Historic Coast Highway 101, gotta love it. Speed limit 40 mph, good coastal cruising speed.

The restaurant at the top overlooking the north entrance to Leucadia has changed owners and themes many times. Currently it is called Davina's Cabo Grill. The view of the Ponto jetties/lagoon and Carlsbad coastline from their deck is superb. I always thought this location would be a good music venue.

The sad remains of the last Prop C poster is still stuck in the iceplant on the hill below the Cabo Grill. See: Leucadia!: "a fee with a name that made us feel good"

The woodsy entrance to Leucadia is truly beautiful and unique to southern California.

The new Leucadia sign (note Sunday motorcycle riders heading back north). This sign was picked from a number of entries in a contest the Mainstreet Association held. I recall reading that the woman who designed the sign had never designed anything before, and it shows. But, that is the reason the sign works for me. Sure, it's a little dark and cluttered and hard to read as you drive into Leucadia; but it is sweet, honest, sincere and...well, funky.
*Blogger's suggestion: Add a couple of lights to shine on the sign at night and place a couple of cool carved wood tikis around it.
Leucadia!: Let's Tour North Leucadia (part 1)
ReplyDeleteI've just finished 3 weeks of rehab and it's obvious from your posting that YOU are the one that's now doing all the booze!!! You think the north end of town is beautiful???? What are you NUTS and DRUNK????
Why don't you show the north end of town as it really is??? Rundown welfare motels, no sidewalks, no landscaping in the center median, flooded areas when it rains. The sign welcoming people to Leucadia gets totally lost as you drive, walk, or stagger past. Was it designed by an amateur?? It shows!!! It's not just bad, but awful!!! And sooo much was made of the planting vegetation around the sign. Most of the plants are dead or dying!!! You take your life in your hands walking on this part of 101 after dark!!! Hey how 'bout a few streetlights???
FUNKY??? NO!!!!!
J.P. you can put all the lipstick you want on a pig, all you end up with is lipstick on a pig!!!
RSPB-PS this is the first Leucadia posting I've read since getting out for good behavior....makes me want to start drinking again!!!
Welcome back RSPB. You've been sorely missed. the blog just has'nt been half as light hearted and funny or entertaining without your posts. Dont go to that fricken rehab again. We all no it doesn't work anyway.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back. I'm going to leave 1.50 ltr of black label for you at Solana Cove so you can share some of our funkiness with our neighbors. Good to see your posts.
I like the new Leucadia sign! It is way better than what we had before. The surfboard theme is perfect for our little surf town.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if it had lights, but there is no electricity there yet. I guess we will have to wait uniil the new hotel goes in. Nor is there water available, but hopefully that will change too.
In the meantime I suggest that we appreciate things that are changing for the better.
RSPB still crying and whining like a little girl. Have some patience my friend, the tour has just begun. I will address all your concerns.
ReplyDelete(3rd world? You obviously have never traveled)
I love Leucadia -- and JP these picutes are wonderful. Maybe RSPB needs to go back.....let not make this another Manhattan or Hermosa Beach
ReplyDeleteLooks like an old highway to me, not a downtown area. I know people go 60mph, but what is the speed limit anyway, 55mph?
ReplyDeleteDo people actually live along that highway?
Has anyone ever seen what happens when you live along a highway? Just watch Pet Cemetery and don't go to the bathroom when Gage is flying his kite. OOOOh! Not good!!
I guess we just better get used to high death rates along our downtown area.
Driving south on the coast into Leucadia into the eucalyptus tree tunnel is amazing. I wish I lived in Leucadia or Cardiff. For now I just visit on weekends. Nice blog J.P. don't let the haters get you down.
ReplyDeletesigned---you know who
The signature eucalyptus tree tunnel is slowly being removed each development project at a time. The City encourages the removal, deaming the trees unsafe. Kinda funny, I view the speeders as unsafe not the trees.
ReplyDeleteLa Dirtbag,
ReplyDeleteWhy visit. You are not wanted by the people on this blog. Stay in San Marcos San Elijo Hills and what ever you do don't bring your Harley. I hope you don't have any girl scout or boy scout children. If you do they had better not be black. Stay out of the water too, because you must not be able to surf if you don't live in Leucadia.
You are the type of guy that will come to town build a house and ruin our city.
"LA dirtbag" is just a surfer from the south bay who cruises down here sometimes. He is mellow and spends a little money in the restaurants and surf shops and doesn't ride a Harley so try not to spaz out.
ReplyDeleteEucs can be dangerous in high winds and must be trimmed and managed to prevent accidents. I think we should start replacing the eucs with oak trees. We should plant new trees so in 50 years another generation will have a tree lined corridor to enjoy.
Roadsideparkbum is a glass half empty kind of person.
ReplyDeleteI miss the trees, too. Yes, too many are deemed unsafe and removed.
ReplyDeleteI also appreciate the Leucadia sign.
There are some people who are grateful the cup is half full, and work for positive change, and others who complain because it is half empty and act cruel and hateful because that is just part of their personality, which they get off on, by posting here. Part of their twisted pleasure obviously comes from downgrading our community and others posting.
RSPB has been here all along, at least in spirit. He's a bitter complainer who loves to gripe about what he judges to be whiners, crybabies and our supposedly "lacking" community character. In fact, he developed his caricature, a drunken bum, to symbolize what he feels is wrong with our community.
True rehab is for at least four weeks. You don't get out early for good behavior.
If you don't think Leucadia is beautiful then you have brain damage.
ReplyDeleteTree Hugger,
ReplyDeleteDon't blame the developers.
90% of the trees you speak of are on public property and are/have been removed for falling limbs or to make the maintanace cheaper for the county/city.
Your conection and blaming the developer shows a bias that weakens the point.
tree hugger, I think you make a strong point. You said the city removes the trees for development, not the developers remove the trees. I see the difference.
ReplyDeleteI agree with JP, the older, Eucalyptus Trees, with falling branches, could be replaced with more stable Oaks. Whatever we plant should be drought resistant. We have more of a challenge with too little rain rather than with too much, most years.
Why all this fuss about drought tolerant plants. There is plenty of water. Come on, they wouldn't be upzoning the County and adding millions of people if there wasn't enough water.