Friday, April 06, 2007

Urban Planner Stuck In Traffic Of Own Design

The Onion

Urban Planner Stuck In Traffic Of Own Design

PITTSBURGH, PA—Bernard Rothstein, an urban planner and traffic-flow modulation specialist with the Urban Redevelopment Authority, found himself stuck in rush-hour traffic of his own design for more than an hour Monday.


  1. No reason to post any comment on this , it is neither fun or timely in any way. Having said that I suppose that J.P. is running out of ideas for this blog. If that is the case then it's time to SHUT'er down!!!

    Then again we have J.P.'s(how do I say this nicely) idiotic statements that rusty guardrails are "funky" and that the center median should be filled in with cobbles!!!
    1-Rusty guardrails are neither funky nor esthetic, there is only one solution....REMOVE THEM!!!
    2-Filling the center median with cobbles! Ok, it would require Coastal Commmision approval to remove that many cobbles from the beach, highly doubtful they would give permission for such dubious project(not that they should have any say about what WE do to OUR beach, and our cobbles. Also the Surfrider Foundation would object, they always find a way to stick their nose into other peoples business, not to mention Baykeeper( what is it that they do anyway?? Besides running around costing other poeple $$$) Next you have the enviromental wackjobs cheese hating religious nutcases, they are going to insist that the cobbles be "native species", very hard to prove as the ocean currents drag up cobbles from hundreds of miles away and deposit them on our beaches. I won't even begin to mention that the cobbles will have to be cleaned before they are places in the center median, can't have any SALT residue contaminating the soil!!

    Sooo having said all this early in the morning, I'm off to the car wash. Don't forget to TIP your window cleaner, if you want your windows spot free!!


  2. It's an obvious reference to the Leucadia blvd roundabouts.

  3. I'll take smaller roads with nice walkways over Orange county roadways crap anyday.

    that article was weak. Whats the fipside? sell out your community for car traffic. Thats exactly what LA did. Do you want to live in LA?

    RSPB- I don't think you have a feeling of keeping it funky if you think the galvanized guardrails look better than the brown rusty colored guardrails.

  4. Replace all guardrails in Encinitas with the brown ones. Those ugly galvanized rails show every dent and scrape. They scream Caltrans freeway.

  5. This is called smart growth. Jerome Stocks made a comment at the Pacific Station appeal that he hated the words. Maggie Houlihan argued that smart grwoth was being misapplied for the project. Smart or dumb, growth is no panacea. It often causes as many problems as it solves, especially when it occurs as fast as it has in Encinitas the last few decades.

    And now our council seems determined to cram as most growth as possible in the next year or two. They seem to be running scared. If they don't do it now, before the traffic circulation report comes out, they fear they won't be able to do it later with mounting civic resistance. It's time for a breather and reassessment. But the male triumvirate on the council guarantees that this will not happen. Contrary to RSPB, the topic is very timely.

  6. To all of you, I want the guardrails removed and not replaced in the center median. Put in some curbing!! AND SOME FLOWERS!!!

    Anonymous8:33: THe entire article is a joke!!! The onion is not a real newspaper nor real news web page, therefore this posting by J.P. is not timely in any way!!!

    To all of you--- Growth is required by ALL cities to continue to pay staff salaries and pensions and fund the outrageous spending on city projects.
    Encinitas Taxpayers Asso should petition for a breakdown of ALL staff salaries and you'll find that these people are earning wild amounts of $$$ for the work they do, not to mention the 85% pension at retirement plus healthcare.

    Be afraid, be very afraid !!


  7. The guardrails provide some form of protection to vehicles if they hit the center divider. Hitting a tree at even a low rate of speed has a higher fatality rate than hitting the guardrail. Leave the guardrails there.

  8. Sorry RSPB. I like the guardrails, but the median could use more trees and plants.

  9. How about the curbs that keep water from flowing into the medians? More water going into the overtaxed storm drain! Who was the engineer who approved the curbs without cutouts to let the water enter the median to percholate?


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