Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Parks and Rec Commission Wants Benson Contest

The sub-committee's report was to decide whether or not this contest was a feasible idea for the city. They felt that it is and that this contest would be a good thing for the city with a 6-1 vote.

Also, the whole P&R commission voted to put the permit process through to the city council with a 5-2 vote.

So the P&R comm. thinks that this contest is a good thing for the city on many different levels, now the city council is going to make the final decision.


  1. Maybe someone with some brains should check out the bluff slides below the Self Realization Gardens. This is where the spectators will perch themselves, on unstable rip rap below sheer unstable cliffs.

  2. Let's charge for viewing and parking. We need more money for pay raises.

  3. Dr. Lori voted no on both. I am not sure who the other person was that voted on the second item.

  4. After the Maverick you would think some of them would have some brains. Only 2 NO votes. It will be worse at the Council level. Danny wants this. And what Danny wants, Danny gets.

  5. Organize a peaceful flotilla on the day of the contest to affirm ocean access rights that local city councils are trying control.

  6. Peaceful flotilla? Don't invite the two guys who were fighting in the water, then on land, and breaking fins and boards out there yesterday.

  7. This is pathetic! Shame on you P&R. Kudos to Dr. Lorri for standing up for what this town really wants.

  8. Its time for Encinitas blackshorts. No contests at swamis.

    Dan Dalager is a sellout slough that needs to be taken off council.

    Get active this election and make it happen!

  9. Is there a lawyer in the house?

  10. What do we need a lawyer for? Let's wait until we see what Council does first. Then, if they vote YES, let's call Marco. He loves this kind of thing and he is a surfer.

  11. We still need a good candidate to get active. Someone has to step up to the plate. The reason all of the Commissioners from Parks and Rec will get reappointed is because no one challenged them.Unless we have a good Council candidate it will be the same. We also have to be careful to not get rid of Teresa in the process.

  12. So, the council approves the Chamber Sponsored surf contest, then Marco, (on his own or paid by ? T
    to stop this. On what grounds would this be based?
    That some territorials surfers can't surf there one weekend a year? That the preservation efforts to maintain the area by the sponsors is illeagal? That having this world recognized event is bad for Encinitas?
    On what grounds?

  13. Just because someone owns a surfboard doesn't make them a surfer.

  14. Surfing is an activity cultivating a me first attitude among those that choose this activity. Hence the fist fights and territorial sense of me, me, me.

    With all the things wrong with Encinitas, I find it sad that the city spends any time worrying about surfing.

    How much money was spent by the city to stage this fiasco of a planning commission meeting??

    Don't we have more important things to do with our money ?? Like give unnecessary pay raises to undeserving council people and staff??

  15. Time for Encinitas Blackshorts.

    No surf contests at Swamis. Period.

  16. More important than my raise this year is my pension. about one more year and I will collect over $100,000.00 a year forever! and there about about 6 of us over $100k about to retire next year. I spend every day thinking about how smart I am to jump on the government tit as a career. You can not beat it.

    Thanks Taxpayers. You better start charging a lot for parking, your going to need it... hee hee hee!

    See you at the beach!!!!

  17. I am not a surfer but do not think this contest is a good idea. I saw what happened at Half Moon Bay and that would cost the City a fortune. BYW, What does Encinitas Blackshorts mean? Not being a surfer has its disadvantages.

  18. 10:53- The City does not pay any of the Commissioners except Planning. So, to answer your question, the report and everything else that went with it cost the City nothing, except lighting to keep COuncil Chamber open to have the meeting there. Obviously 2 of the 7 members did not think it was a good idea. One that voted against it is not evevn a surfer.

  19. 9:57-The Chamber is not asking to put this on. Linda Benson is the one asking. She needs a permit and Swami's has always been an area that has not been allowed to be reserved for anything. Why should Linda have the right to change it when there are no standards set and she cannot even say how many people will be there. What if it is mobbed, like Maverick's at Half Moon Bay, and a bunch of visitors fall down the bluff like they did there. Do you want to spent your tax dollars defending a surf contest for a one person? I don't.

  20. Check out Marco's track record before you spend your money.

  21. Marco is my hero, someday when he grows up, he'll want to be just like me.

  22. You lose the majority of your cases???

  23. Rick Schroeder for City Council.

  24. Who is Rick Schroeder? Sorry I don't know the name.

  25. Is Dr. Lorri out there? Did the P&R Commission specifically endorse the contest at Swami's? Or was the vote primarily about the contest in the city with the venue not specific? Did anyone else attend the meeting that can answer?

  26. The Parks and Rec Commission said it was feasible for the contest to take place. That was all that was asked of Parks and Rec. The vote was 5-2 ( I voted against it) to send it to Council with the recommendation that it was feasible to hold the contest and that Linda should proceed with the filing for the permit. The Council will probably have the final say.

  27. Thanks Doc. Do you recall who the other "no" vote was from?

  28. The other NO vote was from Steve Valois, the newest member of the Commission. He was also on the subcommittee.

  29. So the Mayor kicks the issue down to the P&R Commission for a vote on "feasibility" and gets a "yes" vote because just about anything is "feasible". Now when it gets back to the council there is the handy cover of the P&R Commission "approval". Pretty slick.

  30. You got it dowm AJ. The commission vote means nothing. Unless they vote for approval. Then danny will use it to parlay into the City wants the contest. Guaranteed that the the majority will vote in favor. Jerome votes yes in exchange for all the private sport leagues using the sports complex for low to no fees.

    Its bull shit!

    Vote Danny out in 2010!

  31. The most recent massive cliff erosion at Swamis is stunning. I'm afraid somebody, eventually, is going to get buried alive. Right next to the white stairs below SRF and another one right on the point above the rocks maybe 25 yards away slide #1. The SRF had geologists out there 'orange flagging" the slides. Very serious stuff. Also at least three 'smaller' slides near the stairs.


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