Thursday, September 10, 2009

North Leucadia 101 trees continue to get cut down

Big or small, the scorched earth policy towards north Leucadia's trees has continued all year long in 2009. You might not even notice right away that a small tree here and there has disappeared, but after awhile you do notice how barren and bleak the north Leucadia tree corridor has become. It seems that many of these recent cutting might not be on the up and up.
"I called a guy at the city and told him someone was cutting down a healthy tree that the city planted 8 years ago on the east side of 101. No one told the city that was going to happened and he said he'd get back to me on it."


  1. No big deal. They're just trees. They will grow back in 100 years. Jerome Stocks doesn't think its a bid deal. Whats the big deal?

  2. cut 'em all down.... thier not native. Maybe then we should kick out all you kooks that aren't natives.

  3. Anyone not living here in 1975 should be thrown out. Send them to Escondido with the chargers. Then we can go back to the way it was. If you were born here after that, tough. You are part of the problem. We want time to stand still. We want the south Cardiff lodge, seaside trailer park, a&W root beer, piggly wiggle market, the Beatles and grand funk railroad back. We want our trees, boo hoo.

  4. It keeps City workers employed. One cuts down a tree, one answers the phone to field the complaint, one asks around about who cut down the tree, another goes out to buy another tree and someone else plants it. And, the cycle begins again.

  5. 8:09-Pretty smart thinking. And that's the way it is.

  6. Dont forget about twenty to sit around reading the blog all day and counting their days until their huge pensions kick in.

  7. I used to stand in the shade of that tree while the guy in the white truck waited for me to try to cross the railroad tracks.

    It is because of that nice shade that I was always able to outlast him (in his airconditioned truck).

    RIP nice little shade tree. RIP.

  8. 8:09
    Ever think of a career in news casting?

  9. Cutting all the trees down and leaving a dead zone is Streetscape option #5.

    So for everyone who wants to complain about the other plans, this is your future.

  10. Look at that beautiful Roadway. Encinitas must be proud to have that kind of glamour along its beach!

  11. Keeping Leucadia a shithole, your Encinitas City Council at work!!!

  12. Looks like Oxnard!

  13. I'd appreciate it if everyone who cares about "trees in the RR right of way" on North Coast Hwy 101, write or call Mr. Lee Kuhns and express your concerns about potentially losing more trees. In his letter to the city today he said:

    "Over the past two weeks we have removed trees that are a danger to our railroad operations. If you have any questions/comments, don't hesitate to contact me."

    Mr. Kuhns is the Right-of-Way Coordinator for
    North County Transit District - SDNR
    810 Mission Avenue
    Oceanside, CA 92057
    (760) 967-2851

    Thanks, Leucadia

  14. Thanks Fred. Once again you offer good advice and at least an action plan to avoid this in the future. Unlike some of the people on this blog that just bitch.

  15. Better yet. Send the letters to the general manager of NCTD.... the right-of-way coordinator is a peon. Talk to someone who has authority and direct the peon on what to do and not do..... send the letters to

    Executive Director:
    Matthew Tucker

    North County Transit District
    810 Mission Avenue
    Oceanside, CA 92054

    phone: (760) 967-2828

  16. Fred-No offense, but do you actually think writing letters is going to change their opinion. Guess I am becoming a cynic. I have written so many letters, on so many topics, and what I have found is, if my opinion agrees with the person that I am writing the letter to it gets done. If it differs from what has already been decided in advance, it is a waste of time or paper or both. Guess I am just getting cynical with age.

  17. These are government employees you are dealing with. They ain't the sharpest pencils in the drawer and their first priority is themselves. The city has no control what NCTD does on the RR rightaway.
    It is only a matter of time before they cut down the remaining eucs on 1o1. Especially those at the north end across from the rental yard. If they fell to the east it would land on the tracks. Sad.

  18. It would be prudent, if the tree canopy is to be revived, to support one lane north and roundabouts.
    As soon as the plan is approved, then we can start planting trees.

  19. Dr. L.

    All I know is that doing nothing guarantees there being less trees.
    And that being a jerk never sways the King either. And as Jru could tell ya, the minute you go to 7-11 for a Slurpee, they cut down the tree you've been perched in. So we know what doesn't work. We've even tried replenishing trees. 11 on my block slowly but surely disappeared.
    I see no good reason for at least 4 trees cut down that were only up to 20 ft tall and 8 years old. Take the train from San Diego to LA and see how many huge old Eucs etc. you can count right next to the train. Plenty. If anyone in town can relate to you being stonewalled for requests, it's me. Seems a bit overboard for NCTD to target Leucadia's trees like they do. So here's the personal letter I wrote them today.

    Dear Mr. Kuhns,

    For the past two weeks I have noticed crews cutting down young trees that the city of Encinitas, and previously People for Trees and myself have planted on the east side of North Coast Hwy 101 across from my shop in Leucadia. I've received information that these trees were "a danger to railroad operations".
    I have a few questions for you if I may.
    #1. How were these trees a danger being only 15-20 ft tall?
    #2. How many more trees are you planning on taking out on North Coast Hwy 101 between Encinitas Blvd and La Costa ave?
    #3. When if any are more trees planned to be taken out?
    As Leucadia's trees are it's historical asset; provide oxygen, shade, a sound buffer zone from loud trains, and are aesthetically beautiful icons to our corridor, please stop cutting them down.

    Thank you,
    Fred Caldwell (Leucadia resident since 1961 and artist for the NCTD Woody Bus, and Train Mural at the O'side Transit Center)
    1234 N. Coast Hwy 101\
    Leucadia CA 92024
    760 707 9009

    I'll let everyone know what I get for a reply - if I get one.

  20. Fred-

    Nice letter, but your sending it to the wrong person. He has no incentive to do anything different.

    Send it to:

    Executive Director:
    Matthew Tucker

    North County Transit District
    810 Mission Avenue
    Oceanside, CA 92054

    phone: (760) 967-2828

    Copy all of Council especially Jerome Stocks. He is the chair of the Planning Committee.

    I hope it does some good. Because for whatever reason the trees are under major attack. Like Jews in Germany during WWII.

    This should be a council agenda item, but good luck with that. Maggie seems to be under the spell of being the best friend to staff and not much more unfortunately.

  21. Why don't we just go buy some trees and plant them where the old trees used to be.

    I think that would make the dead trees happy and perhaps make the city think "hey, people like trees."

  22. Go for it. The City will probably ticket you for planting trees. You have a great idea. I hope people do it. Without water all dies.

  23. 12:34
    Many times that's true. But four large Eucalyptus trees that were felled 4 months ago in the median by the city, recently rejuvinated and shot up healthy new trees. I would have mentioned it on the blog earlier, but thought drawing attention to them would result in them being killed. Sure enough, they were poisoned a few weeks ago anyway and now you can see check out their deadness. The city hasn't bother to remove them. How "in your face". The young saplings needed no water. They were doing extremely well. Pruned, they would have made a new generation of great looking canopy trees. No, there's a pretty strong agenda to get rid of all these tress on 101 - at any age.


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