Our stroll down the sidewalk is short-lived (it's odd that there is a snazzy sidewalk along the coast highway that ends right where the small business begin).
Note in this photo the center medians. Some of the center medians down the coast highway don't have much to them, while others have cool guard rails and nice trees casting cool shadows below.

This lot behind Roberto's and Rebel Rents is for sale for a cool $6 million. It includes the Cabo Grill location. buy it

Roberto's, your standard taco shop. Not bad but not my favorite. Mostly frequented by younger skaters and surfers. The Ranchero Omelette plate is affordable and hits the spot after surfing Ponto.

There used to be a little Welcome to Leucadia sign hanging under the Rebel Rents sign. I always liked it but it recently disappeared.
Plenty of parking here but the awnings make it hard to tell what kind of business are here.

At the transition point of this section of Leucadia we get a one step sidewalk for a hydrant.
Status: semi-funky
Leucadia!: Let's Tour North Leucadia (part 3)
ReplyDeleteI call those crappy Carlsbad looking sidewalks.
If you want cool effective sidewalks go to old down town Encinitas. Effective safe sidewalks need some separation from the traffic by having planter spaces and other street items like street lights. bus stop benches, trash cans, etc...
Cities knew how to build walkable communities before WWII. After the big one, cars took over and pedestrians were hypothetically run over.
The sidewalks in N. HW101 that you show suck. Build them like on 2nd and 3rd Street-that’s pedestrian friendly.
Second Street has spiffy sidewalks, true dat.
ReplyDeleteand a great concrete stamp on the corner of second and d I think, perhaps second and e.
ReplyDeleteThe stamp is an oval and Says O. U. Miracle 1926
I might have the date wrong by a few years.
Anyhow J.P., grab your digital and searchit out. What a great name for an Encinitas sidewalk. O.U. Miracle.
Also, by Moonlight Music just North of the La Poloma is a piece of the old sidewalk before street scape and a bronze plaque.
Same company 80 years apart did the original and the new sidewalk. Now that's old school!
Pretty great stuff.
J.P. you're bringing into focus Leucadia in a positive though provoking way.
Just remember that kayakers, walkers, bicyclist, et. al.
....also love Leucadia.
Thanks for the tour JP- Its better than 24. I can't wait for the next edition.
ReplyDeleteLets get the trees back, and get some sweet sidewalks like downtown Encinitas so we can love Leucadia from outside of car.
The most incredible sunrise ever this morning.
we live in paradise.
Sidewalks and a attractive stretch of 101 will be great, but don't forget that 101 is a linear section of encinitas. Few people are going to stroll from Captian Keno's to Leucadia Doughnuts. We have other things to do besides burning time walking everywhere.
ReplyDeleteL101 will never be a compact district that holds the critical mass to be someplace that needs no parking spaces because all the customers walked. You are on crystal if you think that. L101 stands for Linear 101.
"Cool guard rails" There is nothing "cool" about "rusty" guard rails, they were rusty when they were installed and they are still rusty today. They are an eyesore!!! Shame on the city council that allowed those rusty guard rails to be installed, shame, shame, shame.
ReplyDeleteLeucadia will never develop(there's a bad word)into something nice with those guard rails in place.
Lipstick on a pig!!! Oink,oink,oink!!
I like the guardrails but you can remove them if you want. I won't be smashing into any trees myself.
ReplyDeleteIgnore roadside bum. He is a chronic complainer who offers no solutions. He shadows J.P.'s every move like a stalker. Leucadia is a beautiful diamond in the rough and people like J.P. will steer progress forward while people who hate Leucadia like roadside bum will hinder the process.
ReplyDeleteDear Fellow Leucadians --
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent photo essay
you have provided us, J.P. The
sidewalks still look fantastic,
despite reports to the contrary.
Let's all be careful when it comes
to crossing the street. All the
vehicular traffic is required to
give pedestrians the right of way,
however, sometimes lapses of reason
will occur.
Pablo is in never, never land. Vehicles do not have to give the right of way to pedestrians except at a cross walk.
ReplyDeleteLeucadia could be a great addition to downtown corridor if the tracks were lowered and commercial was placed on top of the tracks. That could make the stretch of the road just like downtown Encinitas. It would also solve the rail crossing issue.
I think motorists do have to give the right of way to pedestrians.
ReplyDeleteAre you just going to mow them down if they are crossing the highway? My understanding is that there are no jay walking laws on the books in Encinitas.
Doug Long is at it again, looks like, criticizing Pablo. Martens is offering some good advice; seems like he is talking about what we have now.
The rails will not be undergrounded for many years, if we can ever get the funding. Solana Beach was smart to go through SANDAG for funding for undergrounding, when it did. Now they have a linear park, not commercial, along what was the rail corridor.