From the 10news website Guru Or Accused Scam Artist?
His name is Tilak and his followers said to call him a guru, mystic or teacher is to limit what he is.
Tilak has been gaining a following in north San Diego County, operating out of a home in Encinitas.
To his devoted followers, Tilak is a superior being.
To his detractors, he’s a charlatan that preys on the vulnerable.
"I think if it was 150 years ago, this would be the guy who would come to your town and try to sell you snake oil as a miracle cure," said attorney Jim Bush.
What Tilak offers is enlightenment through his “gift of light” -- energy of light, often blue, he said in his literature that he could personally transmit.
"You lie down on a bed, face up, close your eyes, and he does his treatment," said Maureen Rafael.
Rafael, a book editor, was a customer for one treatment and said she saw a blue light.
Eileen Tipton said she also saw a blue light when she went to Tilak last year.
"There were these bedrooms set up for him to have, touch and blow on you, where you would see the lights," said Tipton.
Tipton paid for three private sessions and then charged $3,300 to her credit card for a weekend retreat in Las Vegas.
“He will invite you; you have to be personally invited," said Tipton.
On that retreat, Tipton said she had doubts, especially when Tilak disappeared after leading his followers to the Las Vegas Strip.
"I heard later he was at the gambling tables with my friend," Tipton told 10News.
Tipton said what turned the tables completely was how Tilak treated her then 15-year-old daughter, Tessa.
“He offered to take her under his wing, to be a spiritual guide to her for the next three years," said Tipton.
Tessa said Tilak invited her to Las Vegas, where she stayed with him and he promised they would party and drink. She does not claim he ever made sexual advances toward her.
"Everybody treated him like he was a god," said Tessa.
One former follower told 10News, “Simple things like getting up and getting food, he wouldn't do on his own. He would have other people do it for him. He just seemed very catered to; he loved the lifestyle."
Six former followers spoke to 10News and echoed the same sentiments.
One former associate told 10News Tilak was “a lusty little guy who gets the money and the chicks.”
Another said, “He’s totally a scam artist. He preys on people’s weakness.”
Tilak lives in a home in Las Vegas and has one bankruptcy. His followers said he has given homes, money and cars as gifts.
10News learned Tilak is no stranger to controversy. In a 1993 New York Magazine article, former students said Tilak claimed sex with him was the path to enlightenment and that he would threaten people with cancer if they left.
Tilak has denied all of the accusations.
Through Tilak’s attorney, Michael Eisner, 10News investigators tried to obtain a response to a series of questions. While he would not answer specific questions, he said, “They are all lies.”
Rafael said she believes Tilak is a liar and discovered the secret of his blue lights right after her session.
"As I got up from the bed, looked down on the floor, there was a little plastic light, about this big," said Rafael.
Tipton wants her $4,100 back, but she is speaking out for another reason.
"That other people won't buy into something that's not true," said Tipton.
While Tilak declined a 10News request for an interview made more than two weeks ago, Eisner provided the following statement: “Tilak Fernando denies all the allegations of improper (and wrongful) conduct.”

Duuuude, I am totally cosmic. Giiiive meeee your credit card nuuuumber, ooooooOOOOooo!
Read more about Tilak and other creeps at Guruphiliac.
Tilak's website.
Sounds like something fun to do on a Friday night date. It would be a classic Leucadian date.
ReplyDeletePlease my fellow Leucadians, don't give this clown your money. If your wallet is burning a hole in your pocket then go spend your money at Lou's and Ducky Waddles or any other local business. Then take your sweetie out to a nice lunch at one of our fine coastal eateries.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to "see the light" just go surfing at dawn, it will change your life.
Talk about clowns ... the UT has a story today about the vacant coucil seat in Carlsbad. Our old friend Steve Aceti has thrown his clown hat in the ring.
ReplyDeleteBoy I hope he gets the job so he has less time to try to tax and fee Encinitas into the poor house.
fucking retards!
ReplyDeleteMaybe having a weirdo shine a blue light on your head actually is the path to true enlightenment!
ReplyDeleteI bet you made fun of those lucky spirits now inhabiting the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet too! Closed-minded sheep, the lot of you!
JP- I bow beneath you. Where do I send my check.....OOOOUUUUUGGGG!
