Friday, April 09, 2010

Cool Dorymen exhibit at the Encinitas library

Robert Wald, who puts out the fine free publication Ocean Magazine, has a really neat exhibit at the downtown Encinitas library right now. It's 46 photographs of all the classic original dorymen who operated out of Cardiff. Back when men were men and the lobsters were afraid. Go check it out.


  1. Now they are pussies in search of Bail Outs and Government Pensions.

  2. I read about it in Ocean Magazine and then went down to the library to check it out.I thought it was really interesting stuff. Great photos to be sure, but to know that just a few decades ago these guys were putting their boats in the Cardiff waves and making a living off the water, just off shore. Amazing men.

  3. We who know these old skills have a duty to pass them on to children lest they be lost forever. Step up retired generation with the lost skills - volunteer with your schools. It is our future. We have had our glut of cheap oil, cheap goods.


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