Wednesday, December 09, 2009

ASB high school politics on display at Encinitas city council meeting

We have a rotating mayor system here in Encinitas. We don't elect a mayor, the council takes turns.

Current mayor Maggie Houlihan made the first motion to appoint Dan Dalager as mayor and Teresa Barth as deputy mayor to continue with the tradition of moving one seat to the left.

Jerome Stocks made a substitute motion to appoint Dalager as mayor and Maggie as deputy mayor on the premise that she had missed out on a number of activities because of her battle with cancer.

The vote was Jim Bond, Dan Dalager and Jerome Stocks for the motion and Maggie Houlihan and Teresa Barth against.

The council majority boys used high school ASB tactics to pass Teresa Barth over by using Maggie's illness as the excuse. This is very telling about the quality of people we have elected to run our town.

This is just the first of many petty tricks as we approach the 2010 election.


  1. Let us not forget this in 2010. It was such a dirty trick. Dan has said repeatedly that he will never pass the gavel to Teresa, but I didn't think Maggie would actually screw us over. Live long enough and I guess you will see anything, Maggie could have declined but she didn't. Say a lot about her character. Teresa is running again in 2010. We must support. her. Now we need another candidate. Who is going to step up to the plate. We need a strong candidate not afraid of taking on the now 4 unwise Council members. I feel very sad today. Not just about Teresa, but about how blatant the Council has become at "screwing us over."

  2. After the meeting I kicked a puppy.

  3. We must support Teresa in her election and provide our condolences for the final loss of hope that Maggie would stop stabbing Teresa in the back. Maggie was in on the antics.

  4. It's pretty clear that Danny and Jerome are out of their minds. (Jim is along for the ride.) Too bad they're so petty and would stoop so low as to suggest this was about Maggie getting another shot because she was sick. (Maggie might've wanted to decline but I'm guessing Teresa told her to take it.)

    Danny will come to regret this move.

  5. Danny is unbeatable and when election time comes around all we will hear about is how friendly Danny is and the Hall park.

  6. Dalager is NOT unbeatable. That hick has been on the council long enough. If for no other reason that for his pandering to developers and the bitchy soccer lobby, he has to go! Besides, he can't pronounce the name of the city! Listen to him say it - he says "ANTZ-uh-NEE-tus". I grew up here too, and when I pronounce it, there are no "ants" anywhere in the word.

  7. this was like someone stepping on a kitten.

  8. No - that Taylor Swift / Kanye West thing was stepping on a kitten. The above was just pointing out facts.

  9. I warned the readers of this blog for years to NOT TRUST ANYONE at city hall. But do you listen?? Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    They are all a bunch of losers leading this city to ruin. All you so called watch dogs are doing nothing but watching your city be destroyed. Too bad, soo sad!!

    Until you march on city hall with flaming torches and pitch forks I don't want to hear any complaints. The next biggest bunch of losers is the citizens of Encinitas for electing these morons.

  10. If Danny was so concerned that Maggie get a chance to act the Mayor role, why didn't he decline the nomination and let her serve another year as mayor? This is the usual BS, ignore tradition when it suits your agenda, ignore the General Plan when it suits your agenda, ignore publie opinion when it suits your agenda..get Dalablabber out in 2010

  11. Remember, Maggie could have said NO but she didn't.

  12. it's funny that you all are still so shocked by this behavior...
    i checked out of being appaled by the encinitas city council over 2 years ago (and yes, i tried to vote for a change since then but here we are)

    this was the moment i checked out on these crooks. MAY 17th 2007 (that is 2.5 years ago if we're counting)... this appeared in the Union Tribune

    "When is the last time you received a $33,000 pay raise, didn't have to go through a performance evaluation to get it, and the paperwork was slipped into a stack sent to the big boss to be signed without review?

    That pretty much explains the situation in Encinitas where rookie City Manager Phil Cotton, on the job just seven months, received a 20 percent raise to $198,000 and an increase in retirement benefits.

    The raise had been put on the consent calendar amid routine items to be approved en mass without discussion. Only after approval of the raise on a 3-2 vote did the council get around to discussing Cotton's performance in closed session.

    The pay raise puts Cotton in pretty heady company, among longtime city managers of much larger cities.

    This largesse is compliments of council members James Bond, Dan Dalager and Jerome Stocks."

