Looking back north from Leucadia Donuts. It's tricky making a left turn from here because there are always cars and big trucks parked in front blocking the view. This section of Leucadia has interesting drought resistant plants in the medians. In this photo you can see weeds sprouting in the medians, the city has since cleaned out these weeds and the medians look nice.
I like that pair of cypress trees on Vulcan Ave in the background.

One of the interesting things about Leucadia is the mix of buildings on the coast highway. You have apartments and condos and houses and small businesses of all kinds and it's eclectic and cool. So, it's a disappointment to find these houses in such a state of disrepair. In the top photo it just looks like a cool old weathered beach house, but unfortunately the second photo shows just how crummy it looks in person. One of the houses even has the windows boarded up but from the number of cars it looks like people are still living there. This place is looking worse and worse every year. It's too bad because this place has a lot of potential. I didn't get a photo of it but the residential property directly behind this dilapidated duplex was recently spruced up and looks nice. I hope these houses get cleaned up soon because when landlords let this happen it only adds fuel to the pro-redevelopment crowd. I do like the 2nd roof line and the tree out front is pretty cool. The spilling gravel is not cool.
Status-blighted or just in the need of some serious TLC?

Looking south down the iconic California coast highway. The trees of the Leucadia coastal corridor are something to be proud of I think. This section of Leucadia is unique to southern California. You won't find this kind of ambiance until you get north of Point Conception.
Sidewalks would be groovy here and that pedestrian looks awfully lonely on the east side of the highway. Vehicles with surfboards passing by are a constant reminder of how important surfing is to our local culture and economy.
Leucadia!: Let's Tour North Leucadia (part 10)
This is a section in need of some serious help. Great potential. Those property owners are just asking to be eminent domained.
ReplyDeleteNot only does this section need a sidewalk, it also needs a segway lane!
Walker maniac, would you go for a segway lane if we put in some stop signs and played al gore's movie at the La Paloma 3 times every summer?
ReplyDeleteI can't waite for that place to get grazed. The sooner the better. Its the worst section of HW101. The weeds and litter are more attractive than that dump!
ReplyDeleteWow, those segway riders on that website look even geekier than the yuppie 10speeders and rollarbladers combined, yikes.
ReplyDeleteSo Steve Aceti is running for the open seat on the City Council in Carlsbad. Will wonders never cease. Since he lives in Carlsbad, maybe he will get involved in Carlsbad politics and leave us alone. One can only hope.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget the regional boards. He will remain a problem.