Saturday, September 19, 2009

Internet Cheerleader for the Encinitas Elite, The Coastalwatchdog

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The Coastal Watchdog always gets firsties on the North County Times stories. He is a perennial cheerleader for the Encinitas Elite and it looks like he is sticking behind his man Mike Andreen.

North County Times ENCINITAS: Report finds "irregularities" in chamber expenses

The weekly local paper The Coast News scooped The North County Times on this story: Leucadia Blog: Coast News: ENC Chamber of Commerce misuse of city funds

"New" Encinitas Chamber of Commerce website

Old Encinitas Chamber of Commerce website


  1. I think they got the right donkeys. And the bully donkeys were allowed to do it by the board.

  2. Coastalwatchgod....oops, dog, is also known as Anon...A Noxious Odiferous Nincompoop

  3. Coastalwatchgod....oops, dog, is also known as Anon...A Noxious Odiferous Nincompoop

  4. Coastalwatchdog?.... Pfffff. LOL.

    What an embracement for the coast. A great white would have quite a meal with his fat loins. I wonder if he paints his toenails green?

  5. Should Jerome's boy live in IB where he is from. Check out the below.

    "I think there's zero chance for a bill that expands or mandates coverage," said Bilbray, R-Solana Beach. "The thing we can do is cost-containment, put a ban on exclusions for pre-existing conditions and encourage more preventative measures."

    Bilbray will never be a north county resident much less my repubican representive no matter which north county city he moves to. His best fit would be Vista. He is a pure carpet bagger, just like Coastalwatchdog. Pure scum.

    For the sake of the Republican party vote them both out.

  6. 10:25
    Clever. And I haven't heard the work Nincompoop since Lost In Space. "Poop" was probably later derived from that. Thanks.

  7. Sometimes I think "lost in space" is exactly where the three boys on council are flying, where is the robot Dr. Robinson.


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