Backtracking a bit for a view of the Bar Leucadian and the nearby houses. Not sure how a busy popular bar co-exist with homes this close.
Notice the dirt median. I think instead of always trying to plant and grow stuff in these little sections, that instead we should scoop the dreaded cobblestones off the beach and pave these small sections of the medians with them. That would look cool.

Biking is a group sport despite the lack on any real bike lane. Notice the poor condition of the train track area. When people complain about dirt and weeds in Leucadia this is what stands out. However, it is wrong to blame the residents or even the Encinitas city council. The NCTD is in charge of the area and frankly, they do a piss poor job maintaining it. And, every time a train goes by it kicks up a huge dust cloud.

The NCTD could at least cover this area with wood chips or something to keep the weeds at bay and keep the dirt and dust down. Hell, dump the cobblestones around the tracks instead of that gravel.
The NCTD is like it's very own little fascist government that cuts through your freedom loving town. The NCTD does a lot of disrespectful stuff in Leucadia like this.

The eucalyptus trees provide their own mulch but there aren't that many of them on this side of the highway. Most of the trees are in the center medians. The city or NCTD should at least plant a hedge along the coast highway.

Here is a better view of the quaint little red place shown on part 14 of the tour.

Scott's Automotive from across the street. I shot this photo on a weekday hence the cars there. The photos from part 14 of the tour were shot on a Sunday.
*Encinitas city councilman Jerome Stocks is on the NCTD's board of directors. Be sure to contact him often with your complaints, link.
Leucadia!: Let's Tour North Leucadia (part 14)
excellent tour! The bikes are riding in an extremely dangerous condition. Something needs to be done for pedestrians and bikes before more are slaughtered in the name of speeding cars.
ReplyDeleteLance Armstrong, is that you?
ReplyDeletepave a running/bike trail in the nctd property. Gee why hasn't Jerome Stocks thought about that. Maybe he doesn't give a s_ _ _.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about Cyclists. They are way too cool for bike lanes. They take their chances on the road.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice to have paved bike lanes & cobble stone sidewalks for Mom, Pop & the kids though.
Jerome Stocks is a Dumb Ass.
I saw him popping a wheelie on his Quad during the Christmas Parade with his kid on the back, with no helmet on.
If he looped it, that kid could have cracked his skull.
He didn't think about that!
Oh Joy- More of San Marcos and Vista traffic bearing down on Encinitas. Next year's traffic will be that much worst for Encinitas Begining in August of 2007. Get Ready!
ReplyDeleteExtension will pave way for quicker access to city and Leucadia
By Linda Lou
April 5, 2007
SAN MARCOS – Soon, San Elijo Hills will no longer be so out there.
Construction continued on the extension of Twin Oaks Valley Road (dirt road, below right). North of the site is San Marcos. The road, which is expected to open in the summer, will connect California State University San Marcos to the San Elijo Hills neighborhood.
A new road that will bridge the gap between the southern end of Twin Oaks Valley Road and San Elijo Road is expected to open by late July.
Access into the 3,400-home development and the rest of southwest San Marcos is limited now from inland North County. Motorists must take either San Marcos Boulevard or state Route 78 to south Rancho Santa Fe Road into Carlsbad before heading east on San Elijo Road.
Once the 1.6-mile connection opens, the route will not be so circuitous. Drivers will be able head south on Twin Oaks Valley Road to San Elijo Road. San Elijo Hills residents will be able to reach central San Marcos much faster and can do their shopping and dining in the city instead of heading west to coastal cities.
That's something San Marcos officials have wanted for a long time.
From a public-safety perspective, sheriff's deputies will be able to respond more quickly to incidents in southwest San Marcos, said City Manager Paul Malone.
Crews worked on installing a waterline along the extension. The completion of Twin Oaks will allow residents of San Elijo Hills easier access to central San Marcos.
“It's a heck of a long run to get there,” Malone said.
Malone did acknowledge concerns about more traffic through a residential area and past two schools on San Elijo Road.
The new four-lane stretch is being built in two segments. One part is the city's, the other is being constructed by the developer of San Elijo Hills.
Known as “Twin Oaks Valley Over the Hill” by San Marcos officials, the city's section of the road starts near California State University San Marcos and extends 4,300 feet south. The cost of the extension is expected to be about $20 million, partly paid by developer fees. Workers now are installing curbs, gutters and medians.
The developer's portion picks up where the city's ends and extends about 4,000 feet farther south to the terminus of San Elijo Road, said Charlie Schaffer, the city's development services director. The cost of that section will be about $15 million, Schaffer said.
The short stretch of roadway was expensive to build largely because of the terrain. It had been part of a mountain that had to be drilled, blasted and graded.
Mike Mercereau, the city's public works director, described the project as “a rock job.” The city made a deal with nearby Hanson Aggregates, Mercereau said, with the city giving excess rock and dirt to the quarry, which carted it away.
Lupe Aguinaga, a public works inspector, said it has been fascinating watching the project's progress.
“It's the future being built,” Aguinaga said.
The city's portion has been part of a road-network plan that was approved in 1984, Mercereau said. In those days, the city was focused on widening two-lane San Marcos Boulevard and improving other arterial roads. Most people went to southwest San Marcos only to get to the now-closed county landfill or if they lived in Elfin Forest, Mercereau said, because there was little development there.
In recent years, two large housing projects – Old Creek Ranch and San Elijo Hills – have sprouted and created demand for a major new road, Mercereau said. When it opens, the road is expected to reduce traffic congestion on San Marcos Boulevard and Rancho Santa Fe Road, he said. The new connection will pass by a planned park at the now-private South Lake reservoir and the city's $4.3 million fire station No. 4, which is under construction.
“It's a critical link in the city's circulation network,” Malone said.
Advertisement The connection also represents the last link in a new regional route across inland North County. Motorists will be able to exit Interstate 15 at Deer Springs Road, head south on Twin Oaks Valley Road and west on San Elijo Road into Carlsbad, Encinitas and Rancho Santa Fe, avoiding Route 78 entirely.
That route is also the cloud hanging over the project in the minds of some. San Elijo Elementary is at San Elijo Road and Schoolhouse Way, and San Elijo Middle School is at San Elijo and Elfin Forest roads.
School board member David Horacek, a San Elijo Hills resident whose child attends the elementary school, said he is concerned that additional traffic could increase the risk of accidents. Out-of-town motorists could fly over the hill and speed through school zones, Horacek said.
Home buyers knew that the road would be completed someday, Horacek said. Residents are also aware that making access to southwest San Marcos easier could attract more retail stores and possibly a much-desired grocery store in the Town Center, a mixed-use area in the heart of San Elijo Hills, he said.
“It's a bit of a double-edged sword,” Horacek said.
Councilman Chris Orlando, who also lives in San Elijo Hills and has a child who attends the elementary school, said the road is an important connection but the increased traffic could be a concern.
“We're both looking forward to it and looking closely at it,” Orlando said.
Stoplights will be monitored to make sure that traffic is flowing smoothly and orderly on San Elijo Road, Malone said. He said the city is planning to install school-zone signs and speed-advisory alerts at all elementary and middle schools in the city.
...may be I should go to Leucadia
ReplyDeleteIs Linda Lou Betty Boo Lou's sister from Dr Seuss?
ReplyDeleteEnquiring minds want to know!