    If i remember correcty the reason for the raise was "it's costly to live on the coast"

  13. Anon11:00 am- You understand. Keep fighting the good fight, do not re-elect any incumbent from Encinitas.

  14. I think we should re-elect Teresa. She is the only only one that has shown true character. As for Phil Cotton, he sucks up to everyone as well. Nice to go from Public Works to City Manager without any competition. If you remember, the Council didn't even put the job out for others to apply. I wonder if any Brown Act violations occurred with the passing of the gavel last night. I hope someone does an investigatory piece on this.

  15. 9:34 what facts?

  16. There is no one to investigate anymore. When newspapers and tv news shows were in their prime they had good investigative reporters who would delve into stories of abuse and malfeasance at City Hall. Now we are happy when Turko gets a pot hole fixed. The local rags haven't had an investigative reporter in years. The Reader is better than the NCT or the UT. Those at City Hall know no one is ever checking on them and they have free reign. You think JP or Kevin have the time (think full time job) to deal with shenanigans at City Hall while working for a living? Freedom of the Press must be supported for there to be checks and balances on government. The Internet has diluted and weakened all media in the US. Made it perfect for government to get away with just about anything. Bankrupt us with high taxes, huge pay raises and early retirements, free unbelievably lavish medical benefits and on and on.
    Only with the state and cities going bankrupt can these extravagant benefit packages be brought in line with the private sector who pay the taxes for these lazy incompetent employees. I can't call them workers as government employees don't work.
    Also how come I see City of Enc employee Eugene surfing Swami's almost every afternoon about 2 or 3 o'clock? Is it just his extended break. Or maybe he just doesn't have anything else to do.

  17. We need a viable candidate to beat Dan and Doug Long. Sadly, when they win, they will really isolate Maggie. 4-1 for the evil team.

  18. Anon 4:14

    What do you mean will be 5-0. Maggie has crossed over.

  19. I've also seen Gene at Swamis in the early afternoon on weekdays. Our City Manager Phil Cotton is useless. He is running a country club.

    How about putting city workers on a time clock? We could catch a lot of slackers.

  20. there are some very dedicated city employees who are being directed by very evil department heads and on top of the heap the city manager...managing us into bankruptcy...I wonder if his pension is safe from a city BK?

  21. "The Reader is better than the NCT or the UT."

    The Reader puts news in their publication to keep the botox ads from clashing together. When it comes to anything meaningful, they are cowards and at least once have removed articles from their online archives.

  22. Of course 2:58 is correct and Gene is allowed to surf every day for 3 hours while being paid for overtime.

    that is for not ratting out telling about how Phil Cotton was in talking about the clown incident with David Meyer( Bros with Ecke III meaning trust fund worthless crybaby.).

  23. Genes style sucks anyway and keep dropping in on everyone. I wish that panzy would learn how to surf and learn how to work?

  24. Please file formal complaints. It really does work if you follow it through. Whether its a valid complaint or not the city is obligated to investigate and return a findings to the complainant. Let the managers do some work investigating. It sucks, the paperwork and interviews get people in line fast.

    Put Chris Hazeltine on your list for not doing his job. He lied on public documents relating to the dog park and Orpheus Park tree issues.

    Someone needs to stand up and hold these people accountable when improprieties are found

  25. Have you stood up Steve. If you know these things to be true, please tell the NCTimes. They will print it if someone gives them the story. So will the Coast News. SO put your mouth to work and let's get these people off the payroll.

  26. Great Steve. Nice to see people doing something instead of complaining.

  27. Jim Bond said he voted Maggie Dep Mayor but would not make her mayor next year. WTF? I think he thinks that Teresa is going to lose which makes him mayor next year. Idiots.

    If Maggie has gone to the dark side, we should just give up hope and accept that the dark side has won. The last time we had it 3-2 was when Sheila, Dennis, and Christy were on, and then Christy went to the dark side.

    The dark side has too much power.

  28. Where is Master Yoda when you need him?

    I would love to see him put some whoopin on our 4some darkside council members.

  29. You guys aren't looking at the big picture. Maggie can still decline. But if she did, would the boys vote themselves in instead of Teresa? You bet. It's what was 2nd on their (pre-discussed) agenda anyway. There is no way they would have had Teresa get dep. Mayor. When the wolves are circling so quickly like they did Tues night, it doesn't give one much time to realize the outcome. So Maggie is damned if she does or doesn't. I think she made the right motion, but I think Jerome butted in too quickly running rough shod over it. I wonder if that was legal?

