Saturday, November 27, 2010

Leucadia 101 Mixer Dec 2

You Are Invited to a

Leucadia 101 Main Street Mixer

Find out what’s new in Leucadia!

When: December 2, 2010

Time: 5 - 7:30 pm

Where: JamRoc101 Caribbean Grill,

101 Coast Hwy 101

Enjoy Their Great Caribbean Cuisine – Ya Mon!

Happy Hour Prices for Appetizers & Beverages

Please RSVP by Nov. 29th 760-436-2320

There is no charge to attend!


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  2. You can find it at _)*&).

  3. 2:17

    Sorry, the mixer doesn't allow brainless bots worming their way into blogs.


    But the funny and talented like yourself are encouraged to attend!


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!