ReplyDeleteThat picture with the lightbulb reminds me of Dalager's face when he gets an idea.
ReplyDeleteOh, Is that what it looks like?
ReplyDeleteThis Tilak dude is hitting the southern california coast. He was at a dinner party this Saterday, around manhatten beach. Talk is he was great entertainment.Even gave away free shows. The Guruphiliacs blog has some interesting stuff thanks for the tip.
ReplyDeleteIt appears that this "Guru has been" called Tilak is now doing twilight dinner entertainment for all the “Want-ta-bee” rich and famous around LA. When will he be back in Encinitas, I want a freebee as well. Maybe we can book him for a fund raiser. Sort of a “blue light special”.
ReplyDelete"blue light special" I love it!!!
ReplyDeleteI have family in Carmel by the Sea who talked about a cat from Las Vegas called Tilak who blew into town and collected a following of rich widows over two years ago. He has been milking their cash cow ever since. According to my sister, the self proclaimed leader of the Carmel gang told her that she was still willing to fork out the cover charge for his little light show, which is reportedly up to 10,000 clams now. So even with San Diego’s 10News info and other blogs putting out some solid shit about this guy he can still rake in some jack!
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of booking him for a fund raiser. There is plenty of wealthy widow’s right here in Encinitas. We can always say that this is his community service for pulling a fast one on that Tipton skirt and her daughter.
Funny enough, Jody Radzik (owner of the Guruphiliac Blog) self-proclaimed that he is self-realized, is a mushy-gushy devotee of the Hindu Goddess Kali Ma, is an advocate and user of illegal psychedelic drugs and has a Guru:
ReplyDeleteTruth About Guruphiliac Jody Radzik
Jody “is an advocate and user of illegal psychedelic drugs and has a Guru” I think I may be in love….Jody may be spinn’in some poop but the real scoop was on the 10news. ( I check the guruphilacs site about tilak, it sounds dead on to what I been see’ in and hear’ in)
ReplyDeleteTilaks main supporters down here in the real Southern Cal have pulled the plug on him and are now acting like they never knew him. That’s an odd change from the dog and pony show that was put on earlier this year. If rumors count for anything this Tilak cat seems to have a propensity for liquor and the games. He rolled the dice and crapped out in Encinitas. Unlike Las Vegas… what happens in Encinitas stays talked about for years…!!!
10News may have investigated this con man but it is sort of suspicious how they left out the names of some prominent people in the Cardiff by the Sea area that promoted this man. Once again our town gets dumped on. I guess being well connected has it's perks!
ReplyDeleteHow is it that this man (Tilak) can inspire so much concern?
ReplyDeleteNever mind that he is reportedly offering our young underage women a chance to party Las Vegas style, never mind that he was run out of New York, (an impressive feat in itself). Never mind that he has been the demise of countless marriages and destroyed family relationships. Never mind that he has coned single mothers into spending their children’s college funds on “the lights”.
Those things are not the issue; the real issue is that Encinitas got the bad news vibes when it should have been Cardiff by the sea. Now that’s important!
While the rest of us are worried about cigarette smoking surfers polluting the air we breathe, others are trying to find out who brought this plague (tilak) to our fine community.
Perhaps he was brought into our midst to distract us from real problems like leash-less dogs on the beaches or that since eighty-six percent of Californians have made a decision about second hand smoke and the rest of us should blindly follow.
It must be a plot that has been conceived by a Dog lover in Cardiff by the Sea with political pull that has an undisclosed motivation for wanting our young women, widows and married couples to lose their life saving and be forced to move out of Encinitas. Leaving vacant land that can easily bought and then added to the expansion of Cardiff.
I say now is the time for all smokeless beach loving Encinitians to unite. Stand tall with their dogs (on a leash) against this obvious foray of Cardiff by the Sea and “just say no” to Tilak…….. Save our City!!!Save our City!!!Save our City!!..........bowwwow!!bowwow!!
Good citizen
ReplyDeleteThat is some fantastic writing! I may need some medical treatment to heal this busted gut I got from laughing.
This does seem to put into perspective how a real threat to our citizens such as a con men like Tilak and many others can be over shadowed by petty arguing amongst our elected leaders.
Thank you!! And Bowwow!