Saturday, December 05, 2009

Parade Night!


  1. I missed it. What happened??

  2. It was a wonderful parade, lots of kidos.
    How can we find out which float won?

  3. The parade was really fun. There was a good vibe in the air this year.

  4. The good vibe is because it's the Christmas Parade again.

  5. Even carpet bagger IB resident Brian Bilbray was smiling....

    cause he was sucking eggnog from the government tit.

  6. I was so happy to not see Busby!

  7. didn't Tiger Wood's 5th girlfriend crash into a barrier and get arrested for drunk driving?

  8. Yes, she was in the middle of sexting him.

  9. I have really gone soft since I became a family man. 10 years ago I would have yelled, "Hey Bilbray you carpetbagging kook, you suck!"
    But no, instead I yelled, "Hey Bilbray you carpetbagging kook, I hope you and your family have a nice holiday!"

  10. Hans said...

    The good vibe is because it's the Christmas Parade again.

    December 06, 2009 12:39 PM

    No. No Hans. It's not called that. It's was called the 52nd annual Encinitas Holiday Parade. Not the Christmas Parade. Sorry.

  11. I felt the organization was horrific.There was NO parking. We drove around for an hour, before parking and Jamrock.. they only let us park there b/c we ordered food to go and had a few rum punches. :)

  12. HipMamaB -----

    That is smart growth and mixed-use in Encinitas. High density mixed-use with no parking. Welcome to the city that has a City Council that looooves mixed-use and no views.

  13. Bilbray in a green vehicle.Ain't that akinda like Dalagar on a Jew float?
    avo st mafia


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