Monday, March 01, 2010

Leucadia 101 Main Street Annual Membership Meeting March 4th

WHEN: March 4, 2010

TIME: 6:30 - 8:00 PM

WHERE: Encinitas Civic Center, 505 S. Vulcan in the Poinsettia Room


  1. Be there, if you care. It certainly gets more done, if we all join forces in a common goal.
    A better Leucadia.
    Thank You.

  2. His mother must be very proud.

    This from today's North County times:

    The 'Bully' award

    A raspberry to Gary Tucker, the former CEO of the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce, for trying to intimidate people into silence about alleged misdoings at the organization he led.
    Tucker filed a defamation suit in November against Chamber President Ken Gross after the chamber issued a report alleging serious financial improprieties under Tucker's watch. The report was requested by Encinitas to investigate concerns about mismanagement at the chamber, which has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer subsidies.
    The lawsuit was dismissed by a Superior Court judge last week. A similar suit against the accountant who wrote the report is pending.
    The grand jury is trying to determine what ---- if anything ---- happened at the chamber. If Tucker is as guiltless as he says he is, maybe he should let the Grand Jury's report speak for itself and stop badgering his fellow citizens.

  3. L101 has been benificial to our community in a lot of ways.
    Their efforts are to have a better Leucadia.
    They deserve the community's support.
    Let's support their efforts on our behalf.
    Go to the meeting. Become a member.
    Get involved.
    You are invited.

  4. Leucadia- The Art and Soul of EncinitasMarch 03, 2010 6:51 AM

    Art, Landscaping, safe walkways, a functioning mainstreet to serve its residents. What a great mission... L101 is for a better Leucadia and all of Encinitas.

    Leucadia is the Art and Soul of Encinitas.

  5. I became involved with L101 because I no longer felt good complaining about was or wasn't happening in Leucadia and not doing anything constuctive about it. The public is invited to this meeting, you can stay home and bitch or you can get involved and be part of the change you want to see in Leucadia.

  6. I have been a member of L101 since inception.
    I have seen positive changes for Leucadia because of their efforts. I enjoy the news sidewalks, medians, LeucadiART, Farmers Market, entry sign, Leucadia Nights, Light up Leucadia, Ewaste recycling, ArtsAlive Banners, Coastal Cruiser, Dog Holloween Walkabout and other civic events that L101 has created and/or sponsored.
    They have influenced positive change.
    L101 did a commendable job of getting out true information on out Streetscape, against a mass mis- information onslaught, and facilitated the desimanation of facts to the public to make an intellegent decission of the better plan.
    They have been a effective conduit to the city, and though all the battlles have not been won, and won't win all the battles in the future, they will continue to offer their time to help maintain the flavor of Leucadia and plan for a better Leucadia for our children.
    I too, encourage those who care to support this organization.
    Go to the meeting. Join L101. Support positive change and be a part of it.

    Thank You.


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!