Friday, December 21, 2007

Roadside Park Replanting

I've been meaning to post these photos all week.

Leucadia Blog: More Chopping, a mistake?

Leucadia Blog: Leucadia Roadside Park, it ain't what it used to be


  1. These new trees don't look any different than the 2 trees the City removed!!! Only smaller!! Meanwhile the dead tree in front of the taco shop remains and is marked with an X .

  2. The new trees are artifical and were custom ordered to resemble the ones that were removed. In order to improve safety this will be done in an as needed basis. For the replacement of larger trees,the trees will be funded by wireless communication companies to be used as cell sites. This will bring revenue in as well as maintain the beautiful coast drive.

  3. In the first photo the guy sitting on the concrete blocks is part of the the city staff!! Not bad sitting down on the job, getting paid to watch other people work!!! I wish I had such a easy job!!!

  4. For your information that guy is the roadside bum with an outfit that he got at the thrift store.He is not just sitting,he is holding down the block pile.It's people like you that stir the pot.

  5. The only difference between this photo and others of city workers he is not leaning on a shovel.

  6. White people watching Mexicans work.

  7. It was a Mexican that cut down the wrong tree, touche!!

  8. Encinitas is in trouble. The Chinese have just developed a shovel that leans on itself.

  9. Do not let an arborist do a report on the on the new trees. There is a chance they might drop something or fall over therefore they would recommend removal or heavy chain saw trimming by their biggest sponsoring tree trimming company. Arborist= Tree Hacker with a four hour certificate.

    If the City wants worthy recommendations, they should consult an expert botanist that specializes in saving trees, not downing them.

  10. Too bad the City Employee who is sitting down Didn't do his job the first time. We would have a beautiful 15 year old tree in the park.

    That guy should be fired. But the City has never fired anyone in its history. Hence- the City is full of dead wood. We should have an arborist do a report on the City Staff. Many would be cut.

  11. You silly people,don't you realize that to fully check a tree for disease is to lay it down at ground level to take a better look?

  12. It's just landscaping, get a life.

  13. Landscaping is my life.


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