Encinitas city councilman Dan Dalager unveiled a giant statue he sculpted for the new Hall Park which is estimated to cost $35 million once completed.
"I carved this giant noble elephant as a symbol of strength and wisdom for all the taxpayers, pernicious complainers and hobbyist who funded the Hall Park to enjoy." said Dalager.
Challenges likely for Encinitas park plan
Also see: http://www.citizensforqualityoflife.org/#VISION
That is so funny it is unholy.
ReplyDeleteAlmost as good as the Rapa Nui Roundabout!
I thought Dan Dalager went way overboard in the article on the Hall property in Sunday's NCT when he harshly criticized all those who are questioning the draft E.I.R. as "pernicious complainers."
ReplyDeleteper•ni•cious adj.
1. Tending to cause death or serious injury; deadly: a pernicious virus.
2. Causing great harm; destructive: pernicious rumors.
2. Archaic. Evil; wicked.
[Middle English, from Old French pernicios, from Latin perniciōsus, from perniciēs, destruction : per-, per- + nex, nec-, violent death.]
Questions about developing the Hall Property as a Regional Sports Complex, as planned:
ReplyDelete1. How will the toxicity of the soil from greenhouse use be mitigated, exactly?
2. How will the excessive traffic congestion be mitigated, particularly during regional sports "events?"
toxicity: not a big deal.
ReplyDeletetraffic: Dalager to Cardiff, "Fuck You."
Is that elephants name Boondoggle?
ReplyDeleteHammer and chisel cropped in Dan's hands? That is dedication.
ReplyDeleteNothin wrong with a new park... unless you live right behind the wall. Get this puppy built so I can run my kids, dogs, wife.
ReplyDeleteThis blog reminds me of a second rate comedy newspaper from my college days. The guy who ran that is still trying to run a similar version of it online.
ReplyDeleteBravo JP, you're funny. Kind of. This sucks.
ReplyDeleteAre you against a new park?
Nope, I love parks and I especially love baseball. I have seen Field of Dreams 47 times.
ReplyDeleteI don't love how pricey this park has become and I don't love Dalager's jerky attitude he has taken over this thing.
It's astonishing that this thing is going to cost us $35 million.
But don't fret, I will soon begin my own campaign to seek private donations to build the baseball diamonds and skate park.
We were promised a community park. Now I read in the Hall Draft EIR that we are getting a SPECIAL USE PARK. That's right. You can read it on page 3.1.2
ReplyDeleteThe pernicious councilmen Stocks and Dalager represent special interests, not the citzens of Encinitas.
If this park is such a great idea lets put it in Leucadia. We can demo some of the trailer parks and plop the lights, traffic, noise and ball fields there.
ReplyDeleteHow aggro is the lighting? They don't plan on having night games do they? That seems like overkill.
ReplyDeleteBright light. Think of the ending of close encounters of the third kind bright.
ReplyDeleteRight now the city in planning to fully light the five soccer fields and the swimming complex. The pool won't be built for lack of money, so it will be six (12 when divided) lighted fields. Lights on 90-foot (!) standards are planned for the fields and on 60-foot standards for the pool. Lights can be on until 10;00 PM, with option until midnight. The city claims the lights ("modern" lights, of course) will be directed downward, but we all know that there is spillover. With low coastal clouds and/or fog there will be a hugh mushroom cloud of reflected light hanging over all of west Cardiff. People living in Cardiff Glen, on the west side of the park and at a lower elevation, will effectively be living under the lights.
ReplyDeleteThe city is playing coy about tournaments (day or night)and has dropped the description "regional" and now uses "local." If built as planned that will end up meaning Southern California, i.e. regional. Brace yourself for the onslaught of traffic when tournaments are held. Estimates are up to 15,000 visitors from the experience of regional tournaments at the Polo Fields in Fairbanks Ranch on Via de la Valle. There are around 500 parking places planned on the park site.
No wonder they call it a Special Use Park. A community park it ain't.
This is why I use tiki torches instead of artificial lights.
ReplyDeleteApropos of the comment made above about the city being coy. Deceptive is a more appropriate word. I found out that there is a volume II to the Hall EIR. Only wolume I was posted on the internet. There was a buried reference in the Table of Contents that there was more. Two people went to the Planning Department to ask to see it. They were told it was not available. A third forced Scott Vurbeff to bring it out.
ReplyDeleteThe city is now making both volumes available on a CD for free at city hall almost two weeks after releasing the document. Volume I on the internet comes to around 368 pages. Volume II is 1000-2000 or more pages. Volume II is all the supporting data, while vol. I is the conclusions, or better said, the spin. Why wasn't the city more forthright about this? Something doesn't smell right here.
Will cell antennas be part of the lighting system? The sports park on Lake has cell antennas with the field lights attached.
