Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Sheriff Dept to Hand Out Signs

Neighborhood Watch Meeting
April 21
More Info Here


  1. Johnny OptionalApril 01, 2009 7:44 PM

    What a stupid, ugly and pointless sign. The image in the middle looks like Boris Badenoff.

    Apart from making the neighborhood a lot uglier, what do these signs actually achieve?

    If we the residents have to look at pointless exercises like this, why can't they at least pay a decent graphic designer? Or some clever 5 year old? If any of these are put up in my steet I'm going to tear them down.

  2. Our neighborhood is tight. We all are locked and loaded. We see foul pay and I feel sorry for the sucker. We need more target practice and fools are welcome. As Danny would say, "You all come back here, Ya hear!"

  3. I would say let put up a sign.

    "Stop our city Council from robbing our children!"

    Smaller font "Recall self serving government tit sucking Dan Dalager and Jerome Stocks for their endless support to increase City Pension expenditures at the expense of the public well being and any community park or road improvements. Recall out or vote for anyone but these to top enemies of Encinita's public."
    Now that would better protect our neighborhoods.

  4. I agree!!!! It's time for a recall drive.

  5. Another fugly idea. If only there had been those signs where previous crimes were committed we all would have been safe! Right.


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