Thursday, August 06, 2009

The New York Times knows we exist

Leucadia is the last hippie town in America, blah blah blah.
Read the New York Times travel article about Leucadia click here.


  1. Oh Fucking Joy!

  2. Death along Leucadia's downtown.August 06, 2009 11:10 PM

    Just say it…..none of the locals visit local businesses because its unsafe to pedestrians and bicycles. The downtown Leucadia is a death trap….it sucks. Just a freeway and I5 auxiliary lanes to downtown Encinitas.

    Do a story about vacant businesses and the need to make our Leucadia safe.

    Oh Perfect. More Steve Acetis coming to town...Yipppie Hippy.. just like stevie did in 2007... Hippy Yippi Yeah….Hippy my ass... try Yuppy...

    This town needs an Enema.

    Thanks Carolyn! More NYers. Just what we want!

    Maybe next time, the article can talk about the need for a lower speeds and a more walkable community. I for one would love to walk my dog along Hwy 101 shops and buy local, but it’s not worth talking our lives in our hands.

    If you think I am speaking BS….look at the amount of pedestrian traffic in downtown Encinitas and then look at how may people you see strolling along Leucadia’s N. Coast Hwy 101…. That tells the story.

    Our business community in Leucadia is screwed. Its only good to drive past and possibly stop for a quick coffee while watching people race by. Passed deaths our local Leucadians tell the story as well.

    Welcome NYers. I hope you drive plenty fast along our freeway through town. Everyone else does.

  3. Somebody at City Hall is going to be very very angry. The NYTimes doesn't know we are all Encinitas. Maybe no one will find us, except for those damn Cardiffians who had to keep their zip code and vote for Jim Bond just for that reason.

  4. Okay, feeling a little proud and slightly worried that our "secret" will get out.

    But I think the key point to take from this article is the authenticity of unique quality of this place. That unique quality is that we don't overly cater to tourists. It's the death of any authentic community. Any traveller knows the difference between tourist traps, (Downtown San Diego), and authentic places, (Leucadia). I hope we never seek tourist dollars, build hotels or create attractions like Legoland or stage vain events like marathons, etc.

  5. Good grief. I know Carolyn. She's blond and wears red lipstick, lots of make up and lots of jewelry. Hardly a hippie mama.

  6. (To be read with drip sarcasm)

    Yeah GOD knows we don't want any marathon runners coming through Encinitas. These jerks never do shit for a town, except, oh say... spend $$$. But the good'ol boy network at DEMA killed off any chance of marathoners coming here. Can't close the 101 for a marathon,for say 6 hours, but we'll close it for two weekends a year while DEMA has the streetfair. Nahhh, the streetfair doesn't upset traffic or bidness downtown now does it?? Nope it's all good...for DEMA.

  7. How do you all feel about a bicycle race only in downtown Encinitas and not booked by DEMA, but by the City? We have an opportunity to do just that at a City Council meeting coming up in Sept. Will keep you posted. It will be for all ages and levels. I think it would be fun and exciting. Perhaps called the Encinitas Grand Prix?


  9. If DEMA doesn't get their share of the pie, no bike race for you !!!

  10. 9:51
    The difference between the street fair in Encinitas and a marathon in Leucadia, is that businesses downtown get exposure to 50,000 people with cash in their pockets walking and shopping, not a multitude of people racing by someone's business with no money, closing all businesses for 2 miles on 101 during our busiest day of the week. Besides, it was simply impossible to close off eveyone's access who lives West of 101, including all of Neptune - for the better part of a Sunday. And that's what would have to be done. The Leucadia annex to the marathon was an attempt by Carlsbad to take advantage of Leucadia, lightening their bother with it. Sure it would be way fun to run through Leucadia with a zillion people, but not for over 20 restaurants on certainly their busiest morning of the week. Besides, we tried it a few years ago with one council member endorsing it and it turned 101 into a ghost towm for an entire day. I took videos of it. But who cared? The world got to see Leucadia from a helicopter and the crappy medians next to a scorced railway.

  11. 10:49
    The decision to ditch the marathon had absolutely nothing to do with DEMA. They don't get a slice of anything we do here, and have 5 times as many events as we do.

  12. 7:54 - Please look at the precinct results for 2004 and 2008. I have studied them. Cardiff did not vote for Bond!! In fact, Cardiff always votes for the "residents first" candidates, while other communities tend to support the developer and city staff candidates. This is why Jim Bond says troublemakersfromCardiff as if it's one word.

  13. anon-10:59. the average marathon runner from out of town, most marathoners for the Carlsbad marathon which was to become the Beach cities marathon are from out of town, spend almost $3000. All that money will stay in carlsbad and not a nickel will make it's way to Encinitas. So be it.

    The Rock and Roll marathon brings 15,000 people to San Diego each year they fill the hotels and restaurants and leave behind nearly $40 million.

