Monday, April 09, 2012

Leucadia Post Office

Still one of the best places in town to run into friends and get some commerce done at the same time.


  1. Its time for the post office to go.... all they do is deliver junk mail and bills..... I can get all my bills on line..... in which as call they deliver is junk mail.

  2. They should build a mixed use townhouse complex. It seems like there's a shortage around there.

  3. The Leucadia Post Office has been here well over 100 years, and it's staying. Getting rid of it would cause 1000 more car trips per day to the Ranch location. The mail box service is great and is always full. Not to mention Randy is more efficient than the machine you're reading this on. It's not the PO's fault you get junk mail. It's all that jewelry you buy on QVC that puts you on a sucker list. On the other hand, I like the idea of building more empty townhouses. When curtains are hung in them, they almost seem occupied while helping make the area look like an Inland Empire; absorb a lot of rain water and help block the sound of blaring trains. HH, you visionary.

  4. Our Leucadia Post Office is an essential part of our
    town. Randy knows all of us and helps me keep connected with the rest of the world.

  5. Essential for sure.... lets bring back eight tracks and record players while we are at it. Haaa

  6. I like the post office too, but we need to be pragmatic about it. Get rid of the junk mail for sure (WTF). Also probably need to reduce service. Definitely drop Saturday, and consider dropping Friday as well.

  7. 6:11
    The internet has doubled the capacity of America's post offices, so no, the PO is not going the way of 8 tracks. But what's really funny is our state's new e-file "paperless" online tax forms. By the time you're finished, they've asked you to print out 4 pages. Guess they mean just paperless for them.

    Leucadia PO has never been open Saturdays. But reduce service and congest it more than it is? Why?

  8. Interestingly, our town of Leucadia was once known as MERLE. It is listed as such on old maps. Merle was the postmasters daughter's name and the post office was located kind of east of 5 before El Camino on La Costa Ave..

  9. And before it was MERLE it was Leucadia.

  10. And few people know about this, but before it was Encinitas, it was Bufford. I have the Bufford's entire family tree if J.P. would like to post it.


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