  30. Meathead: I disagree with your thinking. If Maggie had said no that evening, then the boys would be in a strange situation. Dan was going to be Mayor. So, who would they have nominated to be Deputy mayor. I think it would have been too self-serving if they nominated Jerome or Jim. I do also wonder if some laws were broken, especially the Brown Act. i just can't help wonder how the boys pulled it off without at least all 3 talking if not meeting. And, I'm still not sure if Maggie wasn't it on it from the beginning.

  31. darn tootin Maggie was in on it...if she declined then the next logical action, based on the reason Maggie was nominated, would have been to nominate Teresa as the rightful dep. mayor. That would have been a very interesting moment, but Maggie didn't think it in her best interest to call the boys out on this issue. What is up her sleeve??????

  32. Maggie is the only one 1 trust on that council. I'M HOPING SHE DID IT FOR US (THOSE OF US THAT ELECTED HER).


    I don't care for the boys, but, I also don't care for Teresa (she's to means - personal experience).

    This election I won't be voting for either Dan or Teresa.

  33. Maggie is one of the boys. Period.

  34. Surfy Surfy for MAyor!

  35. Maggie can still salvage her besmirched reputation by resigning as Deputy Mayor. This will force the three men to choose either the declining James Bond or the arrogant and manipulative Jerome Stocks.

    This would be in public session for all to see. No sneaking around in back rooms and talking with each other one at a time to avoid Brown Act violations. The three men did come to a decision, so technically they violated the Brown Act, only they didn't do it by meeting together at the same time.

    Teresa Barth is the one bright light in all this tawdry behavior.

  36. Dunno if Maggie was in on the deal. She was recently seen at the Lumberyard meeting with Dan Dalager and Linda Benson.

    More treachery in the wind? Maggie has some 'splainin' to do.

  37. I don't know why everyone is so surprised by Maggie turning against Teresa. I've heard Maggie throw Teresa under the bus, "many" times!


  38. OF course it was a Brown Act's called a serial meeting when person A talks to person B and then tells person C what B agreed to do creating a collective concurrence.

    But we don't have any activist lawyers or investigative reporters in this town.

  39. watch the video of the meeting, there were no surpised looks on any of the council faces, and there was a public email circulating about this move the day before, sounds like a Brown Act violation to me.

  40. Maggie's heart may be in the right place, but Teresa's heart and head are in the right place.

  41. What public document was circulating the day before? Maybe I can help if you post it.

  42. Jerome is such a little weenie!

  43. no "public document" was circulated, just an email from a concerned citizen...not going to post it because Stocks might figure out who is a double agent...we know Dalablabber would never figure that one out

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I'm sure Jerome has seen a copy of the email that went around, which was not anonymous and pretty accurate about how the deal was going to go down. The move was Bush League and Stocks and Dalager are looking more juvenile than ever before. They're both obviously petty politicians, willing to carry every grudge they gather with them to the dais.

    I also think that because the word of the move was on the street, Maggie and Teresa were able to discuss a strategy. It doesn't surprise me that they decided to go with a plan that didn't include any kicking and screaming. Teresa's strongest asset is her calm, reasoned approach to the City's business. And she knows that being Deputy Mayor doesn't matter in the long term.

  46. I've seen Maggie meeting with Danny in town on more than one occasion. I believe she is working secretly with Danny and against Teresa. Many others feel the same way. Let's replace Danny in 2010. Maybe, Maggie will then return to the good side.

    I don't believe Maggie even likes Teresa (this I've heard from mamy sources).


  47. They don't like Teresa because she pulls no punches and is very intelligent and professional. She has more integrity in her little finger than all four of the others put together. I agree, Teresa plus anyone else would be great. I gave Maggie and Teresa a donation to their last campaigns and only Teresa sent a thank you. Maggie thrives on approval, so she bends like a sapling in the wind, and believe it, the three stooges can blow a lot of hot air.

  48. I really think Lori Green can beat Danny in 2010.

  49. Thanks for the compliment last poster, but I am not running for Council in 2010. My practice is full time and I could not do a good job unless I was retired. I appreciate the sentiments though.


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