Friday, May 21, 2010

Shelia Does the City's Homework

Speaking regarding the "Encinitas Ranch Golf Authority's" request to skip a debt repayment to the City, former Council Member Cameron said:

Shelia says what Chris Calkins of Carltas (Ecke's development company) had said on record about the suspension:

See Also: Golf Course's Profits Shared with Private Company


  1. If you want to understand the city of encinitas watch both videos.

  2. Sheila rocks!

  3. This item was agenized without any direction to staff to prepare the necessary finacial analysis --- isn't Dalager the one who dictates what is on the agenda? If so, was he trying to pull a fast one?

  4. good ol boy networkMay 21, 2010 8:29 AM

    dalager gets a lot of campaign support from the Eckes.

  5. Remarkable woman. Yet again, the public doing all of the homework. Where the hell is investigative journalism? And what are staff members paid for doing? The last two were simply rhetorical.

  6. Is this wicket witch of the west!

  7. 2:38
    Only to those trying to hide the marble. And some who never learned to spell.

  8. Is this the same Shelia that was thrown out of office?

  9. Shelia has an opinion piece in the Coast News that I agree with. I think Barth has received very unfair treatment in the press and on the council.
    Read the article. Is there anything there that is not true?
    Thank you Shelia.

  10. After watching the video we now know why the city insiders mounted a campaign to remove her from office.

  11. 3:57 & 5:18
    They didn't remove her from office, idget-children. They removed her as mayor one month early so that James Bond's campaign literature would honor him as mayor when he ran for Assembly that year. It was enough to make a cop cry.

  12. so what did the council members say in response to this lesson in how to properly do their jobs?

  13. One more important question: Are there any council members or city admministrators that enjoy a good game of golf?

  14. A better question is...Why does the golf course enjoy porta-potties yet Leucadia beaches don't have porta-potties?

    Will Leucadia continue to have beach goers pee and crap in the ocean this summer??

  15. @anonymous said: "so what did the council members say in response to this lesson in how to properly do their jobs?"

    Answer: [hurriedly] "and the next public comment will be from..."

  16. Throw the bums out. Anyone that votes for these guys deserves being ripped off.

  17. throw the biums outMay 23, 2010 10:45 AM

    anyone who votes fore these losers deserves to be peed and pooped on.

  18. I like Shelia, we need her to run again for office.

    Does anyone know why she quit or stepped down?

  19. When it comes time for re-election, good ol' boy strategies (and a few pissed off reporters) won out against Sheila's re-election.
    One: "They" ran absentee ballots with their propaganda. A strong strategy pioneered by the late Jack Orr.
    Two: "They" diluted Sheila's votes by having Sheila clones run the same election year.
    Three: "They" campaigned hard against her (much like they did against Maggie, and will campaign hard against Teresa next time).
    When you're up against the good old boys, and there are three seats open, it's best to "bullet vote" for one candidate. At most two. "They" like strong women in office, as long as they agree with the fellers. But look at Sheila and James Bond's track record of voting for big time developments. Bond was always for, and Sheila was always agin. Sheila is a powerful woman with a big heart and one of the FEW previous mayors who even bothers with local affairs long after their term is over. The reason is obvious. She loves your city.


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