Sunday, March 28, 2010

Leucadia Flowers


  1. This is Fox Point Farms on the corner of Leucadia and Quail Gardens! It is one of the last remaining flower growers in our area.

  2. The green houses on Hymettus are still active, and grow poinsettias in the late summer/fall and big leaf hydrangeas in the winter/spring. Look for the Floribunda brand at local nurseries.

  3. Is it for sale?

    I would like to tear it down and build some rather dense housing with a significant low income component. That is what seems to work in your area.

  4. that right 3:55pm! You must be going to the general plan update. Good little girl. That is the way we like it! Now please keep attending those meeting so we can keep on ignoring you. Your so stupid. Haven't you learned anything from our Regional Sports complex public outreach, or the Cardiff Specific Plan public outreach efforts.... Haa a Hahhhaaa Haaaa Haaa! I can't even say that without cracking up. You want to hear another good one. Ask the Planning commision if we ever really give a dam what they do or say. There useless to us. We can use our own Brains.

  5. I love Encinitas. I love flowers. I love small business. I do not like the green houses. They are ugly on the outside and contain more toxic chemicals than DuPont on the inside.


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