Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cardiff Sports Park NIMBYs Live in Leucadia?

Can you be a NIMBY and still want sports fields, the park open ASAP, and live nowhere near the park? Did Dalager already grant his own wish to save the Adobe building? Should staff have addressed this stuff in their reports and contracting?


  1. Thanks, Leuc.Blog.
    Very telling.

  2. All I can say is WOW! Does Danny boy also have the same disease as Bond? Did he forget he voted to save the house? What else have the boys forgotten? Do we as citizens have to fact check everything these days? I offer that we remove this trio of men in the voting booth. Dan is up for reelection in 2010. Let's stop him from ever sitting in that dias again and pounding the gavel.This is out community folks. We need to protect and preserve it before it really is too late.

  3. anon 848,

    That means talking to your neighbors and walking streets during the election campaign. Winning does not come without work unless you take a lot of money from unions and developers.

  4. 8:48- I will do my part that is for sure. We still need a good candidate.

  5. What are the characteristics of a good candidate?

  6. Good question 10:27. I would say that a good candidate be intelligent; open minded and listen to both sides of an argument; be proactive rather than reactive; ask questions if they don't know the answer, rather than making up an answer; let staff know that they are their employers; represent the best of Encinitas; and never say never. I am sure others can add to that.

  7. Is a good candidate the same thing as a good councilmember?

  8. I'd say a good candidate would be someone who could access previous council decisions and expose discrepancies within 3 minutes at the podium. Hey wait a bout Tony Kranz?!

  9. Thank you Tony , Janet and Carolyn way to step up and give to um. In the rush to ram 5 soccer fields down the throat of all the citizens the boys stuck their foots in their mouths and now have to answer to their errors. Way to go Citizens.

  10. Could we put the entire city council and mayor on furlough for a few years? That would be a voter referendum to remember!

    We can't plan on them actually getting anything done anyway. If we put them on furlough we could at least save their salaries and stop the madness.

    A unintended consequence could be that us fine folks on this blog would need to find new things to complain about. I'll start... can you believe how noisy those sea gulls are near Moonlight? Sheesh.

  11. I know Tony. He is a Local through and through. Additionally
    he has common sense and understands what is good for Encinitas. He Loves Encinitas.

    I would vote for Tony in a Heart Beat.

  12. Let's have term limits. That way we don't have to put up with any crap for too long and we could get some fresh perspective every once in awhile.

  13. 8:10

    What would James Bond do with his enormous signs?

  14. can we put Miracles in the park? that was a historic spot, too bad it was replaced by a phallic monstrosity that is now inhabited by cougars and cubs.

  15. The real question is who will team up with Teresa to run as a block? There will be a huge push to get her out.


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