the Orpheaus Tree.

  13. I want some of those cattle that look like schnauzers but they are cattle.


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