Sunday, September 27, 2009

No Word from Dalager

A few weeks ago nine wacky citizens, including professional engineers and scientists, addressed the council asking them to justify Austin Foust's no-bid contract or open the process up to other competitors. I addressed the council too. We all thought competition was good and assumed the council would agree. Here is the Coast News letter to the editor I wrote after that meeting:

The Aug. 28 article about the city of Encinitas’ contract for a citywide traffic study (“Mixed review for general plan consultants”) described Councilman Jerome Stocks’ confusing actions. It correctly reported that Councilmember Stocks said that he thought allowing competitors to bid on a $110,000 contract would be “appropriate.” The comment was even more appropriate when considering the last report issued by Austin-Foust contained poor data and analysis. Their report was never deemed acceptable by the council or traffic commission. So you might find it bizarre that Councilmembers Stocks and Dan Dalager and Mayor Maggie Houlihan ended up voting to rehire Austin Foust, without allowing any other firms to compete for the contract. Only Councilmember Teresa Barth said no to hiring a consultant who had stood behind shoddy work.

Why rehire Austin Foust? Consider the bombshell Mayor Houlihan dropped at the council meeting. Houlihan said Austin Foust’s last $100,000 report was years late because the city had manipulated the public review process. She said the delay was used to keep the traffic analysis from impacting the 2006 election (Dalager’s re-election). None of the other council members at the meeting denied or commented on Houlihan’s allegation. Barth wasn’t on the council at the time, but Stocks and Dalager were. Why the silence?

At the time of Dalager’s re-election, he was made aware that some citizens wanted to know why the traffic study was being delayed. The citizens’ concerns were shaken off. The public had been onto something, because the traffic consultants (Austin Foust) now blame part of the project’s delay on, “getting past council elections.”

Was Austin Foust rehired because they could be manipulated? Was the manipulation of the process condoned by Dalager? Well, I sent Dalager an e-mail a week ago asking him to comment on Houlihan’s public statements. He has not yet responded.

As of today we are going on three weeks without a response Dalager.

See Also:
Watch the Meeting Video (August 19th)
Council Report


  1. You won't get an answer, because incumbents know they can blow off the public and a vast majority of the public don't know shit or care to know shit about what happens in City Hall. The majority will vote for the person with the coolest glossy photo come election time. Dalager will produce another oceanfront glossy photo and say the same thing (something about family, envirnment, and beach....phffff) and be re-elected. Even though he is a clueless dork.

    I have very little respect for the babyboomer generation. They are the dumb sheep that sank this county. What a loser generations. They went from selfish hippies to selfish attorneys in a blink of an eye. The one thing the babyboomers always keep consistently is "Selfishness". I hope the younger generations strips them of all social security and health care when they come to rule congress. Karma baby, KARMA

  2. Anon:10:06-Thank you so much for your astute observations about "baby boomers". How wonderful it must be to lump everyone together into a category of "dumb sheep." I am one of the so called baby boomers. I hope that in some small way I have contributed to our community. As a psychologist, I also hope I have helped a few people. However, I do believe that respect must be earned. Barth, BTW, is a baby boomer. Does she qualify in your "dumb sheep" analogy? So, perhaps us boomers should leave things to the younger folks. I have other things I can do with my donated time to the City as a Parks and Rec. Commissioner. What Commission did you say you were on? What free things do you do for our City? Just wanted to know so I could say hi the next time I saw you.

  3. Play ball!
    City may finally realize its vision for a sports park thanks to judge's ruling
    By Tanya Mannes
    Union-Tribune Staff Writer

    2:00 a.m. September 27, 2009

    Could Tanya get more clueless?

    What an airhead!

    The real story is the City Council on its own borrowed 40 million to buy the property and then focused on building a special interest sports complex. Hello Tanya. Ask yourself. Where is the money to build this park and spend $1,000,000 a year to maintain it once it opens. The answer is there is no money for this park. I can't wait to see how our council and City leaders get out of this mess. Watch for some fancy financing schemes.

    Tanya- You struck out this time. Maybe next time you will think to ask some more pertinent questions.

  4. Dr. Lorri-

    Sorry you have to be lumped in with such a loser generation. You can start explaining to your kids and grandkids how you were different and apologize for the damage done by your generation to America. Sad but true.

  5. 10:57: When you post your real name, I will start explaining that some in my generation did turn out to be just like their parents generation.In fact, my kids already know this. However, I see a few folks on this blog, such as Fred, who also contribute, and he is also a baby boomer-whatever the hell that means besides when you were born.

