Continuing our walking tour of the north Leucadia coastal corridor we find ourselves at this classic old red garage/barn building that always looks like it's on the verge of falling down. I have never once seen anyone come in or out of this place, heh. Can you say funky?

I really like that this old school auto-mechanic building still exist on the coast highway. I really dig this place and love driving past and seeing the race cars and hot rods out front.

The Royal Liquor building is one of many basic cube style buildings in Leucadia. But I'm not that keen on this one. The main issue is the use of the problematic stucco that collects and traps dirt and grim so that the building has an overall filmy look. Compared to the classic 50's style Leucadia Liquor the Royal Liquor signage is kind of weak but maybe I'm just comparing apples and oranges.
Inside the store, Royal Liquor is a pretty decent place and has a nice walk-in cooler.

This looks somewhat ghetto.
Blogger recommends: Royal Liquor should apply for one of those Leucadia 101 Facade Grants and give this building a nice updated paint job.
Leucadia!: Let's Tour North Leucadia (part 13)
payphones are so 20th century!
ReplyDeleteThe Royal Liquor store and motel is on property that is going through permitting for a new mixed use development. The design I saw is outstanding. 3 commercial spots, Condos, and Hotel rooms. The owners and architect did an excellent job of making the design interesting with multiple roof lines and other unique features. The new development will be a major improvement for Leucadia. It has a classy but nice funky look.
ReplyDeleteWhere did you see the design? How can I see it?
ReplyDeleteCARLSBAD ---- The City Council unanimously agreed Tuesday to pay for a traffic study of La Costa Avenue, but didn't promise to eliminate one of the major commuter route's westbound traffic lanes as some residents have requested.
ReplyDeleteThat decision will have to wait until the traffic study concludes, council members said. Among the issues to be addressed is whether a lane elimination on La Costa would increase traffic on Levante Street, they said.
The research is expected to take six to nine months to complete and cost $100,000.
People who live east of La Costa's intersection with El Camino Real have been pushing for months to have one westbound lane eliminated in order to make it easier for them to get into and out of their driveways. It's hard to do that now with traffic whizzing by at 45 mph, they have said.
Comments On This Story
Terrible Neighbor wrote on April 04, 2007 7:30 AM:"Carlsbad made Tamarack 2 lanes and now they are going to make La Costa Avenue 2 lanes blocking more and more commuter traffic on Carlsbad streets and pushing it south to Encinitas local roads. It’s time for Encinitas to make Olivenhain Road and HW101 2 lanes at the entrances to Carlsbad to stem the crush of commuter traffic grid locking our local streets. Encinitas roads are obese with Carlsbad commuters. It’s time for a major road diet to regain our health."