Saturday, April 28, 2012

Leucadia Visibilty Triangle

Leaving La Especial Norte parking lot onto the historic coast highway 101 isn't easy, even when driving in the big 'ol van.


  1. The view of oncoming traffic is even worse in a small car like mine, a Honda Fit. I always park at the curb facing south on the west side of 101 instead of in parking lots for this very reason.

  2. Its really fortunate there are not more bad accidents involving cars coming onto the 101 in this stretch. Getting out from Cadmus by Leucadia Liquor can be totally blind. Really need some better engineering/slower speeds through Leucadia

  3. This is a problem where I am on N.101 also. I have seen several accidents over the years.

  4. When safety is deliberately blocked (be it by poor visibility or excessive speed limits) there are no such things as "accidents" occurring. Only wrecks.

  5. This could be easily fixed with some red paint.

  6. Or no parking signs, I hate red paint. Its ugly.

  7. Took another look today. What would really help visibility is for the restaurant to re-route and re-stripe the parking lot, so that the entrance is on the north and exit on the south. That would help safety immensely, and keep needed parking for patrons. The space in between the openings (where a bus stop used to be) is already painted red.
    Of course the Streetscape will also add safety with back-in parking on the street, wider bike lanes and a slower speed limit. I'll tell the owner soon about the parking lot layout and get his input. Nobody wants injured or dead customers if they can help it.

  8. Your "easy" solutions result in fewer parking spots for the customers of local businesses. Thanks but no thanks. We need solutions that help local businesses, not punish them.

  9. Yes the "easy" solutions do work and no, your small businesses will not suffer from losing 3 shared spots on the street, Oprah. Good grief.


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