  6. Thanks Dr. Lorri. But I become a target duck at a carnival shooting gallery when I'm honored on this blog. Besides, And I'm actually Generation Jones (1954-1965)according to Wikipedia. Whatever that means.

  7. So sorry Fred. I didn't even know about a Generation Jones. That's a new one on me. So what is a baby boomer anyway? And, isn't Stocks too young to qualify as either? I wonder how he fits into Anon. schema?

  8. So sorry Fred. I didn't even know about a Generation Jones. That's a new one on me. So what is a baby boomer anyway? And, isn't Stocks too young to qualify as either? I wonder how he fits into Anon. schema?

  9. Baby boomers are people who grew up during The Cold War, when women had to get back alley abortions, had no birth control, and sports were not encouraged in the school system. A wife was considered a husband's property and domestic violence wasn't even acknowledged as a crime. Sexual harassment was rampant at the work place. Gay people were looked upon as misfits,and criminals, masturbation caused insanity, and pot smokers were sent to jail for life. Sometimes these people were given electroshock "therapy" against their will. People of color couldn't use the same washrooms or drinking fountains as whites, and lynching was a popular pastime all over the country. Musicians such as Ray Charles and James Brown couldn't use the front door to enter a theatre and were often refused service at restaurants and motels. Other entertainers were black listed and called "Commies", and people such as Pete Seeger were followed, harassed and threatened by the FBI just because he refused to answer the question, "Are you a Communist?". Lives were ruined this way, and some people committed suicide. Baby boomer men were required by law to register for the draft at 18,and many died in a war that was completely manufactured and is now seen as one of our nation's more horrific mistakes. 4 students were gunned down at Kent State for no reason. DDT, smog and industrial pollutants were at an all time high in the 50s' before regulation.
    The smog in LA was so bad, that people were dying from lung disease every day.

    Yeah, we had it real easy.

    I agree with the first poster, however. Too many people went to the dark side. Not me.

  10. "One of the unique features of Boomers was that they tended to think of themselves as a special generation, very different from those that had come before. In the 1960s, as the relatively large numbers of young people became teenagers and young adults, they, and those around them, created a very specific rhetoric around their cohort, and the change they were bringing about.[3] This rhetoric had an important impact in the self perceptions of the boomers, as well as their tendency to define the world in terms of generations, which was a relatively new phenomenon."

    What is really special about the Baby Boomer generation is how they sold out the future of the country that gave them the easiest existence on earth and in record time. Pure selfishness. There are exceptions to the rule like Mary, Fred, Rachelle, and possibly Dr. Lorri. However as a generation goes, I think its the worse this country will ever experience. Its should spoiled brats will always remain extremely selfish.

  11. Opinions Aren't FactsSeptember 27, 2009 4:03 PM

    The resident Lady In Black is long on overwrought hyperbole and short on facts. Lynchings were not "a popular pastime all over the country". On the contrary, between 1950 and 1968 there were a total of 13 lynchings. You can look it up:

    Alaska, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Connecticut had NO lynchings EVER. Arizona, Idaho, Maine, Nevada, South Dakota, Vermont and Wisconsin only lynched white people. There are lots of opinions but only one set of facts.

    Women did have birth control - certainly not the wide variety available now, but condoms and diaphrams were widely used.

    Young men are still required to register for Selective Service at age 18.

    Most of the people who were blacklisted actually were Communists. The blacklisting took place in Hollywood, by their peers.

    I have never met a man who considered his wife his property, nor do I know anyone who has ever excused domestic violence. And you're kidding about masturbation, right?

    San Dieguito High School in the 1950s and 1960s had football teams, basketball, golf, tennis, baseball, and track and field, both JV and Varsity, for both boys and girls. Frankly, I don't have a clue what you're talking about schools not encouraging sports.

    You're painting a whole era with an awfully broad and often inaccurate brush.

  12. If not for the baby boomers and their acceptance of civil rights, the lot of blacks and other minorities, including the handicapped would be much worse. I am greatful, what ever their motivation for the people who helped bring social change in the late 60's and 70's.

  13. 4:03
    it was a post and not a novel.

    Say, do you do Stand Up? You are obviously a man, because if you
    had a clue, you would know that condoms and diaphrams are NOT 100 % effective.

    You obviously know nothing about Women In Black, either.

  14. Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective.

  15. "People were dying from lung disease every day".

    They still are, dear.

  16. That's total BS that pot smokers went to "jail for life" - exaggerate much?

  17. I think I clicked on the wrong thread?

  18. Isn't this thread about the Hall Park property. What is being done now is what is important. Blame the boomers, lost, interbellum, silent, x, y, z, boomerang generations....shit, blame Oswald, Nixon and Robert Todd Lincoln, bottom line is we have a dirt field sitting there. Let's move on. The court has ruled, what's next? Let's make this piece of land work for all of us.

