Thursday, February 11, 2010

Piss Pole

Encinitas dog drama makes the local newscast: watch


  1. Enough with the dog topic!!!

  2. Why are you so obsessed with this topic? Freud would definitely have something to say about it. Let's move on to more interesting things like who is going to run for Council in 2010, or anything else.

  3. The runoff ends up the the school sandbox? That's excellent.

  4. OK....uncle....

    Please bring back sand or cobbles or overblown Pensions......

    anything but more dog poo talk.

  5. Anon 914,

    I thought you said the LB was obsessed with cobbles, and then you said flooding, and then you said streetscape, and then you said Dalager, and then you said the surf contest. Classic.

  6. You guy's don't get it.

    This topic is so symbolic of our city leadership. It represents all the misgivings that take place daily in Encinitas on every level and aspect. It's got drama, emotion and effect.

    There's lying, cheating, corruption, cover ups, conflict of interest, cronyism, intimidation, retaliation, harassment, incompetence, poor decision making, all of the things that take place in city hall on a daily basis.

    What a great story! This topic shows it all. Look how many comment hits this subject is getting and how many people are affected by it.

    That little girl sitting in the sand where the dog just pissed and the black dog taking a dump in the back ground.... man... good stuff!

    This blog photo is symbolize like this:

    We the citizens of Encinitas are like that little innocent girl in the sand and the city is like the dogs shitting and pissing every were.

    I mean, they ARE allowing that to really happen...


    It ranks in the All Time Best Blog Category

  7. Dogs and all people don't mix. If our city fathers had a brain in their heads they would ban dogs from all our parks and open a dog only area. Several choices exist: Indian head canyon, Hall property, city yard off encinitas blvd., city land on quail gardens, the old dump off Encinitas Blvd, etc. It is not like they don't have options.

    Dog lovers have no concern for other people and dog haters don't want to live in dog pee and s - - -.

  8. Scrolling the home page of the blog reveals half the post are about the water district with some other stuff mixed in.

  9. Did it ever occur to anyone that Meiche was "planting" these poops himself? Someone saw him do it in the middle of the night. He used his own dogs. Sick.

  10. Meiche used his own dogs to pull this off. Now that makes some sense since he does have a job and I was wondering how he could have gotten so many You Tubes made. Amazing.

  11. 9:01
    In defense of Steve....not his dogs.
    Those dogs were ACTORS

  12. You really can fool a lot of people a lot of the time. I thought they were for real. Man, he must be a strange person.

  13. 9:09
    In all honesty, so were the kids playing at Hawk View. The dogs were a better deal though: We didn't have to pay them SAG scale.

    We're contemplating robots next time around. Maybe holograms.

    Yep us NON mixed-use/off-leash expansionists are a crafty bunch, huh?

    If you want to mingle so much,why don't you dog-people gather for a Sundowner at someones house, let all the dogs run loose in the 'hosts' yard. 'Mingling' seemed to be the primary reason you wanted expanded parks.

    Next you'll want a shuttle so you can park-hop.

  14. You off-leashers are more than a crafty bunch. You are pretty stupid to threaten a citizen that had nothing to do with Orpheus. I sure Dr. L. runs for Council and tells you to all go to hell. I hear a lawsuit. Marco might take this one on.

  15. LOL.

    During my early run early Wed AM, I saw your wife - in her PJs - coaching the TV crew (she was heading back to your house while still directing the TV crew). I wonder if you even provided the 'bad' dogs too for the TV crew 'catch' as when I ran by there was no one at the park due to the rain soaked grass and the TV crew was checking their make-up.

    Good energy and good intention don't always align.

  16. So Roz was in on it too. What a turn of events. This really should go to the Turko files.

  17. I can see Turko now. Who to believe? Some crazy man obsessed with poop or a well respected shrink. I know who I would believe. Hope someone calls him.

  18. Did I read right? Were sheriffs there because of threats by Steve and company to Dr. Lori. If that is true I am pissed. We taxpayers had to pay for Meiches obsession.

  19. Read what- Go back to the post before this regarding dogs to see what I am talking about.

  20. So what were these "threats" to Dr. Lorri?

    You guys dropping acid?

