Friday, April 16, 2010

Stocks' wants to unseal complaint

A long-simmering conflict between several Encinitas City Council members moved into the public spotlight Wednesday evening when Councilman Jerome Stocks sought to unveil what he said were legal documents related to "petty political grievances" filed by Councilwoman Teresa Barth.

"I believe that this City Council must daylight these reports so that the press and the public can see what one council member ... unilaterally has insisted we squander taxpayer dollars on in her attempt to intimidate, harass and silence Mayor Dan Dalager and me," Stocks said, as he held up a large envelope marked "confidential."

More at the NCTimes.


  1. Jerome Stocks is the quintessential example of a RINO in GOP clothing. North County is Republican country, so if you want to get elected, you get a leg up by declaring yourself Republican when running for office. Once elected, too often the GOP establishment mindlessly backs such ersatz Republican incumbents for reelection.

    Indeed, it’s been my experience with local city councils north of San Diego, too often it’s simply impossible to tell the difference between most elected Dems and most Republicans. WAY too often they vote together, and almost always for bigger government, more regulation, more land grabbing and higher taxes.

    There are notable exceptions, but they STAND OUT as notable exceptions — such as Jim Gibson in Vista. This trend by Republicans to support RINOs is truly sad.

    --Richard Rider

  2. Why isn't it on next weeks agenda if Stocks wants it out so much? Teresa doesn't have a problem with releasing it.

  3. I agree Richard. Jerome is a tool and even looks like a RINO from the back.

    The Republican party has to get back to fiscal responsility and follow the constitution.

    Jerome stocks has to be run out of town for being owned by the Employees Union. He is a huge embaracement for the Republican Party. He help sink Encinitas future and is quintessential wantabe career politician that I despise. Carpet Bagger Bilbray is another. Sicking how screwed up our country is when Republicans and Democrats are trying to outdo each other in deficit spending and killing our kids future with unsustainable National DEBT. Say it Jerome DEBT, brought on by the PENSIONS YOU APPROVED! Never vote for an incumbent.

  4. Stocks is only partly doing this for himself; he's doing it to ensure the Wall of Sausage stays intact after November. The heats on Dalager and they're pedallng as fast as they can.

  5. i love red herrings...let the games begin.

  6. Stocked and SabinedApril 16, 2010 8:31 PM

    Scene: Desk
    Mood: Clammy
    Lighting: Weak
    Jerome enters stage left: Whaaaaa Whaaaaaa,she's not playing fair! I'se gets to be the one to make complaints!!! I'll show her, I'se gots the "top secret envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL" in big bad letters:( This'll scare the peejesus outta her, I'm gonna make it PUBLIC.
    Jerome sits at the desk, takes out a box of blank envelopes and tries to spell CONFIDENTIAL with a Sharpie, glancing at the scribbled prompt in front of him. After discarding 40 envelopes, he jumps up and waves his correctly spelled CONFIDENTIAL envelope as the strains of The Chariots of Fire ping pongs amongst his little grey cells.
    Scene: City Council Chambers.
    All night Jerome has been smirking more than usual, anticipating the reaction to his big gun marked CONFIDENTIAL. Finally, it is his chance and he leaps, waving the CONFIDENTIAL envelope...
    "I'se wanna tell youse, this here is real gud stuff, Barth is WASTING TAX PAYER MONEY, and I'se got the proof, right here in this here envelope....
    Jermone's eyes grow huge and crossed, a bit of slobber eeks out of the right side of his mouth....
    To be continued.

  7. Spells like a Tea party and Jerome is doing his best to be Palin he should have wore a skirt.

  8. 1 EYE-

    Dont put Jerry in there court. No Way. We will not have him.

    He is RINO all over the place.

    Bottom line- Jerome Sucks.

    Worse is Dalager!

    Never vote for an incumbent!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. fiscal conservative=buy things I wantApril 17, 2010 9:40 AM

    GOP "fiscal conservatism" is a myth and has always been so. Of those who still perpetuate it, not much complementary can be said. Seriously.

  11. Why is a complaint secret? This is our city and we should know what is going on. It is a public office. If Barth is suing I will help but let's see the complaint.

  12. It is not a lawsuit. If it were it would not be confidential.

  13. Doesn't Encinitas have a code about posting/placing campaign sign NO earlier than 30 days BEFORE the election??? Why does Sheriff Gore have his signs up on Encinitas Blvd??? Oh yeah, he is endorsed by Stocks and Dalager...they don't have to follow the law....


    I totally agree on Stocks but think Bilbray might be OK. He voted against the bank bailout and he wasn't in Congress during the worst years of Republican control.

  15. WC-

    Bibray is a career politician, part of the problem and needs to go. Never vote for an incumbent!

  16. 3:57
    No, Cabrones.....he was in IB - pretending to be a surfer. The guys a moron.

  17. Hey Cabrones
    If Bilbray "might be ok".....
    What kind of shoes do you wear?

    Right now I'm wearing Uggs; does that "profile" me as an illegal Australian immigrant?


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