    If Encinitas had a city council with vision, YOUR city could share in some of that bounty, but YOU don't so YOU won't. Enjoy your DEMA and your bike race, and tell me how that won't close off streets and prevent shoppers from going downtown to spend money, it will.

  14. The last hippie town in Southern California? I guess Mrs. Doug J. has never been to Ocean Beach. And calling Leucadia a hippie town is no compliment. Hippies were disgusting in the 60s and now they're just plain pathetic.

  15. And speaking of Caroline Jopes, isn't she one of the "Ladies In Black" who used to protest our efforts in Irag on Fridays at Enc. Blvd? Now that casualty rates are at an all time high in Afghanistan, you'd think those titans of integrity would still be protesting.

  16. Anon:12:37-Were you around in the 60's? If so then I guess you can comment that you think "hippies" were disgusting. However, if you weren't, then how can you know? I was a "hippie" in the 60's and to make it worse I was in Orange County at Cal-State Fullerton. I have to admit, I thought the war mongers were disgusting, and I still do. Not the troops, but the white men who sit around and decide who will die. Now that, to me, is disgusting. Just thought I would add my FWIW, as you do not sound too educated into the real truth about that era. Please prove me wrong with some factual information if you have any. Sorry folks, just one of my pet peeves. if you are not there, you do not know. Kind of like the Francine Busby affair. I wasn't there. I have some thoughts about it, and I am sure we will never know, but I don't pretend to know.

  17. 12:41

    Yes, Carolyn was one of those Ladies In Black, and so was I. The reason we stopped doing this is because of people like you, who are sore losers and haters. As the public wised up to the war profiteering, lives lost and nothing to show for it, we started to get more people honking and waving at us, IN SUPPORT, yet the idiots who still believed we were fighting for a "cause", became MORE hostile and nasty, and immature, like giving us the finger and shouting obscene words. That's a lot easier than standing on the same corner and doing what we did, isn't it. All we were doing was excerising our American right to peacefully protest.
    We started to fear for our safety, and I think it was a wise decision to stop our peaceful protest for a a while, at least. Look up the word "integrity", 12:41. Those who flipped us off and shouted the F-word had none. Pity.

  18. Right on Mary. Your words are so true.

  19. I figured the Ladies In Black stopped protesting because now it's Obama's war.

  20. The Ladies in Black were able to peacefully protest, not because of some politician, but because fellow Americans have been willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to secure our rights through their service in the Armed Forces. You may not fully understand that as you wrote once that the first time you ever felt proud of your country was attending a Coastal Commission meeting.

    Getting flipped off hardly qualifies as surviving the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

  21. By the way, bandying about phrases such as "sore losers and haters" surely belies what you consider your liberal openmindedness and inclusiveness, no?

  22. "The Ladies in Black were able to peacefully protest, not because of some politician, but because fellow Americans have been willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to secure our rights through their service in the Armed Forces."

    This is such a load of propagandistic crap and I'm so tired of hearing it. To think you can't protest war because your own citizens participate in it is so incredibly stupid. Americans have the right to protest because it's in the US Constitution you fucking idiot. If US citizens are sent to foreign countries illegally to attack citizens that have done nothing to us and you don't protest that, you are the one disrespecting those sent to die. You are the traitor.

  23. which war was for the right for free speech? the revolutionary war was instigated because of taxation without representation,
    WW1 was to help our european allies, same with WW2, the vietnam and korean wars were to keep communists from taking over our gains in the world, the Gulf War and the Iraq war was to secure our gains in the Middle East.

  24. 8:15 & 8:39
    Good points. I guess The Bard believes the only way we're going to preserve our constitution is to invade our evil neighbors and blow them to kingdom come. Sounds like somewhere between Hitlerism and a Busby bash. What would Jesus have us do? Oh yeah, pray for our enemies.

  25. In WW2 we were attacked. Once attached you have to defend yourself.

    I support the women in blacks position.

    "Caroline Jopes, isn't she one of the "Ladies in Black" who used to protest our efforts in Irag on Fridays at Enc. Blvd?"

    Great Job Ms. Jopes. You are willing to stand up for what you feel is right.

    I also feel the USA trying to police the world and invading Middle East countries for the sake of securing oil flows is pure BS. We are not God.

    Afghanistan is also a complete waste of live and USA money. I hate the war mongers of America.... It all about corporate profits and nothing about protecting liberty.

    To protect liberty, support the NRA.... its the citizens right to bear arms and keep government in check... that what our forefathers were smart enough to know.

  26. WW2 attack by the Japanese was known. No effort to take offensive. We could have defended ourselves against the Japanese. We choose to take on the Axis powers. We were still a separatist nation at that point, otherwise we would have joined in 1939 when Hitler invaded Europe. Some say Roosevelt needed an attack to justify our involvement. Either way, the failure of leadership to negotiate, especially after WW1 and the reparations against Germany, clearly led to the start of WW2. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. I learned that in CA public schools in the 1970's. Now, my children are taught that might is right because whatever we do, we are defending our beliefs. Not so much different than the Taliban.