  21. 11:06
    Uh, 'well-respected' may be a stretch.

    You her Campaign Manager?

    Start spinning now, you only have til November.

  22. To 11:48

    I read that two cops were there to protect Dr L.
    I do not believe that the cops were there for any other reason than they are always there at council meetings.
    Just because some one said that does not make it true.
    As for 'threats', I thing this is equally untrue.
    Good news. I do not think you need to be pissed at any one other that the person that offered that BS.

  23. Friend of Dr. Lorri'sFebruary 12, 2010 3:21 PM

    To Karl: Have you ever met Dr. Lorri? She is a nice person who seems to genuinely care about Encinitas. Since she just asked for reappointment for Parks and Rec. I don't think she is running for Council so I am not spinning anything. I just hate to see a nice person get so much shit over something she had nothing to do with. Doesn't seem right somehow. Actually she did show me the e-mails written by some of the Orpheus people. They looked like threats to me. Unless she choses to post them, I guess who can believe who you want. From what I understand she is feeling pretty bad over this whole thing. She called Steve and tried to be polite and explained she had nothing to do with the Orpheus situation. He kept calling her out. Then other people around Orpheus, who have never even met her, sent her e-mails thru her regular account. They seemed to know quite a bit about her, considering they don't know her. A little intimidating for anyone IMHO. And definitely not necessary.

  24. Neighbor of Steve'sFebruary 12, 2010 3:34 PM

    Steve- You started this with good intentions. So, will you tell us if "Friend of Dr. Lorri's "is telling us the truth about the e-mails her friend says she got? Please speak out on this. It is important for many of us to know. I know you to be a stand up kind of guy and can't believe that this is true. So please tell us in your own voice that it isn't. Thanks.

  25. So that dog pissing on the pole is Steve's?

    I though Steve was a hater of all things furry. It can't possibly be true that he has a dog.

  26. I can't see how Steve is responsable for emails that he did not send.
    As for the tried person account of Dr L being 'called out', i don't known what that means. The third person account did not say what was said or why.
    As it stands now, all I can see he did was document a real problem at a public park near his house. The issues are valid, he has children, children's and others health is threatened. The problem was not solved by adressing the city.
    Steve is taking heat, as I see it, for not backing down and utilizing available means to rectify a real problem.
    If he has been collecting poop and placing it in the sandbox and grass area where kids play, and training dogs to piss and poop on camera, and place water under dogs that have their legs up and bringing dogs from elsewhere to be filmed, then that is a bad thing. Do I think that years ago, before he married and had kids, he let his dogs run on the beach while he surfed? Yea, that could have happened.
    I think Steve has effectively brought attention to a real problem caused by bad dogs, and irresponsible owners.

  27. All Steve has to do is post that he had nothing to do with the hate mail Dr. L received. He hasn't done that yet. I am calling you out Steve. You have posted a ton of crap. Now is the time to step up and say you did or did not send Dr. L nasty e-mails to her personal e-mail address. Be a man and come clean.

  28. As a firefighter and a paramedic, I took an oath to serve the public and help people from all walks of life unselfishly. That is what I'm committed to do whether I'm on duty or off. Of course I never threatened Dr. Lorri nor did I send her hateful emails. I found her website online, I sent her an email and asked what her opinion was of the Youtube videos and about the possible conflict of interest of her selling pet books and recommending dog park expansion. Fair enough. She called me, we had a discussion, I emailed her back with a follow up summarizing our conversation. That was the only direct communication I have had with her other than the public forum of the Leucadia Blog. I did cc her with all of the other correspondence that was sent to city officials (I cc'd the Turko files too). I'm sure Dr. Lorri is a great person and we probably share many of the same views. I had hoped that she would rise to the occasion and simply weigh in on what she saw in the videos. She chose not to. Some discussion occurred on the blog regarding her decision not to weigh in on the topic. That is that. No threats were ever made by me. I'd like to know who threatened her and what exactly the threat was, and I would be happy to help Dr. Lorri get to the bottom of this.

    What is happening at Orpheus park is not a fabrication. Hopefully the park will now get the attention it needs.