ReplyDeleteIf they put the lights up no one is going to stop them.
ReplyDeleteThe lights will have to be oked by both Caltrans and the Coastal Commission. Caltrans doesn't like distracting lights near freeways because they always cause a gawkers' block. The Coastal Commission has jurisdiction over the protected wetlands in the adjacent Cardiff Glen and does not like lights impacting protected areas.
ReplyDeleteIt appears from public comments that both Dalager and Stocks will vote to build the park as planned regardless of the substantial impacts. They don't care.
If the lights go in, you can be sure cell phone towers will follow, although they are not part of the EIR. How would Leucadia feel if this park were going in somewhere west of I-5 between La Costa Avenue and Leucadia Boulevard?
ReplyDelete90 feet lights are bunk. They are not fair to the neighbors, not safe for the surrounding protected areas, and not necessary.
This should be a community park as promoted by Maggie and Dalager, and the others, not a Sports Complex specialty park.
With the mega lights on the fields, aliens from outer space will have a nifty landing area. Or, when the fields are closed those three months per year for maintenance, the city could rent the fields to NASA for rocket launching.
ReplyDeleteIf they could just leave out the lights, altogether, I think the neighbors, and the whole community, would be so much happier with the project.
ReplyDeleteWe don't need night games. We have lights for that at the high school. Also, teams go out of town, anyway, for regional meets.
We are a relatively small town. We don't need a regional sports complex. Some fields and trails would be lovely, including a skateboard area.
They already put up cell towers in so many areas, including, now, at the Community Center. With tall lights at our park will come more cell phone towers, which do put out harmful waves.
Double blind testing in Europe is leading to new precedent and new law in this country re the damaging effects of the proliferation of cell phone towers.
They KNOW that lights are not going to fly, but that can use the lights as a means to negotiate with the neighbors. Basically it is a threat. Bow down to the all powerful Dalager and Stocks or be blasted with bright lights.
ReplyDeleteMessage. Don't complain about traffic or you're going to get traffic AND lights.
Wow, that's just what is happening with the Pacific View school site.
ReplyDeleteEither accept this high densigy mixed use proposal, which would require a zoning change, yes? . . . or, be prepared for much higher density with less open space.
The threat, unfortunately, is always there.
Isn't his name Dan Perncious Dalager? When I grew up in San Diego in the 60's we had rec centers -- who needs an olympic venue in their backyard? Why not move some of the amenities to other locations in the city so that everyone can enjoy them and not one area gets hit with all the noise, traffic, poop, and hype. This council is hell bent on leaving their names on monuments to overspending. This is a funky community, not Irvine, and those who want Irvinitis should move there.
ReplyDeleteThe city has disregarded the will of the citizens of Encinitas. The citizens were "invited' to design the park they wanted. They did. Then the city did what they wanted. Why were the citizens invited at all.
ReplyDelete80% of the park design is dedicated to the special interest 'wants'of 10% of the community.
Traffic will be a disaster if the current plan to accomadate regional soccer tournaments is approved.
I really don't think there is much that can be done to stop this. The councils three soccer backers will do what they can to accomadate the minority special interests.
Sandag reports, community polling, adjoining neighbors and the majority of citizens who were asked to help design the concepts for the park agree that the current proposal is not in the best interest for our city.The time for actio is now. For more information on the history of this venture see: http://www.citizensforqualityoflife.org/
The city does not need 6 field that could be divided into 2 for junior soccer tourneys. We have an oppertunity to have a wonderful park for the benifit of all,or one that is designed for special interests.
The city does not need this many dedicated field. The soccer people think they need an unlimited number of fields.
AS Dallager was quoted, "If we don't build more soccer fields, we will have to build more jails".
And when asked to comment about the buffer area from the playing field, so neighbors can have a normal peaceful enviorment, he said, "Left field is a good enough of a buffer".
This does not seem like the best for the most.
If Dan did a statue at the hall property, it would be of himself. Thats the only thing Dan can think about.
ReplyDeleteI live 3 blks from this proposed park. I want a park with lights that my whole family can use. How many people on this blog live near the park or have childern. Because you all sound like childern. A PARK is a GOOD thing. A Park DOES NOT Destroy a neighborhood and lights are reasonable and will be out by 9pm. I hope the City Council listens to the forward thinking open minded reidents and goes forward with this park.
ReplyDeleteThank You,
Dan Dallager is a douche bag who thinks he owns Encinitas, what a freaking waste of money, what a fool!
ReplyDeleteEncinitas is not India. Why do we need this stupid statue? Love elephants! Hate this. I can look around and see how great Encinitas is, I dont need a 32 million dollar statue to remind me.
Dan Dallager is not an artist, he is a bs politician and bureaucrat.
Look at the kids he raised and tell me how competent this guy is...