  27. " I learned that in CA public schools in the 1970's."
    Another fine product of the CA educational system..... a major reason the USA is way past its prime.

    The American educational system has been slipping behind the rest of the world top thinkers since the 1960s….. Our average for kids are well beyond the top thinkers.

    American schools are so far behind all the other top GNP nations schools... it comes from years of complacency. One thing for certain is change. And we are no longer the lead of education, or producing top scientists. The rest will play itself out just like all the rest of the historical empires.

    The might is right is human instinct. I do not support might is right when our country is in peril.

    The dumbness of American to take on a God role is beyond me... We need to retract the troops and become more about living within our means and bettering America... not trying to control the world.

    Bonddi- honestly I cannot tell if you think USA should try and get more involved with policing the world or less involved. We can not even maintain stability and proserty in our own nation. Our DEBT will be the end of USA... just like all the past empires. Our offspring will not enjoy the same quality of life we did.

    Bonddi- Do you think we should continue trying to lead world issues, or refocus on try to rebuild America so our kids and future generations can have a nice quality of life?

  28. Sounds like all the hostility, expletives and name calling are coming from the pacifists. If they could make a reasoned case with facts, they wouldn't need to resort to ad hominem attacks.

    Possible evidence of long term pot smoking impairing normal brain function.

  29. Impairment of brain functioning and pot smoking from a person from one of the "meth" capitals of Southern Ca. That is beautiful and so funny. I'll take my good old Maryjane from Humboldt any day over whatever half of you are on. Perhaps a little herb would make you a bit more mellow and you would not feel the need to see how big your cajones are by in invading other countries when our own country is going down the tubes.Oh yea, one other thing. Jesus would have said "judge not, lest yee be judged" and "people who live in glass houses should not throw stones". Gandhi said " a nation can be judged by the way it treats its poor and its animals." I am afraid this country would have disappointed both of them.

  30. Classic conservative rational thinking:

    "If they could make a reasoned case with facts, they wouldn't need to resort to ad hominem attacks."

    followed by:
    "Possible evidence of long term pot smoking impairing normal brain function."

    What a tool. The next modern day "conservative" capable of rational thought will be the first; wouldn't recognize a fact if it bit 'em on the ass. Birther. LOL.

  31. "Sounds like all the hostility, expletives and name calling are coming from the pacifists. If they could make a reasoned case with facts, they wouldn't need to resort to ad hominem attacks."

    They use the general term pacifist in an Ad hominen way. Classic.

    The bottom line is the Iraq and Afghanistan war, cost the USA and its future many Trillions and thousands of young US lives. In the end the USA will be no better off.... It will be worse off.

    We should defend ourselves but not invade countries for the sake of corporate greed (Cheney doctrine.) When we are defending ourselves, we have and should kick the crap out of any aggressor.

    WW2 perfect example….. all the Terrorist organizations- flash them all, but there is no need to invade and occupy a country. Just send out assasine teams its much more effective. You don’t need to occupy and police all the citizens of a country. Its a total waste of money and lives.

    Debt is what will be the end of the USA and we are well on our way with our current practices. It’s really too late, the titanic is sinking and another flagship will be built.

    Pacifist my ass. Its called realist.

  32. Dan Dalager's buddy MickAugust 08, 2009 11:21 AM

    HOUSING: Once a major local builder, Barratt American to liquidate
    Chapter 11 bankruptcy converted to Chapter 7

    Story Discussion BRADLEY J. FIKES - | Posted: Friday, August 7, 2009 9:50 pm | No Comments Posted

    Font Size: Default font size Larger font size CARLSBAD ---- Barratt American Inc., one of North County's largest homebuilders before it filed for bankruptcy reorganization last December, has gone into liquidation.

    Barratt's Chapter 11 filing was converted Thursday into Chapter 7 liquidation in a court order. The order was filed in United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of California, in San Diego.

    The order indicated the conversion to Chapter 7 was made in response to an unopposed request by one of the parties in the case.

    Based in Carlsbad, Barratt American was spun off in 2004 from its former parent company, London-based Barratt Developments PLC. The $165 million purchase was made by a team led by Barratt American President Michael D. Pattinson.

    The housing slump that began in 2007 hurt Barratt's finances. Its woes mounted as Bank of America froze Barratt's line of credit, which Pattinson blamed for pushing the company into bankruptcy.

    However, Barratt's creditors, such as local contractors, blamed Pattinson, accusing him of mismanagement.

  33. Fruit Of The LoomAugust 08, 2009 12:16 PM

    Don't get your panties in a bunch!

  34. Don't let the empty McMansion's doors hit your industrious ass on your way out.


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