  29. Steve: I have been reading all of this and I just want to know why you signaled Dr. Lorri out to begin with? She had nothing to do with Orpheus, yet you took the time to find out her last name, Google her to get her website and her regular e-mail, and then basically harrassed her with you trying to get her to say something about your You Tube videos. Why didn't you add the names of all of all of the Parks and Rec. Commissioners if you thought they were responsible? Why just her? Is it because she is a woman? To add insult to injury. some of your friends also e-mailed her also harrassing her into making a public comment. Some people might call this cyberbullying which is not held in high regard by the FBI.

  30. The Parks and Rec commission email addresses are unavailable on the city website. I googled all of the Parks and Rec people and only Lorri's website showed up.

  31. Steve: Not to belabor the point, but after she told you the Council was responsible for Orpheus, why didn't you leave her out of your e-mails entirely? Why did you keep pressing her for an answer when she clearly could not give you one. Seems like a bit unnecessary to put her thru all the extra personal e-mails. Why did you give her e-mail address to the others, or did they Google her too?

  32. One of the letters to Dr. L was sent on UCSD letterhead. Seems like a conflict of interest and misuse of public funds to sedt a personal letter on UCSD letterhead. And, this person is an M.D.

  33. Hi Cardiffian-

    Steve was asking her opinion on the youtube videos, why do you feel that she "could not give her opinion"? Isn't that all anyone was looking for? Since she weighs in on so many things on the blog, what is the big deal about giving her opinion on this topic?

  34. Friend of Dr. Lorri'sFebruary 13, 2010 10:00 AM

    What I want to know is why didn't someone on the City Council e-mail Steve and ask him and his cronies to stop bothering her? He says he sent his e-mails to the city as well. Seems she was left out to fend for herself on something she had nothing to do with. As for why she didn't comment, she was up for reappointment. Do you think she would have had a fair hearing had she commented. Knowing this Council the answer is no.Ii think the best thing to do at this time is let the authorities decide if it was cyber-bullying or not.

  35. I agree. Please Dr. Lorri post the emails.
    I have nothing to hide. Let's move on and fix the dog situation in Encinitas.

  36. So if Dr. Lorri commented on this blog that the videos of poop in the sandbox and urine caked on the picnic tables at the park is disgusting, then she would not be reappointed? Is that excuse even acceptable? That she just avoid commenting out of a desire to protect a position? sounds to me that she was more interested in protecting her own image than making a stand for kids....

  37. 9:25- Yea, yea, yea. Dr L is an evil person who hates children and only wants to be a Commissioner for P@R. A volunteer position I might add. Is that what you are saying. You know the irony of this is she does not have dogs, but she does have 2 kids. I think that we should stop harrassing Dr. L and move in to something else.

  38. I agree. Quite heckling Dr. Lorri and move on to more important issues.

    thanks Dr. Lorri for your actions regarding term limits. now that is something that will guarantee a better future for Encinitas.

  39. It is a sad day when people harass a person that has worked hard for her community. I think Dr. Lorri deserves an apology from Steve and his gang of thugs. If it is true that an M.D. sent her an e-mail on UCSD stationary, then I am really pissed. That letterhead is paid for by taxpayers and whoever sent it should be ashamed that he or she wasted my money no matter what the reason. I will say thanks to Dr. Lorri for her efforts on behalf of our community and hope she continues fighting for us.

  40. Hey you one anon commenter, you are dragging this out way too much.

    If Dr. Lorri doesn't want to release the emails that she says are threats then that is her business. until then, stop assuming that people have sent inappropriate letters.

  41. The e-mails have been released, just not to this blog. I do wish we could move on and work on more important issues. The Council decided not to allow off-leash hours at Glen and Hawk View. Just shows activism pays off. So let's get active on some other issues that affect out City.

  42. I have to say this blog is pretty entertaining. I'm curious how someone sends an email on stationary. it's an EMAIL, right? NO paper? I'm also totally cracking up that the blogger thinks s/he picked up the bill for an email. Not to snicker, but PLEASE PEOPLE!! Let's move on and work together no matter what we think of dog poop in parks and make sure our water bills do not skyrocket!


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