Thursday, March 18, 2010

Leucadia Delivers: Bamboo 2 U

My wife had been looking for a surfboard wall mount for a nine months. We aren't very discriminating and we are not cut out for being conspicuous consumers (we're pretty frugal and unwanting), but we couldn't bring ourselves to purchase just any old surfboard mount.
The particular board to be hung was deeply meaningful to my wife's family (read the related Surfy Surfy post here). The mounts that she found in the surfshops and on-line would not have done justice to the intimate craftsmanship and symbolism of the board her dad had shaped before he died.

The perfect mounts were in Leucadia the whole time. Right next to Caldwell's antiques... Bamboo 2 U & Tiki's Too.
After all the years of Tommy Bahama's sales we had never been inside Bamboo 2 U. Had we gone in we would have know to check out their stock much earlier. They have tons of really interesting stuff for all sorts functions.

No surprise, there's lots of tropical style & surf art and furnishings. They also have an online catalog of tiki's and bamboo furniture.

They still have a set of tiki surfboard wall mounts for sale.

We grabbed the palm tree set for the balsa board.

Leucadia has some cool little shops.


  1. That is a crazy cool story. True friends are good as family.

  2. I love that store. Have several things in my backyard that came from there.

  3. I got the same thing at Walmart for $.99 but then they chased me out cuz I'm black. Shame.

  4. The link to the story about the board was great.

  5. I am glad that you found something locally. How often do we just get in our cars and drive somewhere else, when what we need is just down the street from us. Visit on how to save local economy three stores at a time. Many small businesses are struggling in this economy.

  6. Support local businesses.
    Having local businesses featured is a good thing.

  7. Thanks for supporting local biz JP. I think we need it now especially as Carlsbad has closed both southbound 101 lanes in their city and detoured our tourism to a frontage road (again*). - IF they don't take the fwy and miss us altogether. The hwy is real quite today and they don't expect to be finished with the new bridge until May 28.

    * In 1995 they did the same thing for 6 months.

  8. The story behind the board very touching. The little girl on the left in the cow photo looks EXACTLY like Kalea does now- Precious precious precious. What an amazing package to receive.


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