  19. "On the contrary, between 1950 and 1968 there were a total of 13 lynchings."

    OK, maybe Mary's wrong about the preponderance of lynchings. But what about the wrongfully convicted in our country who are usually black (and usually convicted because they're black?)
    Calif. is not as progressive as we imagine. In Glendale CA in the 1950's black people had to be out of town by 10pm. If they were found on the street, they were put on the hood of a patrol car until the border of Burbank when the brakes were applied.

  20. "However as a generation goes, I think its the worse this country will ever experience. Its should spoiled brats will always remain extremely selfish."

    When a family member worked at a local High School, she once scolded a girl for thowing her food in the cafeteria and laughing about it. "Do you throw your food around like that at home?" She asked the girl. The girl quipped: "Yes! That's why WE have a maid!"

    Spoiled? Rotten.

  21. Dear Oly,

    The thread is about Danny manipulating the public at our expense. He did that on the Hall park, but this thread is about the general plan update not about the park.

  22. That's good, it seemed like it was talking about birth control and lung cancer. Better to focus on things we can control like our votes for city council members. Thanks for the clarification:-)

  23. Every dollar spent ont he Hall property is one less dollar spent in on the streetscape. Support the streetscape.

  24. "Every dollar spent ont he Hall property is one less dollar spent in on the streetscape. Support the streetscape."

    No. That's a baseless argument aimed at pitting even Cardiffians against Leucadia's Street scape. The funds come from seperate pots and one does not affect the other. (But it would speed things up a bit!)

  25. "Every dollar spent ont he Hall property is one less dollar spent in on the streetscape. Support the streetscape."

    No. That's a baseless argument aimed at pitting even Cardiffians against Leucadia's Street scape. The funds come from seperate pots and one does not affect the other. (But it would speed things up a bit!)

  26. Every dollar of the $6 million dollar Fire Country clubhouse, could have been used for either the Hall property or the Streetscape. Man are those three guys sleeping up there happy they have those Ritz. Movies and a good workout in the own personal gym with Ocean view. Life if good when your an Encinitas Fire Department Employee.

  27. hall park money is coming out of the general fund so if you don't think using the general fund to clean up leucadia is allowable it is time to stop listening to Dalager. That makes the park a competing interest.

  28. "Life if good when your an Encinitas Fire Department Employee."

    (I think you mean "is" good, and "when you're". Life must suck when you don't do well in school.)

    You muster the courage and stomach for experiencing the worst kinds of real human carnage, suffering and trauma, while trying to save those people's lives at the same time. Our firefighters are lucky we didn't have the twin towers though, or they too would have dutifuly followed the order to climb the towers and save lives. Besides, even one of our local fire fighters who is a friend of mine agreed the new stations were not needed. You're shooting the piano players. The firemen themselves had nothing to do with the new stations.

    "...a good workout in the own personal gym with Ocean view"

    That ocean view was on their property long before you came here. And if you want 97 pound weaklings to rescue you from a burning car or building, that's your own thing, Jack.

    Exactly how much money goes to the General Fund each year here?

  29. fire employee- Glad you can spell check while on the tax payer dime. Now you can do some more good by researching your own City's budget. Hint- Its on line.

  30. "That ocean view was on their property" Who's property.

    I thought the property was owned by the tax payer of Encinitas, not the Employees. My mistake. I didn't know the employees gave all the money to build their bitchen country club house.

    Enjoy the day buddy, Its on us (the tax payers. The people that provide for your paycheck and pension!)

  31. 12:03
    I think you want to capitalize "F" in the word fire and type "online" instead of two words.

    "Glad you can spell check while on the tax payer dime."
    You should get in an sarcasm contest with that Mayor who can't stop saying "God Bless You!"
    The question is, who's dime are you on? Are you that landlord with all that money, time and space that spends "$12,000 a year in taxes? I thought so.

    Not a fire employee here and I wouldn't pass the physical even if I wanted to be. Not to mention I get queasy being over 5 feet off the ground, or seeing humans ripped to shreds by speeding motorists and people badly burned etc. Thanks for thinking I was that courageous anyway.

    "I thought the property was owned by the tax payer of Encinitas, not the Employees. My mistake. I didn't know the employees gave all the money to build their bitchen country club house."

    When I said "their" property, I meant the property where THEY have been located since long before incorporation. I never said the ocean view property was owned by employees. With that slant to interpretation, I hope you don't teach lessons to anyone from the bible. But you'd probably make a snappy lawyer.

