Monday, April 16, 2007

Welcome to Leucadia


  1. Very very ulgar. But I just can't help it. I hope you stayed to see who they were welcoming to our home town.

  2. Is this because Steve Aceti bought a house in Leucadia last week? How did those kids carve that out of the cobblestone?

  3. Steve Aceti the lobbyist! That guy is all connected with the developer political machine and he wants to use those connections to spring board his dying political carreer back to life. He is getting so desperate he is started the sand hoax.

    He tryied to get appointed to Carlsbad city council just last month and when he got passed over he jumped straight to Encinitas. what a carpet bagger. Someone needs to tell Mr. Taxeti that the voters of Encinitas will not elect someone who tried to trick the voters into raising our taxes in order to pay twice for the same services, while trying to pretend it was in the name of clean water.

  4. this picture represents Leucadia? No wonder the nickname is Lu-Crud-ia.

  5. Yes, those two smart alecky teenagers represent the entire community. You got it!

  6. This is totally unrelated, but I havent been to this blog in months. I was looking at the Leucadia 'tour' and was struck by the new look gas station. I was wondering if anyone knows if any 'green' efforts have been made with that new station. Is the building employing any sustainable principles? Is anything being done to curtail the runoff that will inevitably come from it (i.e. bioswales)? Will it be selling any sort of biofuels?

    I ask because it seems like a new gas station is the perfect opportunity to effect change in the building, it's byproducts, and the fuel it sells. Leucadians need to demand these types of changes. When a new gas station is built to the status quo, it is a loss in our fight to keep Leucadia as the last bastion of healthy coastline in southern california.

    Up here in Eugene a company called Sequential Biofuels is leading the way. They just opened a 'sustainable' gas station a few blocks from my house that sets an outstanding precedent in the fuel they sells, the building they sell fuel from, and the measures implemented to prevent inevitable gas station pollution. Too bad this wasn't built there in Leucadia off of Highway 101.

    Alohas to all my old friends and neighbors. Keep up the good fight!

  7. Do people call it "Lu-crud-ia," really? Why? I have lived in Encinitas since 1968, and I have never heard that one before. I have heard "Quaaludia," and, believe me, that one makes sense - at least it used to. By crude, I'm guessing one would mean unrefined, not vulgar. I think a big, beautiful penis artfully drawn in the plentiful, soft, inviting sand of our local beach is fabulous. Fabu. Power to the big penis.

  8. JP why would you put that picture out into the public domain if you didn't want to perpetuate the behavior? I would have to assume that you support that image of leucadia.

  9. aw come on! It's not every day we get to see a drawing of Dan Dalager in the sand!!

  10. i know... really jp, taking a picture of something funny that's happening in the community is so uncalled for. we're never going to make you the president of the elks lodge now.

  11. For all you clueless people,
    this is not the politically correct zone here. It's true if you go to the beach there may be teenagers(or older) saying and doing vulgar things. Were you never a kid. Back in the 50's we used to fill up condoms with water and tie them up and leave them on stairs and elevators etc. We thought we were the craziest kids putting a middle finger up to all the squares in society. I think it is funny.


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