What do you think?

Susan Myers, data entry
My fiancee broke up with me 2 weeks before my bachelorette party so it doesn't matter that my friends can't buy me fun gag gifts at F St and instead of going out to the Indian casino like we planned I'm going to spend the evening in my bedroom sobbing.

Tim and Bud, unemployed
Shit, I thought that place was a tanning salon. And, why doesn't Netflix have porn?

Bob Johnson, engineer
People having sex only mock my lonely monk-like existence.

Dick Schuler, executive
This is positive news as sex toys are the number three reason for global warming.

Helen Frisket, retired school teacher
Just my luck, I was only two hole punches away on my frequent shopper club card of getting a free vibrating jelly ring.
Time to unload a little.
ReplyDeleteIf ever there was a place that I thought would embrace an F Street book store "sex shop" it's Leucadia!
Home of the funky, the tolerant, the diverse, the "Height Ashbury" of San Diego County.
What the hell happened?
Funky Free love Leucadia has turned into the friggen south and the bible belt!
I'm confused?
straighten me out and explain please!
The NCT spin was that the City won. Not true. The City's permanent injunction was vacated. Judge Lisa Guy-Shall, whose husband is developer Tom Schall, signed an overly broad permanent injunction that said F Street could not sale any adult materials at all.
ReplyDeleteThe definition of adult businesses should include liquor stores and bars. The city's ban on adult businesses within 750 feet of a residence or a school is not carried out accross the board for all businesses that sale a substantial amount of adult materials like cigarettes, booze, drinks. This municipal code is biased against published materials such as videos or magazines, protected by the First Amendment.
The City basically lost, and both parties are to pay their own costs on appeal. That bar on Diana comes to mind. If no one under 21 is allowed inside a bar, or no one under 18 allowed in F St., what was the problem?
The City did what it thought was politically expedient and ignored the First Amendment, again.
ReplyDeleteCheck it out. The Court of Appeal didn't certify this for publication, but it keeps unpublished opinions online for awhile.
Dalager supports body piercing palors, but not adult bookstores.
ReplyDeleteNext step is to ban the coastal motels and hotels. Tourist are having sex in our town! Are we going to tolerate this people?
ReplyDeleteAs a nation we may want to start embracing sex. Muslims outnumber us. Communist outnumber us. Sex leads to children. Children grow up to be soldiers that will fight the Muslims and communist.
ReplyDeleteWe should recruit Paris Hilton and Britney Spears to lead a national campaign for getting it on. We must restock our supply of Christian soldiers and enjoy ourselves in the process.
This is a great post.
ReplyDeleteSex, drugs, and politics!
True Patriot....You're really funny! ....No offense to Paris but a little more meat on the bones is my taste.
So is Leucadia really funky?
or, are we only funky on weekends, kind of like a starched accountant that owns the Harley in the generic house in the ad and puts his leather jacket on for a Saturday ride.
I think Leucadia, while very artsy, is also pretty conservative at it's roots.
I like keeping family values at the forefront Encinitas. There are enough scummy places the perves can go in north county, we don't need more in Leucadia. If F street gets established, we may end up looking like sport arena area with hairy knuckled wackers grabbing our kids from the shadows. I'm glad the city is pursing closing the place.
ReplyDeleteThere is much paranoia regarding sex in this community. The majority of people who shop there are women, not perverts driving vans. The pedophiles are lurking around the schools, not F St as F St has nothing to sell them.
ReplyDeleteA couple councilmen might be interested to know that people kept their outbound emails regarding Fstreet. The councilmen were in support of free enterprise and the american way. Don't tell people what to do with their business. Fstreet had a right to do as they please kinda stuff.
ReplyDeleteremember when Flannery led the protest against f St. We thought that was classic, the guy smokes two joints of something illegal and heads down to the 101 to lead a protest against something that is legal.
ReplyDeleteHow many times did Flannery wave runners around third only to watch them get gunned down at the plate???
ReplyDeleteF Street is now open. The appeals court lifted the order that prevented the selling of any adult item. The case was sent back to the lower court to decide on substantial. No, the city didn't win-win.