Tuesday, March 23, 2010

New Blog in Town

A long-time blogger has moved back to Encinitas and is blogging away about our hometown. The blogger covered the New Encinitas G.P. workshop in the latest post. Clicky


  1. Never Vote for an IncumbentMarch 23, 2010 9:39 PM

    new blog in town, same old blow hard politicians and pension rich staff.

    Never vote for an incumbent. They all suck! They start rotting after the second term.

  2. ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz

  3. Google this guy. He's all over the place. Thoughts?

  4. I'm confused as to why you have promoted this new blogger since you are a surfer who naturally cares about the ennvironment and this clown actually believes that global warming is a farce. What gives?

  5. I just got a map from the Sierra Club. According to it, half of America is below sea level. Anyone agree with that?

  6. umm, 12:14
    He's not the only one who knows "global warming" is a farce. Are you saying that nothing should be believed from one who thinks that way?

    I can't believe you!

  7. yes... that is exactly what 12:14 is saying.

    you "know"?
    enlighten us?
    yeah yeah... cycles, we've heard it

    why is it, that when you're sitting in the middle of 20 lanes of bumper to bumper I5, that it's so hard for you to imagine that human influence is accelerating climate change?

    and yes... he's a complete blowhard
    if you're looking for glen beck updates and videos of dogs humping inanimate objects (same thing?) he's got the blog for you

  8. people, please be a little more tolerant

  9. More tolerant?

    And what complacent?

    Thats what got all the bone head in political offices. I say now is not the time to be tolerant. Its the time to pissed for our politicians selling out our kids and grandkids future.

    I am fucking pissed. Dumb ass selfish people get every bit of bad karma coming.

    No wonder young people have zero respect for the elderly. They don't deserve it. The elderly sold out the youths entire generation just for their own cheap drugs and endless welfare so they can live the comfy life off the backs of the young's future. Pathetic!

  10. 6:41- Could you please tell me what age "young people" refers to and what age "old people" are. I am having difficulty understanding.

  11. What is with selling out "our kids and grandkids future?" Do you really think that each generation is entitled to more leisure and less work than the previous? Do you think that paying more taxes for the health of your neighbors is a curtailment of your freedom because you could have spent that money on a flat screen TV? So sick of the selling out the next generation argument...absolute rubbish. The only thing wrong with this country is the HUGE gap between wealthy and the majority of us. The majority can't afford lobbyists...I suggest lobbyists be outlawed and politicians get back to doing their own jobs, which is research and representation.

  12. Meathead, it's kinda like the dikes in Holland, no not about lesbians, but the physical barriers along the shore that protect low lying areas from sea water intrusion. Geez, you must have misunderstood that children's story about saving your town by putting a finger in a dike.

  13. Its called unsustainable debt. At every level in our government Jackasses. The more our generation borrows against the future the more our kids are screwed. You are so fricken dumb you can't understand the issue. No sense trying. You are the entitled one right?

    That is why the younger generations 35 and below have every right to treat you like shit. Our generations from 40 to 80 year olds sold out the country for their own comforts. Sad but true. What a bunch of pansies. Bush and Obama supporter are all to blame. Losers from the heart!

  14. Also- I do agree with "lobbyists be outlawed and politicians get back to doing their own jobs, which is research and representation."

    That would be good. Never vote for an incumbent! They are the problem. Term limits is the solution.

  15. What is with selling out "our kids and grandkids future?" Do you really think that each generation is entitled to more leisure and less work than the previous?

    Um, no, but each generation shouldn't have to inherit $13 trillion in debt and $100 trillion in unfunded Social Security and Medicare liabilities from their deadbeat parents who saw no problem running trillion-dollar-plus annual deficits and leaving the bill to the kids.

    Do you think that paying more taxes for the health of your neighbors is a curtailment of your freedom because you could have spent that money on a flat screen TV?

    You're not paying for the health care of your neighbors. You're getting the health care and the flat screen and piling the debt on the children.

    And this administration is encouraging the excess consumption with asinine programs like cash-for-clunkers and the homebuyer tax credit, encouraging individuals to go deeply in debt alongside the deeply indebted government.

  16. Truth about America TodayMarch 25, 2010 7:33 AM

    WC Varones is correct and add the Bushites deciding to invade nations for the sake of give trillions of dollars to the defense industry so many can die including America's uneducated youth. Trillions of dollars we didn't have, borrowed from China and made our country much more vulnerable to foreign influence.

    Why spend money on education and bettering our nations infrastructure and environment, when you could give it to war makers, government employees and banks?

    America has never looked so bad except for maybe when we were buying slaves. Now we are just enslaving our youth and future generations.

    You can thank the stupid public for electing idiots like Obama and Bush, and the Politician like our stupid City Council Members, and yourself if you are voting for incumbents.

  17. Usually it takes more than 3 boring post to get linked but hey whatever. The more local blogs the better. Varones is obviously a psychopath so he will fit right in around here.

  18. Too funny..... You call having common sense and intelligence psychopath...ha

    I call stupidity and ignorance a shame. Maybe someday you’ll understand truth.

  19. 7:31
    "the physical barriers along the shore that protect low lying areas from sea water intrusion. Geez, you must have misunderstood "

    No my friend. Half of America is not below sea level. I've never seen a public document by a trusted group so misrepresented.

  20. Cabrones is a talentless hack.

    No place for those of his ilk in SF, so he figured he'd travel south.

    Industry: Banking.
    Well......BITE ME !!

  21. Whats your welfare and food stamps. Well bite me too.

  22. I love how these tea bag freaks are suddenly concerned about the deficit. They are the same folks who would shout you down if you dared to question the $700 BILLION debacle in Iraq. STFU hypocrites.

  23. Try again dumbass!March 25, 2010 11:27 PM

    Sorry dumb ass. We oppose the cooperate serving wars and the union self interests that want to make Government the same as communism. Try again loser!

  24. 9:49,

    It's really sad that you have so bought into the Dem vs. Rep stage show that you don't even try to discuss the merits of the policy. You just lash out and attack the motives of anyone who questions your Party.

    If America is in trouble, blind, unthinking partisanship like that is a big part of the problem.

  25. this is one of the funniest statements i've read on this blog:

    "You can thank the stupid public for electing idiots like Obama and Bush, and the Politician like our stupid City Council Members, and yourself if you are voting for incumbents."

    yes... you can thank the public for voting in public officials... that's how democracy works.

  26. Funny but not Ha ha funnyMarch 26, 2010 1:04 PM

    I doesn't seem that funny too me. They are calling out how stupid the public is for electing politicians that sellout their own constituents.

    I guess we have different sense of humor.

    What's funny to me is how stupid the American Public has become and how so many just fall in line wanting the government hand out.

    It funny but also really sad. If you voted for Obama or Bush you are part of the problem. Wake up and become part of the solution. Never vote for an incumbent.

  27. "Wake up and become part of the solution. Never vote for an incumbent."

    i didn't:
    i voted for al gore
    i voted for john kerry (even though he sucked ass)
    i voted for barack obama

    hell, the republicans fell all over each other to smooch the butt of scott brown until he flipped on them. it's the nature of politics.

    so you're saying that i'm part of the problem because i didn't put a crusty old man and a half retard in the white house.

    i think you need more sugar in your kool-aid

  28. Say it once say it again

  29. 3:27- You are definitely part of the problem. You should have voted for someone who could make a difference.


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