  32. Obviously Dalablabber's cronies have hijacked this topic by making personal attacks and spewing tired old rhetoric. He needs to answer. An elected official who refuses to answer is refusing to uphold his oath of office and must go. Ditch Dalablabber 2010!

  33. "Not a fire employee here and I wouldn't pass the physical even if I wanted to be. Not to mention I get queasy being over 5 feet off the ground, or seeing humans ripped to shreds by speeding motorists and people badly burned etc. Thanks for thinking I was that courageous anyway."

    My ass. Your a fire pussie with a statement like that. Admit it. liar. I meant to spell "Pussie" with ie as not to affend any nice people out there.

    Enjoy the public welfare tick and keep up the good spell checking at least you have something productive to do with all that free time on the public tit. Lets see, should I watch another movie in HD or spell check the blog?

  34. Anon 7:18

    who will you call when your house is burning down???? Jerome or Dan --
    Get a grip - the firefighters of this world deserve all of our gratitude...
    just because you could not pass the background and physical fitness tests is no reason to hate....

  35. It's a Dirty little secretSeptember 28, 2009 8:59 PM

    One out of 10 firefighters is an arsonist. Ask them, they know it's true.

  36. Firefighters should make a decent living so they can raise a family. They provide a good service to the community and should be well trained and have good equipment. They should not be treated as special citizens. They should not be able to retire early and live off fat pensions that bankrupt small towns.

  37. "My ass. Your a fire pussie with a statement like that. Admit it. liar. I meant to spell "Pussie" with ie as not to affend any nice people out there."

    YOU'RE softening in YOUR old age being considerate to nice people on this blog. Good to know total jerks have a friendly side if you really dig. Even if they did unknowingly use the offensive form of pussy. And finally, I think you mean "you're", not "your" in your seccond sentence. You see, when shortening the two words "you are" to one word, you just drop the a and add an appostrophy. Hope that's not too difficult to understand. But that's the last lesson you get from me. Tonight anyway. I've got more important things to do like emptying my cat's litter box.

    And just so this thread maintains it's purpose, yes Dan should respond to your question Kevin. But neither he nor Jerome should stop what they're doing to rush to the aid of 7:18 if one of her many houses catches on fire. Even if her pussy is stuck up a tree.

  38. 7:56-

    I don't see any hate. I see envy.

    How many people get paid 24 hours for sleeping, working out and washing trucks? How many people get to retire at over 90% of their highest paid year with tons of overtime time and one half and double time thrown in?

    How many people have a ocean view office/clubhouse that cost $6,000,000 not including the ocean view property costs for housing three employees on duty and some equipment?

    There is no hate for the firefighters only resentment for the extreme cost they put on the City for their unbelievable perks and pensions brought to you by the contributions from their union to our City Council. The City Council that approve these ridiculous perks and pensions should be driven out of town by torches and pointy sticks.

    the part that bugs me and the fire fighters continual pursuit of higher and higher perks and pensions for easier and easier working conditions. If it was up to them, 98% of the City's budget would be spend on fire pay, pensions, and equipment.

    I might be frustrated by the cozy relationship between our City Council and the fire union, but I definitely don't hate the fire fighters.

    And don't give me that fire crap. How many houses catch fire in Encinitas each year on average? and how many of those could be put out by a voluntary fire department with a skeleton full time staff?

    The real work and value of the fire department is City Employed full time EMT service.

    Good night Princess, I hope you find that women's pussy that you were looking for in your deep dreams on our dime tonight.

  39. Pussy is an English word meaning cat. It may also refer to the female genitalia in slang, or be used as a pejorative term that implies cowardice or weakness.

  40. Listen you pussies, get back to the topic. I think the Anons are one in the same, posting and jousting their own thread.

  41. Wow. That was a Great Sleep. Excellent dreams about, well you know. Time to grab some coffee, go workout and watch the morning news. Dam, I am off work in awhile. I have to cut the workout short. I can't wait for my next shift.

  42. "Deep Dreams on Our Dime Tonight"

    With lines like that, I think we could at least write great music together.

  43. I'm voting Gary Murphy as a write in candidate for the next election.

  44. Can you tell me more about Gary Murphy? Don't know his views, just his name. Thank you.

  45. He lives near Leucadia park, go visit with him. Nice guy. Smart and can solve the flooding problems that plague Leucadia. Best of all he's a dog lover.

  46. 10:59
    I don't think you can write someone's name in who's already a candidate.

  47. I might vote for Gary if they turn the 3 minute clock on when he makes comments on the dais.

  48. Thanks Anon3:26. I will see if I can find out more about Gary. I like that he is a dog lover. Can't be all that bad:)


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