Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Quail Botanical Gardens changing it's name to San Diego Botanic Garden, why not Encinitas Botanic Gardens?

Read the North County Times story about this name change, click here

My opinion? Not cool at all. I do understand the name change in that we have successfully killed all the quail around here. But, if they want to identify with a location then they should be Encinitas Botanic Gardens. Screw you backstabbers! They say they need to change the name to attract more visitors, then admit in the article last year broke attendance records.

If this name change goes through chalk it up to another FAIL by the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce.


  1. How is the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce involved here? I missed that connection.

  2. I grew up near the Chicago Botanical Gardens. They too were located 35 miles north of the city and I never understood why it was named for a city so many miles away.

  3. Maybe this was the biggest thing. San Diego is going to take us over.

  4. Horray. San Diego can sure manage its finances well.

    That is the biggest thing.

  5. I"ve seen Quail in my Leucadia neighborhood this summer.

  6. When the P.R. department has more say than the plant department,

    This is what happens.

    kind of like greenwashing.

    screw them!

  7. So, will Quail Gardens Dr. become San Diego St?

  8. Does the City of Encinitas provide the gardens with any funding, tax advantages, land, etc.? If so, it should be pulled back.

  9. The Chamber connection is that they are supposed to be stewards of our local business climate. This is a test for the new guy. He needs to meet with the Garden folks asap.

  10. 11:02
    Yeah, they're only about 250 million in the hole becuase of adopting a Redevelopment District. What a plus.

    Don't tell one of the male council members.

    That's right. The same thing happened in Carlsbad when some Bozo changed the name of Elm St.
    20,000 copies of a movie had to be changed to Nightmare on Carlsbad Village Drive.

    So much for the heritage that so many well meaning people spent much of their life building up nurturing Quail Gardens. What they need to do is embrace the Quail instead of the Dragon Tree logo they have, and construct a bronze quail in a roundabout at Encinitas Blvd.

  11. Escondido center for the arts was changed to California center for the arts when the money didn't flow in from the rich folk in other parts of San Diego County. Money is flowing out of the Escondido city's general fund courtesy of the City Council trying to keep the center afloat.

    Yes, the Encinitas City Council has "gifted" big time to Quail, excuse, wrong name, San Diego gardens. San Diego County, come take over Quail Gardens before the current board runs the place into the ground. A new housing development waiting for the demise of Quail Gardens.

  12. Face it. When the Encinitas City Council takes money from a developer in Denver as part of the city's art grants, the Council's actions encourage non-local name changes.

  13. The new mixed use development could be called Quail Gardens Towne Center.

  14. Whats in a name?

    Danny will always be a Dick to me.

    You can call a turd a flower but it still smells and acts like a turd.

    You can call a Gem a turd, but it will always be a Gem to me.

    Do you see?

  15. If Danny were named correctly, then people new to him or new to town would not have to discover for themselves.

    So....what you call things does matter (unless the true nature is obvious - like a turd vs. a gem).

  16. Why not "Funky Area Garden?" That would be a great name for such a funky place!

  17. Ugh. I remember when admission was free and parking was $1. It has all been downhill since.

    I think the name should be: Wish this had been a 1,000 acre garden instead of just 35 Botanical Gardens.

  18. Time for the Encinitas City Council to start charging market rates on the city property occupied by Quail Gardens. No more $1 a year lease for them.

  19. The Gardens are a wonderful asset to our community.
    "Downhill from there" It has been just the opposite.The new children's garden is fantastic, thanks to a local patron's support.
    Julian has been a resposible stewart and improved one of our city's gems year by year.
    I support the name change and think it can help in the long run.
    The noteable San Diego Botanical Gardens will always be in Encinitas. So why do you care?

    When is the last time any of you consistent nathsayers have been there?
    I thought so.

  20. Only a few consistent naysayers post on this blog. And one, not for awhile.

    My family is a member and we go regularly.

    If Encinitas subsidizes the gardens in any way, the name should be Encinitas """ and not San Diego.

    Plus any good Marketing person knows you want your product name brand to reflect a higher level of excellence/coolness not lower.

    You don't see the neighborhood of Carmel Valley San Diego calling themselves.... San Diego Highlands..... no no no...its always "Del Mar" Highlights or plaque or estates or something like that.

