Saturday, April 17, 2010

Redeploy that old computer

Do you have an old computer in need of a good home?

I have a student who is a Marine Corps vet going to school on the GI bill and is without a computer. He is living and working hard on a very thin financial line. If you've got an old unused computer and want to give it a home, let me know (

On a tangential note, here is an interview (audio only) with a family who forgo a whole lifestyle to help and share with others.

The American Dream… that pervasive idea that everyone in America should own a big house with a white-picket fence, a couple of dogs, a mini-van and raise two perfect children. Some people work their entire lives and never even come close to the dream. But the Salwen family had achieved the dream and then some when they decided to give up their mansion in Atlanta and give half the sale price to charity. Inspired by their 14-year-old daughter, Hannah, the Salwens did what most wouldn’t do, especially in this economic climate, and they did it in the name of charity. [from kpcc]

The Salwens gave up consumer and creature comforts to give to others. No sacrifice requested here and if you are looking for a home for that old computer stuffed in the closet, you have the opportunity to put the computer to use and help out a vet.


  1. With all the money and benefits the federal and state governments are giving out to lazy good for nothings I can't believe there isn't some program for a vet to receive a computer. What a screwed up country. Lazy people and illegals get welfare from cradle to grave and those who actually work get the shaft.
    Brought to you by the liberal Democrats in power...

  2. Kevin, I have some computer parts that you can build a computer out of - a mo0therboard, a late Pentium processor and possibly more if he is computer knowledgeable. Interest ?


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