Monday, July 09, 2007

Vintage and Retro Gas Stations

Fred Caldwell e-mailed out this montage of vintage gas stations and a mock up of our retro themed Mobile station currently in progress on the north Leucadia coast highway corridor.


  1. Speaking of gas stations, does anyone know whats up with the Union 76 station on Santa Fe West of that has been closed and fenced off for many months. Weird.

  2. ...beautiful man
    where I live still we have a couple of these gas stations

  3. The gasoline storage tanks at the Union 76 on Santa Fe Drive were leaking. There is a large underground gasoline plume moving into the Hall property. The owner didn't want to deal with this.

    There is a rumor that Scripps and/or the city has bought or will be buying the property to make a single stoplight (or roundabout!) with entrances into Scripps, the shopping center, and the Hall property park. As the block is now configured between I-5 and the roundabout, it is impossible to engineer the entrances in such a short distance with the high numbers of cars that will be using the facilities. The abandoned station was recently cleaned up, giving credence to the rumor.

    The city has a map showing three new roundabouts in this area. It is very unlikely that Caltrans will approve this, but it is still Jerome Stocks' pipe dream. What has he been smoking?

    In May 2002 the city's consultants presented several conceptual access alternatives to the Hall property. Because of the problems with a Santa Fe Drive entrance, the city favored a realigned Mackinnon bridge to enter the property from the east side of the freeway. Dokken Engineering presented its study of the new bridge in December 2002.


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