Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sand Circles

First sighting. June 23.
Second sighting. July 1.


  1. Nice photos! Very Leucadia.

    Speaking of that, is there going to be a Neptune parade tomorrow?

  2. Jesus Pat!

    Thats weak!!!!

    You better have better shit than that or pack your shit.

    Next you'll be reporting on the guy wearing boats on his dick in PB.

    I got an idea. Maybe you can talk to the bum on I5 that saids hes a vietnam vet asking for money.

    What about doing an interview with the sketchy look brown/black haired bum with wierd blue eyes that nearly dead every day laying down at the beach or passed out somewhere along HW101. It would sure be good to get rid of that loser before he kills some poor 5 year old girl, or just dies and ruins the beach for everyone else.

    Whats up Pat do a story worth reporting for Leucadia! Definatley not Sand Circles!

    Jesus Christ Pat get real. God bless America! And Happy fourth of July!!!

  3. I recognize that I posted some lame topics. I will humbly try to post more worthy topics in the future.

    Golly Geeze this sign in thing works great!


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Have at it!!!