    Why cheapen the Gardens with an association with Crappy San Diego. Encinitas is way above San Diego in coolness recognition. The board better look at the qualifications of the individual making this suggestion. Seems like a bad one to me.

    If you had to make a choice, would you go see "Deer Botanical Gardens" or "Detroit Botanical Gardens"?

  21. Encinitas Botanic Gardens is the right choice. E-mail council and the gardens and/or write e-mails to the North County Times and Union Tribune.

  22. I don't understand the need for the name change at all. At the most, how about Quail Gardens of Encinitas?

    Many well-regarded gardening books already reference Quail Gardens throughout their text. This will be a problem for gardeners looking to locate the gardens.

    Geez, doesn't the staff at Quail have more important things to do? This wouldn't be on my list of projects to spend time on..This would be like changing the name of Encinitas because we don't have lots of oaks trees anymore. It's silly.

  23. "20,000 copies of a movie had to be changed to Nightmare on Carlsbad Village Drive."

    Good one, Meathead.

  24. Quail Gardens has NOTHING to do with San Diego. If a name change is needed then I vote with Encinitas Botanical Gardens. If it's not broke why fix it? Quail Gardens has been around longer than some local Politicians!

  25. How about TJ Gardens, after all the illegals who garden here? Then at the little shop there they can sell plaster ware and velvet paintings. Not the cheap kind.

  26. If they want to attract more people to their gardens why not call it "Nude Topless Botanicals"? That would increase the business.

  27. Topless Botanicals sounds too much like the aftermath of arborist techniques at Orpheus Park and the 101 corridor.

  28. If these people don't want to associate with Encinitas then we should not only pull back any support, like cheap rent, etc. and make them improve the street to the standards needed for all the new traffic they will get from "San Diego Botanic Garden". I personally will boycott the new named gardens now.

  29. Ditto. Boycott the San Diego Botanic Gardens.

  30. ...its still the Del Mar Fair even with THAT name change.

  31. I wonder if they're getting special event permits for their gala. I hope City Council members don't go this year.

    I've been to their events in the past, and have to say, the food is always so-so. I realize they are trying to raise money, but for $175 you expect something decent - not tired wedding buffet food.

  32. Jack Murphy or Qualcomm?
    Coors or Cricket Amphitheater?
    Petco or San Diego Ball Park?

    If the naming is strictly a matter of increasing funding, then the board of directors missed the goal. They should have offered the naming rights to Qualcomm, Ecke, Petco or another large benefactor willing to pay for naming rights. Instead they named it for a large and nearly bankrupt city to the south.

    Think of the future civic opportunities ...

    The Billabong Coaster
    The Sony Elijo Lagoon
    The Callaway Municipal Golf Course
    The Ecke City Hall

  33. Christmas on the Prado.!!!


  35. Yeah, TOPIC! TOPIC! TOPIC! We are starved for more contraversy.

  36. New topic: What is that mysterious building at the south east corner of Leucadia Blvd and Vulcan??

  37. Here is a real missed opportunity:

    "The Mitzle Library"

  38. Quail Gardens has been here longer than those who want to change the name, they resent it and are acting "stupidly". Just more screwed up transplants who hate locals.

  39. I have watched Quail Gardens grow over the past 12 years and most of the changes have been good, but changing the name to "San Diego Botanical Gardens" is just stupid. Encinitas is a player in So. Cal. so why is Julian Duval selling out? As a member I am disapointed that we didn't have a say in changing the name. It is a shame that the community that nurtured this place is being kicked in the cajones. And, there still are quail in the gardens.

  40. Hello,
    I'm a reporter with The San Diego Union-Tribune. If you would like to contact me for a possible story about reaction to the name change, please e-mail me at or call me at (760) 476-8215. Thanks!
    Tanya Mannes
    U-T Staff Writer

  41. Thanks for reading the blog Tanya! Its more news worthy than your employer many times.

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  44. I agree with one the of Anonymous posters... It is really disappointing that the members didn't have a say in changing the name... at least I was not aware until we got our Quail Tracks in the mail a while back.

    Sometimes things are better left the way they were - and what would the founders think? I think it will just cause confusion for many years.


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