Monday, May 17, 2010

A Way to Remember Bob

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  1. If you can't attend, is there a way to donate directly?

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh I get it know, its to tie Bob Nanninga to Fairy Mary. I can see it now, in 100 years the story will go that the Statue of Fairy Mary was Bob Nanninga as a kid. People used to call him the Cardiff kook, but he didn't mind. He would just wave his hands in the air like a ballerina and all his stresses would go away.

  5. 7:37
    you most certainly do not get it and you may never get it.

  6. Wow. You can read the future.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. 9:27- Now there is someone who can see into the future!! Wow!! Can you tell me the Lotto Numbers also??

  9. 10:21

    sure. 14, 11, 7, 34, 44, 45
    Big deal.

  10. In the first line 'dam Stocks' is an apporiate typo as he is an obstructionist.

  11. Great poem and more relevant now than ever. We need term limits. Logan Jekins seems anti Dan and Jerome now. Nothing would please Bob more than a change on the council. Vote.

  12. Bob got one of my votes in the last election, but I don't want a "Bob" memorial in Cardiff.

    Bob didn't surf.
    His poem refers to the statue being "goofy foot". If there is one thing that fruitcake isn't, it's goofy foot. He's pointing north and backside. It's plain as day that the statue depicts a "regular foot".

    The statue is already an embarrassment. Hasn't Cardiff suffered enough already?

    And I'm sure that Bob himself would be much happier being memorialized in Leucadia.

    RIP Bob

  13. How very narrow minded of you.

  14. The truth is the truth.
    Keep the crazy stuff in Leucadia.

  15. Will the truth ever come out about why he died. Is his life partner alright?

  16. His life partner didn't sound alright the last time in front of council. He was on some sort of weird rant about the cable company and made no sense at all. They must be making some funny teas at the coffee shop.

    As far a Bob, Bob died from complications from "pneumonia". We all know what that means. All you need to say is gay and died of Pneumonia and you have 90% of being accurate. I wish they would use his death as an opportunity to teach others about condom use. Or as they do all the time in Jerome Stocks neighborhood, Masturbation.

  17. You also have to wonder what Bob was thinking: Weeks away from death's door and running for an elected office?

    Did he really think that he was going to make it through a two-year City Council term?
    Or was he planning to leave us all in the lurch?

  18. I thought the new drugs prevent the attack on the immune system, and that people no longer die when treated.

  19. Bob could have also died of Swine Flu which was getting into epidemic proportions when he died. He also could have died from pneumonia. Why is it always assumed that a gay man with pneumonia has AIDS. How homophobic can you get?

  20. You are all wrong, and it doesn't matter how and why. He's gone, so show some respect, please.

    -a friend of Bob

  21. Swine flu? Like Squeal like a pig!!?

    Remember “Deliverance”? Squeal like a pig, Boy!!!

  22. There's an idea for a new Cardiff statue!

  23. I hate bigotry and homophobia

  24. I hate bigotry and heterophobia
    (disrespect for the boundaries of heteros).

  25. I hate bigotry and people with no sense of humor. Boring!!!!!

  26. Cox was rude to me. On three distinct occasions, the representative I dealt with at Cox Communications was rude to me. They disabled and denied me access to my email, and cut off my cable and internet. I was busy burying Bob. And a service company was, to an interaction, rude to me. I had had something else to say at city council, but I was so riled by my interaction with Cox; I had to say something.

    As to what happened to Bob: I decline to engage in a conversation with no face; and I'm fine, thank you. Actually, physically better without him. Daily life, well, I think I have a better understanding now of what patients with frontal lobotomy's go through.

    As far as the poem on the statue, that, my Anonymous friends, comes down to: you got a better suggestion? 'cause right now I'm helping out at the request of the city to raise the funds to allow the Cardiff Garden Society to finish their project.

    And what would Bob think? He'd be stoked that his words were going onto stone. Where would be pretty much unimportant.

    And, indeed, caught, I am a time traveller. In the future, the relatively near future, you're all dead.

  27. Don't spread rumors about dead people. Tacky.

  28. I agree. You have no idea what Bob would say or want. Bob is dead and can not voice his opinion.

    Dinevil- "Actually, physically better without him." What does that mean? Was he doing something to you that was bad or painful, some kind of beating? Come on, Inquiring minds want to know.

  29. Simple. Life with Bob was fattening.

  30. He seemed like the only interesting person in Encinitas. I'm sorry I never met him.

  31. more than happy...May 26, 2010 2:23 PM

    Wendy- he was very interesting and more than happy to tell you just how interesting he was...


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