Monday, April 12, 2010

Secret Gardens of Leucadia

UT The old grove in Leucadia

Garden flourishes on the site of ‘avocado acres’

[excerpts] Over the years, the two have taught themselves to garden in Leucadia’s mild, dry climate. Mediterranean climate plants fit both their design aesthetic and their family’s needs.

The entrance to the Jollys’ garden is through a handmade lotus gate and beneath the huge red and purple blooms of a ‘Ruby Glow’ passion vine. The structure that supports the vine was built to keep trash cans out of the neighbors’ view corridor, but on tour day, it will be a lovely way to access the garden. The gate leads to a sloping pathway of brick set in circles, the spaces between filled with small gravel. This permeable surface controls runoff from the street and irrigates nearby plantings....

The fifth annual Encinitas Garden Festival & Tour, a self-guided walking tour.

When: Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit the Jollys’ garden and 22 other private gardens along with a greenhouse, the Paul Ecke School garden, The Monarch Program butterfly vivarium, and the newest Encinitas fire station garden.
Admission: $21 for adults in advance, $7 for children under 10. If space remains on tour day, admission will be $25 and $10.
The Gardener’s Marketplace at Orpheus Park in Leucadia is free and everyone is welcome. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., speakers will address topics ranging from composting to low-water plants to gardening with children.
Vendors will offer specialty plants, art, photography, food, and more.



  1. Cool. Last years in Cardiff was very nice, too.

  2. Wow. landscaping like the firestation zeroscape. Puke.

    Zero irrigation so 2 million more homes can be built. Just what I want!

  3. 8:08

    Hey man, those 2 million more homes will be zero irrigation homes, much like the impressive estates in Sun City. Don't you get it? Besides, we've seen an authority right here on the blog sort of say that they will probably find the water if we need it. Let's all cross those bridges when we get to them. Have a little more faith in SANDAG and our own experts. And pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.


Thank you for posting on the Leucadia Blog.
There is nothing more powerful on this Earth than an anonymous opinion on the Internet.
Have at it!!!