Friday, December 04, 2009

Encinitas Christmas Tradition


  1. Peace on Earth. What a nice Christmas dream.

  2. Peace is more than a dream. It is our duty to our children.

    Be the change you want in the world. Fight against corruption and stand for justice and fairness.

  3. stand for justice and fairness for others, rather than demanding it for yourself.

  4. Peace on earth and god willing kick Dalager off the government tit

  5. Peace on earth and god willing kick Dalager off the government tit

  6. Let the poison from the government tit do in Dalager and send him back to where he belongs.

  7. Hey, that tree is decorated every year by my alma mater, Crazy Louie. Once again, great job Louie!

  8. How can such a backward ass hillbilly such as Dalager, be raised in Leucadia?

    Is that what marijuana does to developing minds?

  9. Crazy Louie does that tree? I did not know that. Louie has been hanging around my neighborhood a lot lately acting extra spacey, even for him.

  10. I was down at Moonlight Beach early on Friday morning. The street was blocked with a big crane as the crew was decorating the tree. I didn't see Crazy Louie anywhere, not even supervising.

  11. 8:12
    Come to think of it, it seems like he told me last year was the last time he was going to light the tree. But he'd done it for many years, I know that. I was wrong once before, but later on I found out I was right about that.

  12. I like the tree - every night before going to bed I can see it and it makes me happy.

  13. the tree looks awesome in person.

    I just saw it from the Encinitas Parade.

    the Tree is Ire and Merry Christmas!

  14. Let's bring back the CHRIST in Christmas and change the parade back to the Encinitas Christmas Parade!

  15. Let's put CHRIST back into Christmas and bring back the Encinitas Christmas parade next year!

  16. The tree has its own electric box courtesy of a previous Council. Enjoy the tree. Taxpayers are paying for it.

  17. No Place Like HomeDecember 06, 2009 10:08 AM

    Grinch Anon 11:38:

    The Tree does have its own utility box but DEMA pays the bill.

    Merry Christmas

  18. No place like home - 10:08am----

    Nice attempt in trying to confuse.

    Where do you think DEMA gets part of its money? DEMA gets a nice chunk of change of the taxpayers money from the council. The taxpayers are paying and paying and paying.

  19. No people like landlords, 10:50

    And where to you think you get your easy money?

  20. Anon 10:50 AM

    Dude, you are way misinformesd.

    Dema has a 400k budget.

    30K or less than 10% does comes from the city which is a far cry from the millions in tax payers dollars that all the other cities pay for redevelopment agencies, their staff and offices as other cities try to improve their downtowns.

    (Encinitas has the best downtown)

    Also, Dema pays the City of Encinitas 25k for law enforcement services downtown through the sheriffs dept. So it's a wash.

    I also think Louie decorates the tree. All the lights are LED. Louie bought the led lights.

    DEMA pays for the expenses and the utility bill each year, the tree does have it's own sdge address.

    It's a noce gift to the community.

    I think it has to be the largest living xmas tree in San Diego County.
    Now that is sustainability!

  21. Anon 9:01am ---

    If DEMA makes a $400,000 profit each year, why do they need taxpayer money.

  22. 9:01

    There used to be a star pine closer to the fire station and the hwy in that vicinity. Volunteers and the fire dept used to light it up. It was so enormous, I believe Washington D.C. nabbed it for their Christmas tree in the 60's sometime. What a waste. If it aint the city, railroad or billboard folk, it's the president robbing our trees.

  23. Our presidents robs the future of America by its $90,000 debt per citizen. It might as well grab some trees in the process.

    they are also robbing your savings by devaluing the dollar.


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